Business News Releases

COSBOA: RSRT shows it is time for transparency and accountability for workplace related tribunals

THE Council of Small Business of Australia (COSBOA) today expressed comprehensive support for the findings of the inquiry by the Australian Small Business and Family Enterprise Ombudsman (ASBFEO), Kate Carnell, which examined the effect on Australian small businesses of the Road Safety Remuneration Tribunal’s Contractor Driver Minimum Payments Road Safety Remuneration Order 2016 - commonly referred to as the RSRT.

CEO of COSBOA, Peter Strong, says the Association and its members are also concerned that a tribunal of well-paid commissioners, such as the RSRT, could get things so wrong.

“A legal system that is funded by government and aims to improve safety on our roads must not fail. Yet this tribunal has helped destroy small transport businesses run by honest professionals and has created a toxic environment with dire mental health outcomes for self-employed individuals and families. There has been no improvement in road safety, and in fact, it may be argued the opposite has occurred,” says Mr Strong.

COSBOA notes a process called ‘vicarious liability’, where an employer can be held criminally responsible for an unsafe workplace – which includes where mental health is negatively affected.

The RSRT tribunal has failed the vicarious liability test, but is protected from any repercussions. COSBOA calls on the Australian Human Rights Commission to use its powers to investigate the behaviour of tribunal commissioners and the parties involved in the process because tribunals cannot be above the law.

Mr Strong continues, “There are individuals and families suffering the consequences of poor behaviour and carelessness from lack of due diligence. The process that was the RSRT must never be revisited. If nothing else, the RSRT showed that road safety will improve with industry involvement, not by regulating payments.

“This inquiry also shows the worth of the ASBFEO, without whom this failed process would be hidden from the public eye. This failure of legislation and regulation should be front page news,” concludes Mr Strong.

For the full report into RSRT by ASBFEO, please click here.

COSBOA is concerned to note that New South Wales is now considering a similar approach to the RSRT. Click here to read more.  

To view an article by Peter Strong on the issue, click here, COSBOA has written about RSRT before – see here for more.



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Accessible Tourism is theme of World Tourism Day 2016

TOURISM for all: people with disabilities, senior citizens and families travelling with small children, and sooner or later all citizens will appreciate the advantages of universal accessibility. This is why UNWTO has chosen to celebrate World Tourism Day 2016 on the theme of accessible tourism. Official celebrations will take place on September 27 in Bangkok, Thailand.

For the last quarter–century World Tourism Day, held annually on September 27 , has aimed to foster awareness of the importance of tourism and its social, cultural, political and economic impact. This year’s official celebrations will be held in Bangkok, Thailand on the theme of ‘Tourism for All – Promoting Universal Accessibility’.

Reaching universal accessibility in tourism is a shared responsibility of all parties involved in the tourism value chain, as well as a business opportunity for companies and destinations.

“Everyone has the right to access leisure and tourism services on an equal basis. Yet 1 billion people around the world living with disability, along with young children, seniors and persons with other access requirements, still face obstacles in accessing fundamentals of travel such as clear and reliable information, efficient transportation and public services, and a physical environment that is easy to navigate.  Even with modern technologies, those with visual, hearing, mobility or cognitive impairments are being left behind in many tourism destinations.” said United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon in his official message.

“All of the world’s citizens have the right to experience the incredible diversity this planet has to offer. Therefore, it is highly important that all countries and destinations, as well as the industry, promote accessibility for all in the physical environment, in transport systems, in public facilities and services and in information and communications channels”, said UNWTO Secretary-General, Taleb Rifai.

“This year's theme, ‘Tourism for All – Promoting Universal Accessibility’, is a challenge for Thailand and the world to recognize the necessity of accessibility in tourism and to accommodate everyone anywhere they may travel to (…) We have to understand the theory of Universal Design (…) As the world of travel and tourism is an expanding industry and the number of travelers increases every year, we have to ensure that travelling the world has to is as safe and seamless as possible,” explained Kobkarn Wattanavrangkul, Minister of Tourism and Sports of Thailand.

