Business News Releases

Victoria’s global competitiveness a key federal election priority

THE Victorian Chamber of Commerce and Industry has heralded today’s launch by the Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry of its key federal election policy platform aimed at boosting Australia’s global competitiveness.

Victorian Chamber Chief Executive Mark Stone said the Victorian Chamber had worked closely with the Australian Chamber in developing the Top 10 in 10: Ten steps towards a more competitive Australia platform.

“Victorian business plays an important role in Australia’s economy and stands to benefit enormously from the policy priorities outlined by the Australian Chamber today,” said Mr Stone.

“Top 10 in 10 outlines recommendations to increase Australia’s global competitiveness through practical measures that encourage innovation, lower business costs, reduce red tape and deliver world class infrastructure.”

“Over the past decade, Australia has fallen from 10th to 21st on the World Economic Forum’s Global Competitiveness Index, affecting not only our business and economic growth, but also our liveability.”

“We want to see Australia return to the top ten and are seeking a commitment from all political parties to implement reforms that will help us to become more competitive,” said Mr Stone.

The key recommendations outlined in the Top 10 in 10: Ten steps towards a more competitive Australia are: 

  1. Give young people a chance to succeed by making it easier for employers to take on apprentices and trainees
  2. Ensure government spending is sustainable by reducing it to less than 25% of GDP
  3. Help industries grow through workplace regulation that better responds to their needs
  4. Let entrepreneurs get on with growing their businesses by reducing government red tape each year
  5. Create jobs by allowing employers and employees to negotiate workplace arrangements that best meet their needs
  6. Boost incomes by cutting the company tax rate to 25% within ten years through annual reductions
  7. Build the transport, communications and energy facilities we need by backing the independent plan of Infrastructure Australia
  8. Lower building costs by bringing back the Australian Building and Construction Commission
  9. Encourage innovation and value for money by facilitating greater competition in government-funded education, health and aged care services
  10. Welcome more international visitors by making visas cheaper and easier to obtain 

For further information visit:

The Victorian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, established in 1851, is the most influential business organisation in Victoria, informing and servicing more than 15,000 members, customers and clients around the state.


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Queensland MPs urged not to risk North Stradbroke’s future

AUSTRALIA’S resource industry employer group, AMMA, strongly encourages Queensland MPs to today vote down proposed legislation that would prematurely end sand mining on North Stradbroke Island in 2019.

“All eyes will be on the Palaszczuk Government today and whether they are truly about ‘delivering jobs now and jobs for the future’, or whether that is just empty rhetoric,” says AMMA executive director Scott Barklamb.

“The transition away from sand mining will impact on the livelihood of hundreds of the island’s best paid employees, both sand miners and those that indirectly rely on the industry.

“The government’s plan to end sand mining in 2019 is highly premature and its failure to undertake a proper regulatory impact statement does not instil a great deal of confidence.

“Any timetable for ending sand mining on North Stradbroke must be supported by a thorough regulatory impact statement and a realistic economic transition plan that supports the island’s residents and community.”

Earlier this month, a Queensland Parliamentary Committee concluded that closing the mine in 2019, instead of the current legislated closure date of 2035, would cripple the island’s economy and community.

Further, Deloitte Access Economics has calculated that ending sand mining on North Stradbroke Island in 2019 (opposed to 2035) would cost the regional economy up to $1 billion.

“A 2019 closure to sand mining risks massively and unnecessarily harming the island’s economic and community well-being,” Mr Barklamb continues.

“This includes significant job losses for the local Indigenous community, which will also lose considerable revenue under an Indigenous Land Use Agreement when sand mining exports from the island come to an end.

“The sand mining employees that can transition to become waiters, baristas or take up other hospitality jobs are going to face a wait before tourism develops to replace mining, and their pay will fall considerably, if they are lucky enough to find a job.

“This is a $1 billion decision that the community of North Stradbroke Island cannot afford for their parliamentary representatives to get wrong.

“AMMA urges state MPs from all sides to today vote down these bills and instead commit to gradually wind-down sand mining over a more sensible timeframe – preferably 2035 but certainly no earlier than 2027.”


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Banksia Foundation welcomes Coalition's support

THE Banksia Foundation welcomes the Prime Minister’s recognition in acknowledging the leaders and innovators who are guiding Australia towards a more sustainable future.

On the weekend the Coalition issued their Policy to Support Local Parks and the Environment. With a total investment of $30 million to support local parks and environment that are at the heart of Australia’s communities and neighbourhoods, the Coalition’s support of the Banksia Foundation as part of this investment will ensure that Australia’s most prestigious sustainability accolade continues to grow in importance and influence.

The Banksia Foundation has been seeking out and recognising excellence in the sustainability arena for over 28 years through the Banksia Sustainability Awards. Banksia recognises that in pursuing environmental sustainability it is important to also be socially responsible and financially viable.

Getting the balance right is critical and often difficult to achieve but over the years Banksia’s winners have been able to demonstrate leadership in triple bottom line sustainability, continually raising the benchmark in business and throughout the community.

The Environment Minister, Greg Hunt is a keen supporter of the Awards and has shown his own leadership in creating the Environment Minister’s Award categories for a Cleaner Environment which includes an award for Science and Research and an award for Community Environmental Leadership.

