Business News Releases

AFP should retain counter-terrorism powers to keep Australians safe says committee

THE Parliamentary Joint Committee on Intelligence and Security (PJCIS) has recommended the Australian Federal Police be allowed to retain a range of counter-terrorism powers to protect Australians.

The PJCIS has today tabled its review into counter-terrorism powers held by the AFP, recommending that the following powers be extended to December 7, 2025:

  • stop, search and seizure powers under subsections 3UK(1), (2) and (3) of the Crimes Act 1914
  • control order regime under division 104 of the Criminal Code Act 1995
  • preventative detention order regime in division 105 of the Criminal Code Act 1995.

The committee made 19 recommendations to improve clarity, oversight and interoperability of counter-terrorism laws, as well as amendments to the Intelligence Services Act 2001 to allow the committee to undertake further reviews of the powers prior to their extended sunset period.

The Intelligence and Security Committee Chair, Senator James Paterson said the extension of these counter-terrorism powers would help protect Australians from the evolving threat of terrorism.

"The committee has assessed the use and effectiveness of these powers and has found they will continue to provide law enforcement the tools they need to counter the threat of terrorism. Eighteen potential or imminent terrorist attacks have been disrupted by law enforcement and security agencies since 2014 thanks to powers just like these," Senator Paterson said.

Further information on the inquiry as well as a copy of the report can be obtained from the Committee’s website.


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Qld Govt passes new renting laws but wait until 2024 for rental property minimum standards

TODAY the Queensland Government passed its new tenancy legislation with some amendments, calling it "striking the right balance between renters and property owners".

Advocates from the community sector have welcomed the long overdue rental reform acknowledging some amendments will improve Queensland renters’ rights.
Queensland Council of Social Service (QCOSS) CEO Aimee McVeigh said that some of the government’s reforms are an improvement for Queensland’s 1.8 million renters, but that more must be done urgently.
“The next stage of rental reforms must happen immediately in light of Queensland’s housing crisis," Ms McVeigh said. "Renters are competing in unbelievably tight rental markets with vacancy rates below 1 percent throughout Queensland and, even when they can find a place, there’s no guarantee that they’ll be able to stay in their home beyond six or 12 months.
“The reality is that the housing market is failing millions of Queenslanders, and government intervention is needed. Tenants need housing security and minimum standards like lighting, ventilation and energy efficiency and these protections must be provided by the law,” Ms McVeigh said.
A key element needed in the government’s next round of rental reforms is to permit tenants to make minor modifications to their homes.
CEO of Queenslanders with Disability Network (QDN), Paige Armstrong, said for many of their members, private rental is made all the more difficult due to the need for minor modifications to make a property accessible.
“It is disappointing to see that minor modifications have not been included in this round of rental reforms. There are over 900,000 people with disability living in Queensland, and a significant number rent in the private sector," Ms Armstrong said.
“It is really important for people with disability and many other people in our community to be able to carry out minor modifications. It helps people feel safe, to maintain their independence and carry out basic day to day tasks.  
“Renters with disability have been waiting years for these reforms and we need to see change,” Ms Armstrong said.
Penny Carr, CEO of Tenants Queensland, the state’s tenant advisory specialists, welcomed the finalisation of this first stage of the reforms which she said was long overdue and a welcome relief.
“Renters will find it somewhat easier to keep a pet and to have repairs attended to but they will wait until 2024 for minimum standards and will still be subjected to arbitrary evictions. These laws are not ones for a modern Queensland as they don’t offer strong enough protections from unfair evictions,” Ms Carr said.
Ms Carr acknowledged the government’s commitment to rental reforms and stated the changes included a number of positive changes for Queensland renters but overall were "still disappointing, falling well short of modernising the laws".
“Our focus will now be to ensure all Queensland renters understand the new laws, how to exercise their rights and meet obligations, without fear of eviction," Ms Carr said.
“We will be watching the impact of these reforms very closely to advise the government of any negative impacts on Queensland renters, then working hard to achieve greater outcomes in stage two."

The Housing Minister has committed to stage two of rental reform to begin in the first half of 2022 with minor modifications to be the top priority.


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Committee to scrutinise over $266 million in Defence Public Works

AT A PUBLIC HEARING on October 13, 2021 the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Public Works will scrutinise a proposal from the Department of Defence for over $266 million in public works supporting Australia’s Integrated Air and Missile Defence program.

