Airspace protection the focus of new discussion paper

NATIONAL airspace protection is the focus of a new consultation paper, with stakeholder feedback being sought on a range of proposals to modernise airspace regulatory arrangements.

Minister for Infrastructure and Transport Darren Chester said the paper aims to generate engagement with government, industry and community stakeholders on better approaches to this complex issue.

“The paper proposes a modern, consultative and risk-based approach to airspace protection around airports and critical aviation communications, navigation and surveillance facilities,” Mr Chester said.

“It also considers options to better protect low-flying aircraft from hazards operating away from airports.

“I am looking forward to feedback from interested parties as we work toward modernising airspace protection in Australia,” Mr Chester said.

Submissions on the paper will be accepted until 28 February 2017.

To view the Paper and for details on how to make a submission, visit: 

  • Public Consultation Paper released outlining plans to modernise airspace protection
  • Paper covers a range of proposals to protect critical aviation infrastructure while enabling better airport and off-airport planning
  • Submissions open until 28 February 2017


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