Two vastly different perspectives but Minister Hunt recognises how diverse sustainability leadership needs to be, if we are to enact change on a large scale. Minister Hunt believes that through the Banksia Sustainability Awards and his own Minister’s Award categories, we can educate the rest of Australia on how we are achieving success, locally, nationally and internationally and thereby encourage further innovation.

Key Facts and Figures

The Banksia Foundation is a well-established not-for-profit organisation in Australia, dedicated to working with industry and community to create an array of platforms to focus attention on sustainable development.

The Banksia Foundation was founded in 1989 in Melbourne by a diverse group of 44 Australians, who shared a common goal; to support and recognise members of the community for their positive contribution to the environment.

Today, Banksia is a strong and expanding brand and its Awards program, the Banksia Sustainability Awards, is regarded as the most prestigious and longest running sustainability awards in Australia.

The 2016 Banksia Sustainability Awards are now open for entry. Entry closes August 26 2016. 


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Silicon Dragon forum in Australia examines how Sydney fares as a fintech hub

SILICON DRAGON is bringing its well-known venture and tech forum series to Sydney, to focus on fintech innovations and fast-rising startups in Australia . This founder and investor forum will be held ON May 31 FROM 4PM TO 8PM.

The program will assess the future of disruptive fintech startups and emerging companies that are having an impact in Australia , in Asia and beyond. Speakers include leaders drawn from investors, accelerators and entrepreneurs in the fintech space including Alex Scandurra of Stone & Chalk, Ben Heap of H2Ventures, Andrew Corbett-Jones of Tyro Fintech Hub and James Mabbott of KPMG Innovate. The panelists will explore how Sydney fares as the region's startup hub.

Five Australian founders who were named as winners in the recent Forbes Asia issue, 30 under 30, will take the stage to tell how they are getting ahead in today's competitive marketplace with disruptive technologies and business models.  

The Silicon Dragon Sydney 2016 conference comes at a pivotal time for Asia's rise in technology innovation, and Australia's place in this region's emergence. Welcome remarks will be made by Duncan Challen, Executive Director of the NSW Department of Industry.

Now in its 6th year, Silicon Dragon is led by founder Rebecca Fannin , an expert on global innovation trends, a Forbes contributor, and author of two well-received books - Silicon Dragon (McGraw-Hill, 2008) and Startup Asia (Wiley, 2011), plus co-author of Innovation in Emerging Markets (Palgrave Macmillan, 2016) .

The Silicon Dragon conference brings together business leaders, entrepreneurs, venture capitalists, angel investors and leaders of the startup ecosystem for discussions on what's next in Australia's emerging tech and venture markets. Participants will gain insights on how to raise financing and develop strategies to succeed in the region and in leading innovation hotspots such as Silicon Valley.

Main Sponsors

NSW Department of Industry
UniSA Center of Business Growth 

To register online and to obtain full program details, visit For questions, contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

About Silicon Dragon

Silicon Dragon runs a series of tech innovation and venture investment forums in Asia , the U.S. and Europe , publishes the  e-newsletter Silicon Dragon News , provides consulting and research services, and develops thought leadership reports. Formed in 2010 by author and Forbes contributor Rebecca Fannin , Silicon Dragon has locations in San Francisco , New York and Hong Kong , and reaches 25,000 business and tech professionals globally. 


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2016 eftpos ARA Australian Retail Awards - entries open

THE Australian Retailers Association (ARA) is proud to announce the opening of submissions for the 2016 eftpos ARA Australian Retail Awards.

The 2016 program boasts a collection of awards representing the breadth of talent and achievement in the ever-changing retail landscape. As Australia’s first and largest national retail awards program, the ARA Awards have now celebrated Australia’s leading retailers for over 40 years.

Major event sponsor, eftpos, is excited to support the ARA Awards for a third consecutive year. “Retail plays a vital role in the daily lives of all Australians and it’s important that we recognise the industry’s contribution through these awards,” eftpos Managing Director, Mr Bruce Mansfield, said.

“eftpos CHQ and SAV has supported everyday payments at Australian retailers for the past three decades and we are proud to sponsor these prestigious awards to honour the hard working men and women who serve their customers every day."

ARA Executive Director, Russell Zimmerman, eagerly anticipates the event held on Wednesday 10 August in Melbourne will the biggest and best awards event to date.

“The ARA Awards represent a national platform to showcase the best of the industry, recognising the extraordinary and innovative work of those moving retail forward. The Awards breakfast is an opportunity for retailers to share their inspiring retail success stories, and gain industry insights from esteemed guest speakers and valuable sponsors.

“Retailers are looking forward to strengthening industry conditions in the coming year, and we can share this optimism and enthusiasm through the experiences of those thriving within the sector.

“Retailing is an exceptionally important industry for the Australian economy - driven by hardworking individuals and businesses – and the ARA is proud to acknowledge these deserving retailers.

“The Awards span a range of categories reflecting the diversity of Australian retail – from small owner operators, retail graduates and HR practitioners, through to multichannel retailers, industry innovators and outstanding store fit-outs.  And not to mention the coveted eftpos ‘Retailer of the Year’ award!” Mr Zimmerman said.

The ARA encourages all retailers to submit an entry or nominate an exceptional retail employee.

Category details, submission forms and early bird tickets are available now at


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