Business News Releases

Call for Encouraging Entrepreneurship facilitators

THE Australian Government is calling for organisations and individuals to apply to be one of three new Encouraging Entrepreneurship Facilitators.

From December, Entrepreneurship Facilitators will operate in three priority regions that are experiencing high levels of youth unemployment—Cairns, the Hunter region (including Newcastle) and Launceston— to help young Australians start their own small business.

Minister for Employment, Senator Michaelia Cash, said the pioneering initiative will provide practical support to young people who want to turn a business idea into a real-life, self-employment enterprise.

"Self-employment and entrepreneurship provide real opportunities for young people who are unemployed, but only a small number take up this option,” Minister Cash said.

Ms Cash said Entrepreneurship Facilitators in priority regions will help provide practical support to assist local young people develop their ideas into successful businesses.

"The Turnbull Government is supporting entrepreneurship and self-employment among young people as we fundamentally believe that the best form of welfare is a job,” Minister Cash said.

"Entrepreneurship is a powerful option for overcoming unemployment; however, only a small number of job seekers pursue this pathway.”

Encouraging Entrepreneurship Facilitators is part of the Government’s Youth Employment Package that was announced in the 2016-17 Budget. Entrepreneurship Facilitators will:

  • promote entrepreneurship and self-employment
  • encourage young people to develop new business ideas
  • assist potential young entrepreneurs in accessing assistance to support and establish their own business
  • link potential entrepreneurs to existing programs, including the New Enterprise Incentive Scheme (NEIS).

Applications are sought from organisations and individuals with strong and relevant regional knowledge and a commitment to youth business development.

The Department of Employment will host an information session for potential applicants via a webinar on 21 October 2016.

For more information on Encouraging Entrepreneurship Facilitators and/or how to apply, call 1300 733 514 or visit:

Applications close at 5pm AEDT on 3 November 2016. 



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Applications closing soon for the 2017 Rural Women’s Award

JUST three weeks remain to submit applications for the 2017 RIRDC Rural Women’s Award. This is one of Australia’s highest honours for rural women. It is a powerful program supporting women who aspire to lead positive change in rural industries and communities.

The Award has produced a networked alumnae of more than 200 rural women. It works to underpin and grow this dynamic and talented pool of rural leaders. Much more than just an award, it offers unique development opportunities, as well as access to a nation-wide network of business, community and industry professionals. 

All state and territory winners receive a bursary of $10,000 to bring to life an idea benefiting rural Australia. The bursary can be used for a broad range of project ideas, including overseas study tours and developing pilot programs and community initiatives. The national winner and runner-up, selected from the state winners, receive a further $10,000 and $5,000 respectively.

John Harvey, RIRDC’s Managing Director, encourages industry and the community to get involved and nominate emerging rural leaders. “This Award is an important avenue to recognise exceptional rural women from diverse backgrounds who contribute in many different ways. They’re community volunteers, farmers, business leaders and industry representatives,” he said.

Sophie Hansen from Orange, New South Wales was recently announced as the national winner of the 2016 RIRDC Rural Women’s Award. Sophie’s project ‘My Open Kitchen’ is a unique online learning course. Sophie is assisting food producers to embrace the power of social media to share their food stories and better connect with their consumers.

Sophie is thrilled to be part of this life-changing experience saying, “the Award celebrates inspiring women and the positive impact they have on rural industries, businesses and communities.”

The Award is an initiative of the Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation (RIRDC) in partnership with the state and territory agencies responsible for agriculture, primary industries and resources. The Award is proudly supported by Platinum Sponsor, Westpac Agribusiness and media partners, RM Williams OUTBACK Magazine, ABC Radio and Fairfax Agricultural Media.

Application forms can be downloaded from the RIRDC website:


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Anti-Crime Business Lobby Group launched

THE Australian Retailers Association (ARA) has announced the formation of AUSCAP (Australians to Stop Counterfeiting and Piracy), a coalition of industry groups, businesses and trademark owners working to stop the illegal trade in consumer goods.

