Have your say on priority areas for future CRCs

THE Turnbull Government is seeking input from the industry, science and research communities on priority research themes for upcoming selection rounds of the Cooperative Research Centres (CRC) Programme.

Public consultation opening today will identify possible themes and priorities for CRC and CRC‑Project selection rounds over the next two years.

The CRC Programme has played an important role in improving the competitiveness, productivity and sustainability of Australian industries.

The Australian Government has invested more than $4 billion since 1990 to fund 211 CRCs and 11 CRC‑Projects. This investment in research, innovation and science has had a strong role in supporting Australia’s prosperity, and benefiting society.

Future CRCs need to continue to match the needs and priorities of the Australian community.

Organisations and individuals submitting responses on future needs may be guided by the existing priorities and themes identified under the Industry Growth Centres Initiative, the National Science and Research Priorities or other government priorities.

Alternatively, respondents may wish to highlight gaps in existing research or emerging research challenges that would benefit from better collaboration.

Respondents will also be asked to rank possible priority themes including clinical health care, including remote and indigenous health; mental health; disaster response and preparedness; climate research; cybersecurity; and transport.

Going forward, the programme will remain open to all industry, research and community sectors but in addition, applications in identified national interest priority themes may be called for and/or prioritised for funding.

Applications addressing national interest priority themes will be assessed on merit through the standard competitive funding rounds for CRCs and CRC-Projects.

Further information on the CRC Programme can be found at business.gov.au/assistance/cooperative-research-centres-programme

Submissions on possible priority research themes can be provided here.

Submissions close on Friday 15 February 2017.


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