Lloyds Auctions offers Cellife RATS tests at $8 each for Australian businesses

AUSTRALIAN company, Lloyds Auctions is supplying more than 400,000 highly sensitive bulk Rapid Antigen Tests (RATs) to Australian businesses as one of the nation’s cheapest tests available at $8 each.

“Aussie businesses have been left with only breadcrumbs to survive on during this pandemic, so we are choosing to help support struggling businesses by providing bulk quantities of Rapid Antigen Tests for only $8 each with no limits," Lloyds Auctions chief operations officer, Lee Hames said.

“As Josh Frydenberg commented today, it is time for the private sector to take the baton and continue to run hard,” stated Mr. Hames.

The 400,000 tests available are known as Cellife, one of the highest quality RAT tests on the market and available for distribution now.

"It should be recognised that not only have individuals been struggling to get these tests but both small and large Australian businesses, these are the people keeping our economy going and they are struggling to continue trading without having these Rapid Antigen Tests on hand," Mr Hames said.

"For this reason, we want to guarantee a supply to as many Australian businesses as possible allowing them to specify the quantity they need."

Lloyds Auctions has made similar contributions towards the community back in March 2020 at the start of the pandemic, when they were fortunate to receive thousands of bottles of sanitiser when Australia had next to nothing available. The team came together to give these sanitisers away to the community and have come into a similar circumstance yet again with these Rapid Antigen Tests.

"Like many Australian businesses struggling to trade during the pandemic we actually put a call out to our Lloyds family desperately asking for goods to sell on our site and someone replied saying they had hundreds of thousands of Rapid Antigen Tests for sale," Mr Hames said.

"Again, our team purchased tens of thousands of those which we gave away for free to individuals in need.

"The response so far has been overwhelming both physically and emotionally for our team who are passionate about helping people who are really struggling to find or afford these tests, but it is very rewarding, and people are extremely grateful," Mr Hames said.

RAT tests can be purchased on the Lloyds Auctions website at www.lloydsauctions.com.au 

Contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 1800 456 588 for a custom quantity of Rapid Antigen Tests for delivery until supply runs out.


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