This hearing is part of the committee’s inquiry into the Department of Defence, Facilities to support LAND 19 Phase 7B Short Range Ground Base Air Defence at RAAF Base Edinburgh, South Australia, and will examine the need, scope, function and cost effectiveness of the proposed new operational support and training facilities. It will also explore how the proposed works will provide fit-for-purpose facilities and infrastructure for the 16th Regiment, Royal Australian Artillery to raise, train and sustain new defence capability acquired under the LAND 19 Phase 7B Short Range Ground Based Air Defence program.


Public hearing details

Date: Wednesday, 13 October 2021
Time: 11am to 12pm (AEDT)
Location: via teleconference

The hearing will be broadcast live at

Note: the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Public Works is not involved in the tendering process, awarding of contracts or details of the proposed works. Inquiries on these matters should be addressed to the relevant Commonwealth entities.



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Hydrogen could fuel massive jobs boom - but only if gas mistakes are not repeated

THE Australian Workers' Union has today welcomed the momentum toward hydrogen by state governments, but has warned that the massive jobs potential of the zero-carbon fuel source will be squandered if governments don't learn from the lessons of natural gas.

The NSW Government says green hydrogen is essential to securing the long-term future of heavy industry such as steel and chemicals production and will create as many jobs as the coal industry by 2050. And the Queensland Government has given its blessing to the world's largest hydrogen manufacturing facility in Central Queensland. 

AWU national secretary Daniel Walton said the immediate jobs potential of hydrogen was obvious, but securing the many multipliers would require a proactive and strategic approach from government.

"Hydrogen is an incredibly exciting opportunity, because it offers fantastic opportunities to workers in the fossil fuel sector," Mr Walton said.

"So long as governments are proactive in making training opportunities available to workers there are obvious synergies and great opportunities to shift from one to the other."

However, Mr Walton warned that Australia's natural gas industry offered a salient warning to the government and voters.

"Australia is one of the most gas-rich nations in the world, but instead of using that wealth to provide affordable energy to our manufacturers, we've given multinationals a no-strings-attached license to pump it offshore to power jobs overseas," Mr Walton said.

"There is potential for the mistake to be repeated with hydrogen if we don't get our policy settings right. For example, if we're investing in hydrogen infrastructure, why not build the electrolysers here? We could be investing massively in Australian manufacturing capacity. 

"We also need a hydrogen reservation policy so a portion of the hydrogen we produce in this country is set aside to sell to Australian factories providing Australian jobs. We can become a renewable energy superpower, but we should be using that strength to help Australian jobs and Australian communities first and foremost.

"We know Australia can become a world leader in hydrogen export, as it has the natural resources for the production of both blue and green hydrogen. But if that's where our hydrogen ambitions begin and end we're leaving hundreds of thousands of quality jobs on the table."

Mr Walton also noted that if Australia was to develop a competitive hydrogen industry with the speed necessary it would need to take a pragmatic approach.

"Hydrogen is the fuel of the future, but we have to realistic in the present. The technology to produce pure green hydrogen at a commercially competitive price simply does not currently exist," Mr Walton said.

"To assist the industry in getting a foothold as soon as possible, hydrogen production in Australia must be from a mix of blue and green hydrogen. The green component can and should become a larger part of the mix as advances in technology permit.

"If we allow purists to insist that governments and industry focus solely on green hydrogen, the sector will remain in stasis for many years. Market demand does not exist for such expensive hydrogen.

"It is not realistic to insist on green hydrogen alone straight off the bat. No one will buy it and the industry will fail before it begins." 


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Equity raise gains traction in Australian greentech marketplace

THE ONLINE green building marketplace, Planitree, is seeing strong early support from more than 280 investors in Australia and overseas with an equity crowdfunding campaign delivered by industry veterans, Birchal.

Building and construction is responsible for 39 percent of all carbon emissions, according to Plaintree, and this Australian start-up is on a mission do something about it.

Planitree aims to accelerate the adoption of green building products and services by making it faster and more convenient to find, purchase and deliver the world’s best solutions for each project – at no cost to the planet through freight carbon offset.

“To get to a net zero economy we need to build greener, faster,” Planitree founder, Jeremy Barnett said.

By setting out to bring together the best solutions for sustainability and wellness, and making it easy to specify and purchase, Planitree aims to accelerate the adoption of green building technologies.

The offer is available on the Birchal platform at


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