ARA Executive Director, Russell Zimmerman, said AUSCAP was formed because businesses are seeking protection of their goods and intellectual property, while consumers need to be protection from counterfeit and fake goods.

“AUSCAP is bringing business together as a united front to engage with State and Federal government,” Mr Zimmerman said.

“Today, Australia has been recognised by the prestigious Economist Intelligence Unit as the best country in Asia with respect to its illicit trade environment.

“The EIU has identified that Australia has one of the leading intellectual property and customs environments in the world.  The Government, especially the Minister for Immigration and Border Protection, deserve credit for their insight in establishing the Australian Border Force (ABF) as an agency with a holistic perspective and powers across the border continuum.  ABF Commissioner Roman Quaedvlieg has led the organisation through a successful merger and is now delivering results.

“Against these high scores, Australia performed lower on transparency and trade score, including availability of track and trade services, and perception of the level of genuine engagement with stakeholders.  The commitment of the Government through the Border Force Industry Summit to be held again later this month and Industry Engagement Strategies released last year are a very positive step in this regard.  Implementation of the measures agreed will be key going forward.

“Australia’s demand for illicit products and law enforcement barriers across our Federal system also drag down our result on this measure, with much emphasis on action by Commonwealth authorities. However, resource-stretched state and territory policy and consumer affairs bodies also have an important role.

“Infringements to IP rights, in particular wide scale counterfeiting and piracy, now impact virtually every product category. The days when only luxury goods were counterfeited, or when unauthorised music CDs and movie DVDs were sold only on street corners are long past. Today, counterfeiters are producing fake foods and beverages, pharmaceuticals, electronics and electrical supplies, auto parts and everyday household products. Copyright pirates have also created multi-million dollar networks to produce, transport and sell their unauthorised copies of music, video and software."

Newsworthy examples in Australia include the seizure by Customs of 40-tonnes of counterfeit Omo laundry powder from China in terms of volume, and with respect to the sophistication of counterfeiters, the counterfeiting alleged in the case of the MAC Cosmetics.  Most concerning, the dangers of such goods received rare national attention when Sheryl Anne Aldeguer died after being electrocuted by faulty non-compliant goods, serving as a tragic warning of the need to address these issues as a priority.”

AUSCAP will lead a delegation of members and concerned businesses to Canberra later this year to discuss how Australia can continue to improve on its region-leading illicit trade environment.

About Australians to Stop Counterfeiting and Piracy (AUSCAP):

AUSCAP is a newly formed business coalition against illegal consumer goods established to facilitate a broad Business-to-Government and Government-to-Business engagement with respect to criminal conduct impacting business, focusing on crimes such as trademark infringement and smuggling which impact the value of IP rights to its owners.  Counterfeit and pirated goods also represent a danger to consumers, who are at risk from fake products which often do not meet safety standards.  AUSCAP is seeking to affiliate with BASCAP (, part of the International Chamber of Commerce) to leverage their global research on addressing issues across the supply chain locally, such as the role of Free Trade Zones and intermediaries in facilitating illicit trade.

Further information regarding AUSCAP can be accessed at

About the Australian Retailers Association:

Founded in 1903, the Australian Retailers Association (ARA) is the retail industry’s peak representative body representing Australia’s $300 billion sector, which employs more than 1.2 million people. The ARA works to ensure retail success by informing, protecting, advocating, educating and saving money for its 5,000 independent and national retail members throughout Australia. For more information, visit or call 1300 368 041.


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Locals invited to public open day at world class venue, ICC

INTERNATIONAL International Convention Centre Sydney (ICC Sydney) is inviting Sydneysiders to explore Australia’s premier convention, exhibition and entertainment precinct on Saturday 22 October, 10am – 4pm, before it officially opens this December. 

The Public Open Day will be the first time the community can venture through the doors of the highly anticipated, world class venue that is set to redefine the way business and entertainment events are delivered in Sydney.  

Visitors can take a tour through ICC Sydney’s state-of-the-art facilities, including the five star convention and exhibition centres, the largest purpose-built Grand Ballroom in the region, 9,000 capacity ICC Sydney Theatre, which houses Australia’s biggest stage plus red carpet arrival area.