The official celebrations include a ‘Tourism and the Media’ session held on 26th September at Chulalongkorn University in Bangkok, and a full-day conference the following day. During the event, experts on accessibility and tourism will exchange views and best practices, addressing the need to work in cooperation to advance in the ‘Tourism for All’ agenda.

Creating an adequate policy framework for specific business development strategies, the need to increase awareness and capacity building targeting both decision makers and tourism professionals are some of the topics to be addressed during the conference. Andrew Stevens, Asia Pacific Editor of CNNMoney, will moderate this discussion.

The conference will also address innovative strategies in the development of accessible tourism infrastructure, products and services which add value to destinations and enhance their competitiveness on the global tourism market. A number of best practices will be featured with the aim of emphasizing the value of investing in accessibility.

The celebrations of World Tourism Day 2016 are being held in collaboration with CNN, UNWTO media partner.


Official Webpage of the World Tourism Day

Programme of the Conference

Research on Tourism for All

World Tourism Day Communication Kit

Official Messages



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Final call for Queensland tradie award nominations

NOMINATIONS are closing Friday September 16 for the 2016 Construction Skills Queensland (CSQ) Excellence Awards.

Industry body CSQ is calling for final nominations from Queensland apprentices, schools, trainers, training organisations and employers deserving of recognition for their efforts in the state’s construction workforce.

The CSQ Excellence Awards provide an opportunity to publicly celebrate and thank Queenslanders involved in all facets of the building and construction industry.

CSQ CEO Brett Schimming urged Queensland to get behind their local construction stars and nominate them for a well-deserved accolade.

“This is the time to acknowledge members of our industry who go above and beyond in their role on a daily basis,” he said.

“It’s vital that we recognise training commitment and encourage the next generation of our workforce to strive for excellence.”  

The 2015 CSQ Construction Apprentice of the Year Lara Nobel said there were many reasons to nominate for the Awards. 

“Being a part of the CSQ Excellence Awards was a great experience. It was a huge thrill to have my name read out on the night,” she said.

“Winning the Award has helped me to build my own credibility in the industry and gain exposure for my business.”

This year the Awards have introduced the TAFE Queensland SkillsTech Award for Innovation in Construction Training which recognises employers who are utilising cutting edge training methods.

The simple online application process means applicants can submit details at any time of day to suit them with assistance available during business hours if needed.

The website also provides the opportunity to purchase tickets to the gala awards evening. Tickets for the CSQ Excellence Awards are now on sale for $175 per person or $1600 for a table of 10.

The awards night will be held on Friday November 25 at the Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre.

For more information about the Awards contact CSQ on 1800 798 488 or visit


2016 Award Categories

Stars of 2016 – Outstanding Individual Achievement

  • Hutchinson Builders Award for Construction Indigenous Person of the Year 
  • National Association of Women in Construction Award for Construction Female of the Year
  • Civil Contractors Federation Award for Construction Professional of the Year
  • Master Electricians Association Award for Construction Trainee or Apprentice of the Year
  • All Trades Queensland Award for Construction School Student of the Year
  • Construction Trainer of the Year 

Excellence in Construction Training

  • Construction School of the Year
  • Registered Training Organisation of the Year
  • Innovation in Construction Training

Employer Commitment to Training Excellence

  • Watpac Employer Commitment to Training Excellence – General Construction (up to $20 million turnover)
  • Major Training Group Award for Employer Commitment to Training - General Construction (over $20 million turnover)
  • Employer Commitment to Training Excellence – Civil Construction (up to $20 million turnover)
  • Evolution Training Award for Employer Commitment to Training Excellence – Civil Construction (over $20 million turnover)

Judges’ Outstanding Achievement Award

About Construction Skills Queensland

Construction Skills Queensland (CSQ) is an independent industry-funded body supporting employers, workers, apprentices and career seekers in the building and construction industry. Funded by an industry training levy, we work closely with students, schools, employers, apprentices, industry partners, training providers and individuals across Queensland to build capability at every level of business. As a recognised industry leader, our mission is to promote the building and construction industry as a career of first choice, encourage investment in skills and training and increase the number of skilled workers in the industry.

