Business News Releases

Upgrade of Reef HQ Aquarium

AT A PUBLIC HEARING on October 11, the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Public Works will scrutinise a $40 million proposal from the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority for facility-wide refurbishment and upgrades to deliver improved educational facilities.

These works are the final instalment of a two-stage program of $80.1 million in Reef HQ works.

This hearing is part of the committee’s inquiry into the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority Transformation of Reef HQ Aquarium in Townsville, Queensland. The committee will examine the need, scope, function and cost effectiveness of the proposed upgrades, and explore how the proposed works will transform Reef HQ into a global destination of excellence in tropical coral reef education.

Public hearing details

Date: Monday, 11 October 2021
Time: 11am to 12pm (AEDT)
Location: via teleconference

The hearing will be broadcast live at

Note: the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Public Works is not involved in the tendering process, awarding of contracts or details of the proposed works. Inquiries on these matters should be addressed to the relevant Commonwealth entities.


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Second public hearing on referendums

THE House Standing Committee on Social Policy and Legal Affairs will on Thursday hold the second public hearing for its inquiry into constitutional reform and referendums.

The Committee will hear from the Department of Finance and the Department of Education, Skills and Employment to discuss the Referendum (Machinery Provisions) Act 1984, and education and public awareness of the Constitution.

Chair of the committee, Andrew Wallace MP, said, "Hearing from the Department of Finance will be a good opportunity to discuss whether amendments to the Referendum Act are needed to ensure that the processes for contemporary referendums remain fit for purpose.

"The committee is also looking forward to learning more from the Department of Education about civics education in schools and the broader population, and whether there is more that can be done to inform and motivate people about Australia’s Constitution. Engaging students and the wider public in constitutional matters is important to ensure that all Australians can cast an informed vote during a referendum."

Further information about the inquiry, including the terms of reference and a full program for the committee’s hearing, is available on the inquiry webpage at

Public hearing details

Date: Thursday, 7 October 2021
Time: 1pm to 2pm (AEDT)

Due to Covid-19 restrictions, Committee proceedings held in Parliament House are not currently open to the public. The hearing will be broadcast live at



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CFMEU head office COVID-19 positive cases grow

THE CONFIRMED COVID-19 cases from the CFMEU Victorian head office protest gathering have grown to seven, spreading to innocent family members including, elderly parents, wives, brothers, and sisters as well as dozens of young children including two babies.

John Setka, Secretary of the CFMEU Victoria-Tasmania said, “The tragedy is that due to the actions of these reckless and selfish protesters, many of these members families who have been infected are very sick with the delta virus.

“These protesters are just selfish idiots with absolutely no care for anyone other than themselves. The have caused enormous stress and heartache for members families’ who were just doing their job on the day of the protest.

“While we welcome construction opening back up to 25% percent today, these members won’t be going back to work and along with their families will be in quarantine for two weeks with the added stress of so many family members being very sick and some hospitalised.

“The CFMEU along with the Building Industry Group of unions are committed to continuing to work tirelessly to get everyone back to work and do our bit to help stop the spread of this virus which doesn’t discriminate,” Mr Setka said.


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Global accounting profession unites to target net zero emissions

AUSTRALIA'S major professional accounting bodies, CPA Australia and Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand (CA ANZ) have joined 10 global and national accounting bodies to commit to net zero greenhouse gas emissions.

Today’s global launch is an initiative of The Prince of Wales’ Accounting for Sustainability (A4S) Project Accounting Bodies Network (ABN).

Representing more than 300,000 accountants globally, CPA Australia and CA ANZ acknowledge the impact of climate change and the urgency of taking national and international action to achieve net zero emissions.

A spokesperson said climate change was an economic risk. The accounting profession plays a significant role in tackling the challenges created by climate change. Accountants work in every sector of the economy. Achieving net zero emissions requires the skills and knowledge of accounting professionals, who are eager to help chart a course of action.