Geoff Donaghy, CEO of ICC Sydney, said this is an exciting opportunity for locals and visitors alike to explore the iconic new venue and be immersed in its innovative integrated design.

“As one of Asia-Pacific’s most technologically advanced venues, ICC Sydney will host a calendar of high profile events year round. We already have more than 380 events locked in, including world leading exhibits like The Hunger Games: The Exhibition and performances from international superstars Keith Urban and PJ Harvey. We can’t wait to show Sydney the venue that will change the face of events for the city.”

NSW Minister for Transport and Infrastructure, Andrew Constance said the reinvigorated domain sits at the heart of the AU$3.4 billion redevelopment of Darling Harbour, and will play a significant role in boosting the local economy.

“ICC Sydney will contribute at least $5 billion to NSW’s economy over the next 25 years, employing at least 300 full time staff and a further 1,500 casual workers. The venue will support local food and wine industries and launch local producers onto the global stage. ICC Sydney is expected to attract hundreds of thousands of visitors each year to our vibrant city, driving enduring gains including business relationships, knowledge transfer and industry investment,” he said.

The Public Open Day is part of a three-month period of intensive testing, training and commissioning by the ICC Sydney team.

“ICC Sydney will be capable of holding multiple large conventions, shows and exhibitions simultaneously, all supported with world class service, facilities and technology. The crucial testing period will ensure our exceptional team is prepared for every type of event and that the venue is fully functioning to its industry leading benchmark ahead of our official launch,” said Mr Donaghy.

ICC Sydney can be easily accessed via public transport and features seamless pedestrian access and walkways plus a connective public domain.

ICC Sydney Public Open Day Information

  • When: 10am – 4pm Saturday, 22 October 2016
  • Where: International Convention Centre Sydney, 14 Darling Drive, Darling Harbour, Sydney
  • What: ICC Sydney will be open to the public, with the community able to undertake tours of the Convention Centre, Exhibition Centre and stunning ICC Sydney Theatre
  • How: Located in the heart of Darling Harbour, ICC Sydney is easily accessible public transport, including light rail, ferry and train and is only a 10 minute walk from Central and Town Hall train stations. Secure parking is available and conveniently located within the Darling Harbour precinct. ICC Sydney has multiple public access points with step-free access to every entertainment, exhibition and conference venue.

For more information on ICC Sydney, visit or join ICC Sydney on Facebook, LinkedIn or Twitter


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Downward pressure on IT pricing

THE PRICE of IT products in Australia will today be examined as the Joint Standing Committee on Treaties holds public hearings in Canberra.

Committee Chair, the Hon Stuart Robert MP, says the committee will examine an amendment to the schedule of concessions under the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, as well as a protocol to amend the air services agreement with Bahrain, a new air services agreement with Kuwait, and the Convention on Choice of Courts.

“By further liberalising international trade in information technology products, the recently negotiated amendments to the schedule of concessions will put downward pressure on the price consumers pay for some IT products in Australia, with flow-on effects up and down the supply chain,” Mr Robert says.

“Air services agreements, the schedule of concessions and the Convention on Choice of Courts will also have important effects for Australia.”

Mr Robert says people interested in the Committee’s inquiries can visit the Treaties Committee’s website for further information.


Public Hearing: Monday 10 October 2016, Committee Room 2R1, Parliament House, Canberra

11.30am: Air Services Agreement between the Government of Australia and the Government of the State of Kuwait; Protocol to Amend and Supplement the Agreement between the Government of Australia and the State of Bahrain relating to Air Services

12.00pm: Australia’s Accession to the Choice of Courts Agreement

12.30pm: Amendment of Australia’s Schedule of Concessions under the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 1994 (GATT) and the Marrakesh Agreement establishing the World Trade Organisation for Implementation of: Ministerial Declaration on the Expansion of Trade in Information Technology Products; and Ministerial Decision – Export Competition

More detailed programs for the hearings, including witnesses, are available from the Committee website.


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