Victoria’s global competitiveness a key federal election priority

THE Victorian Chamber of Commerce and Industry has heralded today’s launch by the Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry of its key federal election policy platform aimed at boosting Australia’s global competitiveness.

Victorian Chamber Chief Executive Mark Stone said the Victorian Chamber had worked closely with the Australian Chamber in developing the Top 10 in 10: Ten steps towards a more competitive Australia platform.

“Victorian business plays an important role in Australia’s economy and stands to benefit enormously from the policy priorities outlined by the Australian Chamber today,” said Mr Stone.

“Top 10 in 10 outlines recommendations to increase Australia’s global competitiveness through practical measures that encourage innovation, lower business costs, reduce red tape and deliver world class infrastructure.”

“Over the past decade, Australia has fallen from 10th to 21st on the World Economic Forum’s Global Competitiveness Index, affecting not only our business and economic growth, but also our liveability.”

“We want to see Australia return to the top ten and are seeking a commitment from all political parties to implement reforms that will help us to become more competitive,” said Mr Stone.

The key recommendations outlined in the Top 10 in 10: Ten steps towards a more competitive Australia are: 

  1. Give young people a chance to succeed by making it easier for employers to take on apprentices and trainees
  2. Ensure government spending is sustainable by reducing it to less than 25% of GDP
  3. Help industries grow through workplace regulation that better responds to their needs
  4. Let entrepreneurs get on with growing their businesses by reducing government red tape each year
  5. Create jobs by allowing employers and employees to negotiate workplace arrangements that best meet their needs
  6. Boost incomes by cutting the company tax rate to 25% within ten years through annual reductions
  7. Build the transport, communications and energy facilities we need by backing the independent plan of Infrastructure Australia
  8. Lower building costs by bringing back the Australian Building and Construction Commission
  9. Encourage innovation and value for money by facilitating greater competition in government-funded education, health and aged care services
  10. Welcome more international visitors by making visas cheaper and easier to obtain 

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The Victorian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, established in 1851, is the most influential business organisation in Victoria, informing and servicing more than 15,000 members, customers and clients around the state.


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