Business News Releases

QRC chief releases statement on 457 visas

QUEENSLAND Resources Council chief executive Ian Macfarlane has released a statement on the abolishment of 457 visas in relation to the mining and resources industries in Australia.

"The natural resources sector is no longer a significant employer of 457 visa holders, with further recent decreases since the mining construction boom days," Mr Macfarlane said.

"Those that are employed possess highly specialised skills and experience, particularly, university degrees. The QRC welcomes Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull saying we’ll only take the best and brightest from overseas.

"The total number of 457 visas given to workers in the mining industry in 2015/16 was a quarter of that of industries with health services and a fraction of the hospitality industry.

"Last financial year, 457 visa holders in the Queensland mining industry decreased by 26.5 percent. Hospitality, health care, education, construction, manufacturing, IT and professional services are the big users of 457 visas.

"QRC is working with the resources industry to build the numbers of young people taking up a resources career.

"The QRC’s own Queensland Minerals and Energy Academy (QMEA) builds educational capacity and skills in local regions by facilitating a range of both professional and vocational STEM experiences for students and their teachers from years 7 to 12.

"Growing the skills base in communities is a great investment for the company and the locals and is a valuable part of resource companies’ social and economic responsibilities in the areas where they operate."


Skilled migration must stop being fodder for cheap politics - AMMA

RESOURCE industry employers welcome any Australian Government moving to ensure our nation’s skilled migration systems are fit for our current economic circumstances and have the full confidence of the Australian public.

In this context, today’s replacement of the 457 Visa program with a new temporary immigration program will help ensure skilled migrants, and the significant contribution they make to our nation, is no longer trivialised and leveraged for cheap political point-scoring.
However, it should be recognised that the 457 Visa program has worked as intended. The system was built to be responsive to changes in our economy and fluctuating labour demand, and has delivered on this objective.
The resource industry is one sector that has seen a dramatic change in labour demand and skills availability in recent years.
The same temporary skilled migration programs that were critical to filling crippling skills shortages during the major project investment and construction boom, have more recently seen numbers drop to almost non-existent, as skills and labour pressures have eased.
Department of Immigration figures show the resource industry as making 6,630 applications for 457 visas in 2011-12, falling to 2,600 in 2013-14 and just 230 in 2016-17.
Clearly, any groups characterising the 457 Visa program as detracting from Australian job opportunities have been misinformed at best, and acting mischievously at worse.
If today’s announcement is at all effective at silencing the cheap politics and scaremongering that has taken place around temporary skilled migration in recent years, AMMA would welcome that outcome.
But overhauling a responsible skilled immigration policy that has proven highly responsive to labour demand and supported nation-building projects, is hardly the type of ‘big picture’ policy thinking that will address Australia’s pressing employment and economic challenges.
The government’s attention would be better directed at tackling Australia’s job-killing workplace relations system which, unlike 457 visas, has proven to be a major barrier to competitiveness and employment growth.
Learn more about the resource industry’s campaign for workplace relations change.


QRC backs funding for new gas infrastructure

THE Queensland Resources Council supports the State Government’s move to seek federal funding to build new infrastructure to emerging gas producing areas.

QRC chief executive Ian Macfarlane said the announcement today would pave the way for more gas supply into the east coast market from the Bowen and Galilee Basins. 

“It’s common knowledge the eastern seaboard of Australia is facing a gas shortage and instead of putting their head in the sand the government is looking at how to fix the problem,” Mr Macfarlane said. 

“This is another proactive step by the Queensland government following an announcement of new land releases in the Surat Basin for gas exploration.”

The State Government is asking for funding from the Federal Government through the Northern Australia Infrastructure Facility (NAIF).

“NAIF funding for gas pipelines is a good idea to release stranded gas,” Mr Macfarlane said.

“Once again Queensland is leading the way in securing the energy security of Australia.”

In another positive sign for the resources industry geologists have unearthed evidence of platinum and gold as well as Rare Earth Elements (REE) in the state’s mineral rich north west.

“These types of minerals are used in new technologies including batteries, mobile phones and solar panels,” Mr Macfarlane said.

“Last year the QRC launched its ‘Resourcing Innovation’ campaign about the importance of minerals for new cutting edge technologies and Queensland’s contribution to the future of these technologies will be significant with the potential of this discovery.”

The QRC also backs the continued funding of the Great Artesian Basin Sustainability Initiative (GABSI).

“The GABSI initiative preserves the artesian basin waters and protects artesian water pressures for the graziers industry.”


Goal posts move in right direction for small business

THE Institute of Public Accountants (IPA) has commended the Government’s move for small business to gain access to most tax concessions by moving the small business threshold from $2 million to $10m.

“Moving the small business threshold goal post is long overdue and while it doesn’t apply to small business capital gains tax concessions, many small businesses will appreciate having access to the suite of small business concessions (eg lower company tax rate, $20K instant asset write off),” said IPA chief executive officer, Andrew Conway.

