Advertising, Media & Marketing

Retailers say ad ban is ‘unhealthy’

The Australian Retailers Association (ARA) has criticised the Queensland Prevention Alliance’s call last month for a total ban of food and drink advertising directed at children.

ARA executive director Richard Evans said a ban on advertising completely legal products and services was stripping retailers of their right to compete against opponents in the marketplace.

“Advertising is a competitive tool used as part of any standard marketing mix. For many retailers the only time to reach busy working mums with advertising messages is when they are watching television or spending time with their children – and it is the retailer’s prerogative to exercise this right. This is an attack on retailers’ right to compete and a government that supports the ban of food and drink advertising is a government that supports anti-competitive behaviour.

“If we start to consider the total ban of food and drink advertising – keeping in mind these are completely legal products – one has to wonder where the line will be drawn,” Mr Evans said.


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