CPA Australia and CA ANZ have pledged to achieve net zero greenhouse gas emissions within their own organisations and to provide sound advice to governments for a just transition to a net zero emissions economy.

"We have also committed to providing training and guidance to our members to support them in reducing greenhouse gas emissions in their own organisations and businesses," the spokesperson said.

CPA Australia chief executive Andrew Hunter said, “The accounting profession occupies a privileged position in the global economy. As trusted advisers, we’re privy to deep business insights about sustainability risks and opportunities. This knowledge creates an obligation to use our skills to protect our environmental heritage. CPA Australia is a global organisation in a global profession and we’re proud to be part of the global response to climate change.”

CA ANZ chief executive Ainslie van Onselen said, “The pandemic has been a living example of the significant impact that non-financial risks can have on businesses and global economies. Climate change is a non-financial risk that is no longer an issue on the horizon, it’s here and now. CA ANZ is committed to equipping members to meet these new challenges. As customers and investors increasingly consider sustainability in their decision making, the accounting profession is well placed to support a just transition.”

Executive chairman of A4S Jessica Fries said, “The accounting bodies making this commitment are showing leadership in the fight against climate change. Accountants who work for the good of their businesses, and serve the public interest, have always been the backbone of stable economies. This commitment brings us closer to building a sustainable world.” 

The importance of today’s launch is underscored by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s (IPCC) Sixth Assessment Report, which revealed that Australia’s climate warmed by around 1.4 degrees celsius between 1910 and 2020. The economic impact of climate change is also gaining attention in the lead-up to the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26) next month.


CPA Australia and Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand are members of The Prince of Wales’ Accounting for Sustainability Accounting Bodies Network. This network represents over 2.5 million professional accountants and students across 179 countries. Twelve ABN members have signed the Net Zero Commitment. Read the Commitment here.



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Safety crackdown after hundreds of forklift incidents in NSW

SAFEWORK NSW is warning businesses using forklifts they will be visited after the workplace regulator releases astonishing figures noting an incident involving a forklift occurs every day, six days week.

SafeWork NSW executive director of compliance and resolution, Tony Williams, said incidents involving forklifts were one of the biggest issues Safework NSW faced in the manufacturing space and inspectors would be out in force and can fine operators putting people at risk.

“Over the last two years, SafeWork NSW has recorded an astonishing 598 incidents involving forklifts. Tragically five of these incidents resulted in workplace fatalities,” Mr Williams said.

“While not all incidents involve an injury or death, many of these incidents include collisions between forklifts or other vehicles, rollovers, and objects falling off forklifts when loading or unloading.

“The main factor we see in people being killed or seriously injured by a forklift is primarily inadequate separation between pedestrians and forklifts, which leads to pedestrians being hit by a forklift or its load.

“Almost 75 percent of all incidents happen in just five industries – transport, manufacturing, construction, retail and wholesale. We have issued 494 notices to operators in the same time the 598 incidents happened – almost 20 percent of workplaces don’t have simple seatbelt compliance in place.

“The use of forklifts continues to grow and they are great tools for all sorts of businesses, but if we are not doing it safely then people will be forced to stop using them,” Mr Williams said.

SafeWork’s 2021 Manufacturing Sector Plan, Forklift Compliance Project commences this month and will see Inspectors provide education to the industry along with conducting compliance checks against high-risk industries.

“While always checking on compliance, Inspectors will be out educating users on forklift safety and is warning businesses and drivers that if they are doing the wrong thing, they will be held accountable,” Mr Williams said.

“But we will also engage, educate and build strong working relationships with identified high-risk industries, small businesses and locations to embed a culture of forklift safety.

“We have already sent over 850 awareness letters to businesses encouraging them to get their workplaces in order in preparation of Safework inspectors turning up.

“SafeWork will be targeting those in high-risk industries, but any workplace in NSW that uses a forklift should expect a visit from a Safework inspector who will be looking at a range of issues including, licencing, traffic management, seatbelts, and forklift."


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