For further information about CSQ’s services visit or call 1800 798 488.



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Australian convention bureaux staff convene in Brisbane

THE latest insights into the meetings sector will be aired in Brisbane as staff from Australia’s convention bureaux convene for their 27th annual flagship meeting from September 7-9.

To be held at the Emporium Hotel in Brisbane’s Fortitude Valley, the Association of Australian Convention Bureaux (AACB) Conference is attracting leading bureau staff and industry representatives from around the country.

The conference theme of “Collaboration: Better Together” will focus on collaboration within and outside of the sector along with the latest ideas and thoughts on professional development, innovation and research.

This year’s event is being hosted by the Brisbane Convention Bureau, and General Manager Rob Nelson said the event featured an impressive line-up of presenters.

“We’re delighted to hear from experienced industry leaders such as Mantra Group CEO Bob East, AEG Ogden CEO Harvey Lister, Star Entertainment Group Queensland Managing Director Geoff Hogg and Emergent CEO Holly Ransom,” Mr Nelson said.

“We’ll also receive presentations from Brisbane’s Chief Digital Officer Cat Matson and Peak Teams Director Ian Schuback.

“We’re looking forward to hearing industry insights from the experts and taking the opportunity to network with our industry peers.”

AACB CEO Andrew Hiebl said: “Convention bureaux, as true public-private partnerships, by their very nature rely on successful collaboration.

“In order to bid for business events or market a destination, convention bureaux must work closely with their stakeholders in the tourism and events supply chain as well as governments at all levels.

“Australian convention bureaux are global leaders from a bidding and marketing perspective. It is essential we continue to support a strong culture of leadership and staff development that ensures bureaux remain internationally competitive.” 

The annual staff conference helps drive knowledge transfer and the professional development of bureau staff. It provides a unique opportunity for competitors in the same industry to network, share ideas, discuss trends and issues and work collaboratively on growing the overall business events market in Australia.



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Ombudsman to use Royal Commission powers to probe banks

THE banks’ treatment of small business customers will be forensically examined by the Australian Small Business and Family Enterprise Ombudsman (ASBFEO) Kate Carnell, who will conduct hearings in the coming weeks to gather evidence regarding cases of alleged unconscionable conduct.

During an investigation into the nation’s banks, the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Corporations and Financial Services heard from various small businesses severely impacted by questionable banking practices. 

The Minister for Small Business Michael McCormack has asked the Ombudsman to look into these cases and determine whether subsequent government and industry reforms have done enough in addressing their problems and others like it.

“We have royal commission powers in situations like this and we plan to use them; we will conduct hearings and will use the powers set out in our legislation to require banks to appear and to provide us with the documentation that we need to thoroughly conduct this inquiry,” Ms Carnell said.

“There have been reforms made in this space, but what my office will do is make sure these changes go far enough to ensure small businesses are safeguarded against banking misconduct.

“I’ll be making recommendations to the government – and potentially to the banks as well – about possible changes, whether it be legislative, regulatory or even cultural, that may still need to be made to help prevent these sorts of situations happening in the future.

“We’re not in any way suggesting small businesses shouldn’t pay their debts; this is about addressing the imbalance of power between banks and small business owners, who in some cases have lost everything because their banks are basically riding roughshod over them.

“I’ve made the point in the past that small businesses who are at loggerheads with their banks over their finances, need a solution to their problem sooner rather than later; a royal commission may help mum-and-dad small businesses air their grievances, but it won’t save their business.

“Anything short of immediate action threatens the survival of small businesses who are struggling right now, and it’s my intention to ensure small businesses facing financial difficulties are given the help they need now, to allow them to survive and thrive.”


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