Business News Releases

Hearing health to be discussed in Sydney

THE House of Representatives Standing Committee on Health, Aged Care and Sport will hold its first public hearing for the Inquiry into the Hearing Health and Wellbeing of Australia in Sydney on Tuesday, 15 November.

The hearing will focus on the treatment options for deaf and hearing impaired children. The Committee will meet with the Shepherd Centre, an organisation that provides intensive listening and speaking training to children fitted with hearing devices. Over 90% of the Shepherd Centre’s graduates enter mainstream schooling, the majority with communication skills on par with their hearing peers.

The Committee will also meet with Cochlear, the developer and manufacturer of one of the world’s leading implantable hearing devices, and with audiologists from the Sydney Children’s Hospital Network.

The Committee Chair, Mr Trent Zimmerman MP, stated ‘detecting and treating hearing impairment from an early age is vital to enable children to fully develop their listening and speaking skills. The Committee will be investigating the options available to the families of  deaf and hearing impaired kids and how Government can ensure that all children have the opportunity to receive the best treatment available’.

Further information about the Committee’s inquiry, including the program for the public hearing are available on the Committee’s website.



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Research centre to push SME focus

THE Institute of Public Accountants Deakin University SME Research Centre launched this week, is intent on ensuring that small business productivity and wellbeing remains a focal point within Australia’s economic agenda.

Speaking at the launch, IPA chief executive officer, Andrew Conway said that the emergence and evolution of the research centre comes at a critical time for the Australian economy.

“For too long it has been too easy for too many to claim to represent small business interests without concrete evidence. The IPA Deakin SME Research Centre changes that significantly,” said Mr Conway.

“We have already seen the impact of the publication of the first ever Australian Small Business White Paper. Our publication is generating a new level of public policy discourse that shifts the focus from the duality of government being seen as both the cause of small business regulation and the panacea.

“We know there are no easy fixes but what is important is robust, evidence-based policy input that draws on the combined wisdom of accountants as trusted advisers, regulators, policy makers and most importantly small businesses themselves. 

“We have to move the language, and we believe we have, away from small business as the "engine room" and "backbone".

“Small business is not just the engine room. Small business is the fuel, the labour, the foundation, the entire plant and equipment.

“And small business is not just the backbone; it is the circulatory and nervous system of the economy. Moreover, small businesses keep our communities and families going.

“We have an obligation to understand their drivers, their challenges and assist them to realise their potential. Through the realisation of their potential, we will realise our collective potential.  These factors will be key drivers for our SME research centre,” said Mr Conway.


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Resource employers welcome 10 year vision for METS sector

THE new 10 Year Sector Competitiveness Plan for Australia’s mining equipment, technology and services (METS) industry provides a clear roadmap for the development of a sector that is poised to drive significant economic and employment opportunities for Australia, says national resource employer group AMMA

Launched today at the International Mining and Resources Conference (IMARC), the 10 year plan is the result of extensive research by industry-led ‘growth centre’ METS Ignited in consultation with federal and state governments, industry peak bodies, and Australia’s national resource industry employer association, AMMA.

“Australia has an opportunity to be at the fore of an increasingly important global industry that is driving technology advancements, productivity and efficiency improvements across all key resource markets,” says AMMA head of policy Scott Barklamb.

“Australia’s resource riches, long established and highly innovative resource industry, and world leading education and research position our country to be global leader in this exciting area.

“AMMA congratulates METS Ignited on providing industry and government with a comprehensive plan for the future of Australia’s METS sector.”

AMMA strongly supports the five work programs identified in the 10 Year Competitiveness Plan:

  • Aligning the strategies of METS providers, miners and research institutions to ensure future innovations are driven by customer demand and industry needs.
  • Developing a stronger sense of value and brand identity for Australia’s METS sector.
  • Increasing the participation of Australian METS companies in domestic and global supply chains.
  • Providing platforms, both virtual and physical, for METS companies and researchers to come together to tackle practical problems for resource producers.
  • Supporting skills and employability to ensure Australia’s technical capabilities keep pace with evolving technical and industry demands.

“As a contributor to the 10 Year Plan, AMMA looks forward to continuing to work with METS Ignited, particularly in our key areas of expertise across productivity, social licence to operate, skilling, human resources and other people-related matters,” Mr Barklamb continues.

“Governments and regulators also have a significant role to play in reforming regulatory processes that impose unnecessary costs and compliance burdens on Australia’s METS industry.

“This includes an unproductive and often cumbersome workplace relations system, inconsistencies in OHS laws, serious issues in exploration and mining project approvals, and a lack of protection against increasing vexatious environmental and social activism.”

Click here to visit the METS Ignited website and download its 10 Year Sector Competitiveness Plan.




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New inquiry into innovation and creativity: workforce for a new economy

THE Standing Committee on Employment, Education and Training has launched a new inquiry into Innovation and Creativity: Workforce for the New Economy

The inquiry is a re-referral of a similar inquiry started by the Standing Committee on Education and Employment in the 44th Parliament. That inquiry lapsed when the Parliament was dissolved in May this year. The revised terms of reference have a renewed emphasis on public and not-for-profit incubators and accelerators, doctoral training practices and opportunities for generating increased economic activity through greater synergies among publicly funded research agencies and can be found here.

Committee Chair Mr Andrew Laming MP said continuing the work started in the last Parliament was important.

“An innovative and creative approach to building businesses will be a key to employing people in the future. I look forward to engaging with innovative businesses during the course of this inquiry.” Mr Laming said.

Committee Deputy Chair Ms Terri Butler MP endorsed this view.

“Innovation and creativity will be the key to educating people to be ‘job ready’ in the future. We need to find out what changes need to be made so that our education system inspires our next generation of innovators and creative thinkers,” Ms Butler said.