“The small business threshold has not been indexed since it was introduced so an uplift is warranted but it is a pleasant surprise for it to be raised to $10m as announced in last year’s budget.

“This means that small businesses with a turnover of up to $10m will now have certainty on tax concessions that will be applied for this current financial year as they apply from 1 July 2016. 

“Entities with a turnover of up to $10m are more likely to generate greater economic benefits as they are generally employing entities, compared to the 61 percent of entities with a turnover below $2m which do not employ staff.

“This is a great result for small businesses considering that the measures had stalled in the Senate until the last sitting day before the Federal budget,” said Mr Conway.


New cybersecurity inquiry launched

THE Joint Committee of Public Accounts and Audit has launched an inquiry into Cybersecurity Compliance as part of its examination of Auditor-General reports. The Committee’s inquiry is based on the 2016-17 Auditor-General Report No. 42 Cybersecurity Follow-up Audit.  

Committee Chair, Senator Dean Smith, said that, as Parliament’s joint public administration committee, the JCPAA has an important role in holding Commonwealth agencies to account.

“Cybersecurity is integral to protect Government systems and secure the continued delivery of Government business. Government entities are required to implement mitigation strategies to reduce the risk of cyber intrusions. The Committee is continuing its oversight of entities’ compliance with the mandated strategies with the launch of this Inquiry,” Senator Smith said.

The JCPAA is a central committee of the Parliament and has the power to initiate its own inquiries on the Commonwealth public sector. The Committee examines all reports of the Auditor-General tabled in the Parliament and can inquire into any items, matters or circumstances connected with these reports.

The Committee invites submissions to the inquiry by Thursday 27 April 2017, addressing the terms of reference. Further information about the inquiry can be accessed via the Committee’s website.

Interested members of the public may wish to track the committee via the website


Implementation is critical: Committee supports Future Submarine Treaties with caveats

TODAY, the Joint Standing Committee on Treaties tabled its report on two treaties with France that will work to support the Future Submarine Program.

Framework Agreement concerning Cooperation on the Future Submarine Program

The Agreement provides the international legal framework for the Government’s Future Submarine Program. The Agreement provides for the transfer of French Government-owned information relating to the design, build, operation and sustainment of the Future Submarine to the Australian Government.

It also notes the importance of Australia’s efforts to maximise Australian industry involvement in the design, build and maintenance of the Future Submarine and provides opportunities for Australian and French industry cooperation in the project.

Committee Chair, Stuart Robert MP said the Future Submarine Program is a $50 billion investment in Australia’s submarine capability and represents the largest defence acquisition in Australia’s history.

“The Committee strongly supports the proposed Agreement however, it is merely the first step in ensuring Australia’s national interests in the FSP are protected and maximised. The proposed Agreement provides a solid starting point to overcome some of the critical and costly issues that have been experienced in other defence acquisition projects.

“The Committee, as a result, recommends that the Parliament proceed with binding treaty action. However, the Committee makes recommendations to Government that will ensure the implementation of the Agreement maximises Australian interests in this important program," Mr Robert said.

Agreement regarding the Exchange and Protection of Classified Information

The Report also presents the Committee’s review of an agreement with France for the exchange and protection of classified information.

 “As with previous classified information exchange agreements, the Committee’s review seeks to ensure that Australian classified information provided to France, or a French contractor, is handled appropriately, is sufficiently protected and is accessed only by those duly authorised,”

“The Committee expresses its concern that Australia’s chosen contractor for the Future Submarine Program, DCNS, did not have sufficient processes to prevent the unauthorised access of classified information on another project, the submarine fleet for the Indian Government. The Committee understands DCNS has rectified this. Further, the Committee recommends the Government bring forward as a matter of urgency its work program to enable continuous vetting, namely connecting state and federal law enforcement with the vetting agency”. Mr Robert said.

The Committee’s report is available from its website.

The Chair and Deputy Chair will speak to the report in the House of Representatives when parliament resumes in May.


Retailers get their eggs out for Easter

WITH two weeks to go until Easter, the Australian Retailers Association (ARA) says consumers are already filling their shopping baskets with all sorts of Easter treats.

ARA Executive Director, Russell Zimmerman said although many retailers push their Easter products just after the new year, the bulk of Easter sales do not occur until the fortnight before Good Friday.

“Even though the Easter sales period is shorter than the Christmas period, this holiday is still a strong trading event for retailers as many shoppers over cater for their Easter lunch and the Easter holiday period.

“The best-selling items for this holiday usually include hot cross buns, seafood, fresh produce, liquor and of course all things chocolate,” Mr Zimmerman said.

As most retailers are unable to trade on Good Friday and Easter Sunday there will also be an increase in general food and beverage sales as consumers stock up on the holiday essentials and entertaining supplies before the shutdown period.