Issues the Committee has been asked to look into include:

  • The extent to which students are graduating with the skills needed for the jobs of today and of the future;
  • laws and regulations that may act as a barrier to education providers being able to offer qualifications that meet the needs of the new economy and fastest growing sectors;
  • Factors that discourage closer partnerships between industry; in particular small and medium enterprises, the research sector and education providers;
  • Opportunities for generating increased economic activity, including further investment and jobs, through greater synergies among publicly funded research agencies, universities and other Australian research institutions with businesses and industry; and
  • Relationships between tertiary education entrepreneurship programs and public, private and not-for-profit incubators and accelerators.

Submissions are open until 13 January 2017. Please notify the This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you intend to make a submission.

Further information on the inquiry, including the full terms of reference, is available on the Committee website.



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IMARC: Stagnating global production to drive gold outlook

INDUSTRY experts predict stagnating global gold production will have the biggest impact on the future price of gold, the International Mining and Resources Conference (IMARC) heard today.

Goldcorp Chairman Ian Telfer said after enjoying decades of growth, global gold production had peaked and was starting to decline.

“The amount of gold produced globally has continually gone up for about 40 years, but that’s started to flatten out and even go down,” he said.

“That’s going to have a bigger impact on gold prices than people think. Once the world starts to see that we have passed peak gold production and the volume of production goes down for the next 10 years, that will have a big impact.”

Mr Telfer said there had been no “secret sauce” to Goldcorp’s success, but the company had benefited from being able to buy assets during market slumps.

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Global trends impacting trade and investment opportunities exposed at IMARC

Changing economies, technology demands and consumer trends are forging a new breed of resilient miners that forever has an eye on operational excellence, managing risks and delivering returns to investors, the International Mining and Resources Conference (IMARC) will hear today.

The International Mining and Resources Conference runs until tomorrow, Thursday 10 November, at the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre.

The four-day event is covering all aspects of mining, from exploration, investment and production through to optimisation, technology, health and safety, policy and governance.  More than 2,500 delegates from more than 55 countries are in attendance to learn from more than 160 international experts.

IMARC also includes Australia’s leading mining investment forum, Mines and Money Australia, which connects miners with money and investors with opportunity.

IMARC Event Director Anita Richards said today activities would include the second day of the Exhibition alongside the conference which will focus on Technology, Investment and policy and framework within the International Mining Summit.

The day will conclude with the industry’s night of nights, the sold out IMARC Gala Dinner with the headline address from Mike Henry, President Operations, Minerals Australia at BHP Billiton.

“The challenges and opportunities of recent years has created a new normal for mining companies, forcing them to become more resilient to market conditions by optimising their operations,” she said.

“Today, IMARC looks at the global trends impacting trade and investment, how improved data and system interconnectivity is creating the digital enterprise of tomorrow, and how miners are looking to de-risk their projects.”

The IMARC Exhibition is free to attend and will showcase the industry’s latest innovations, technology and services.  The Exhibition includes Innovation Alley, which highlights new products and technologies, and The Mining Hub, which gives investors the opportunity to meet junior minors.

Highlights at IMARC 2016 on Wednesday 9 November 2016 include:






Ian Telfer, Chairman, Goldcorp

Is mining really a business?


David Moult, CEO & MD, Centennial Coal;

Ian Telfer, Chairman, Goldcorp; Michael Nossal, Chief Development Officer, Newcrest; Frank Holmes, CEO & CIO, US Global Investors

Panel Discussion: The current state of challenges and opportunities of operating in developed vs developing economies


Andrew Cole, CEO, Oz Minerals

A modern mining company


Mitch Hooke, Chairman, Partners in Performance

Advances and best practices in policy leadership and advocacy


Andrew Scott, Senior Director, Mining Information Technology, Barrick Gold

If Only Mining Companies Knew what Mining Companies Knew – Sharing Data Insights and Actions around the World



Bert Koth, Managing Director, Denham Capital

Private Equity in Mining – how it really works



Bert Koth, Managing Director, Denham Capital;  Jason Chang, MD & CEO, EMR Capital;  Andrew Cole, CEO, Oz Minerals

Panel Discussion: De-risking your project


Alan Oxley, Managing Director, ITS Global

The implications and advantages of foreign investment agreements.


Dirk Baas, Senior Advisor – Process Control, PanAust

Effective Communication From Pit to Port to Improve the Effectiveness of the Operation


John Tivey, Global Head of Mining & Metals, White & Case

How to attract investment to your region and what not to do given the reality of resources nationalism


Jeff Foster, General Manager, S2 Resources

The state of the industry: and why isn’t anyone investing in the future?


Richard Morrow, Partner, Baillieu Holst;

Peter Wright, Portfolio Manager, Bizzell Capital;  Rob Murdoch, Partner, Austex Mining

Which juniors to back and why?


Gerard Rheinberger, Exploration Director – Project Generation Group, Rio Tinto

How can minerals exploration benefit from collaboration?


Richard Schodde, MD, MinEx Consulting

The strategic benefits to governments from supporting exploration


Melanie Stutsel, GM Social Development and Policy, MMG

Managing social risk: getting more out of social investment


Dr Vanessa Guthrie, Chair, Minerals Council of Australia

Identifying themes and trends in reputational and operational risk


Mick Wilkes, President & CEO, OceanaGold

Achieving better health and environment outcomes for mining communities


Pernilla Lirell, Manager Mine Planning and Production Technology, Boliden

Driving production scheduling to optimise mining operations from the top down and bottom up


Mike Henry, President Operations, Minerals Australia, BHP Billiton

Headline speaker at IMARC Gala Dinner


Please see release and full agenda attached for today’s key speakers and events


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