With a number of bakeries creating delicious new variations on the classic hot cross buns, Ferguson Plarre Bakehouses predicts around 180 million buns will be sold this Easter, a 20 percent increase from last year.

“Easter is the biggest trading time of year for most Australian bakeries, and hot cross buns represent a huge segment of Easter sales,” Mr Zimmerman said.

With many Australians upholding a traditional seafood lunch for Good Friday, many seafood retailers will also be preparing for large crowds.

The Sydney Fish Market will put extended hours in place to accommodate for its single busiest trading day of the year, operating from 5.00am until 5.00pm on Good Friday. The market is expecting over 50,000 people to walk through its doors on this day, and predicts more than 500 tonnes of seafood to be traded.

General manager at Sydney Fish Market, Bryan Skepper said that although Sydney might have seen its fair share of wet weather recently, this climate is good news for seafood lovers.

“The recent rains will freshen the coastal waterways resulting in great catches and an abundance of fish in the lead up to Easter,” Skepper said.

As Easter is much later than last year, Mr Zimmerman believes many retailers will be able to pick up additional sales with new ideas and targeted offers.

“Easter is a key sales period for retailers and every year we see retailers increase their sales with innovative Easter products,” Mr Zimmerman said.

“With winter fashion already being delivered in store, consumers will also start their winter shopping during the Easter trading period, to get ready for the new season’s arrival.”

About the Australian Retailers Association:

Founded in 1903, the Australian Retailers Association (ARA) is the retail industry’s peak representative body representing Australia’s $310 billion sector, which employs more than 1.2 million people. The ARA works to ensure retail success by informing, protecting, advocating, educating and saving money for its 7,500 independent and national retail members throughout Australia. For more information, visit or call 1300 368 041.



February retail trade figures prove disappointing

THE Australian Retailers Association (ARA) said the retail trade figures released today by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) represent a lower than expected growth for the industry with 2.68% total growth year-on-year.

 Although the February retail figures are lower than expected ARA Executive Director, Russell Zimmerman said this moderate growth is disappointing for a number of areas within the retail sector.

“We are starting to see discretionary spend impacted in these figures with the exception of cafes, restaurants and takeaway food services,” Mr Zimmerman said.

Clothing, footwear and personal accessory retailing saw a disappointing increase of 0.85% year-on-year, a distinct drop from last month’s increase of 5.18% year-on-year given the hot weather to throughout the Eastern seaboard.

A consolation to these modest figures is the slow but steady improvement in supermarkets with a 3.78% increase year-on-year as consumers allocate more of their spending on essential food items.

February trade figures remain steady across the board with all states showing a steady growth. New South Wales (3.28%) and South Australia (3.94%) lead the pack with stable year-on-year growth. While Victoria (2.62%), Queensland (2.79%), Tasmania (2.73%), Australian Capital Territory (2.34%), Northern Territory (1.15%) and Western Australia (0.38%) also show a moderate growth for February sales.

“Although we are experiencing a cooling off period in retail sales, we are confident that the reduction in the company tax rate for businesses with an annual turnover of less than $50 million will benefit hundreds of thousands small and medium-sized businesses, their employees and the broader Australian community,” Mr Zimmerman said.

“The only way to broadly grow the economy is to deliver further tax cuts to all sized businesses to grow jobs, bring inbound investment and keep Australian businesses investing in Australia".

MONTHLY RETAIL GROWTH (January 2017– February 2017 seasonally adjusted)

Food retailing (0.3%), Household goods retailing (-0.4%), Clothing, footwear and personal accessory retailing (-2.5%), Department stores (0.8%), Other retailing (0.0%) and Cafes, restaurants and takeaway food services (0.0%). Total sales (0.1%).  

New South Wales (0.4%), Victoria (-0.3%), Queensland (-0.2%), South Australia (0.1%), Western Australia (-0.7%), Tasmania (-0.5%), Northern Territory (0.4%) and Australian Capital Territory (-0.5%).

YEAR-ON-YEAR RETAIL GROWTH (February 2016 – February 2017 seasonally adjusted)

New South Wales (3.28%), Victoria (2.62%), Queensland (2.79%), South Australia (3.94%), Western Australia (0.38%), Tasmania (2.73%), Northern Territory (1.15%) and Australian Capital Territory (2.34%).

Food retailing (3.69%), Household goods retailing (1.12%), Clothing, footwear and personal accessory retailing (0.85%), Department stores (-2.96%), Other retailing (2.21%) and Cafes, restaurants and takeaway food services (5.90%). Total sales (2.68%).  


About the Australian Retailers Association:

Founded in 1903, the Australian Retailers Association (ARA) is the retail industry’s peak representative body representing Australia’s $310 billion sector, which employs more than 1.2 million people. The ARA works to ensure retail success by informing, protecting, advocating, educating and saving money for its 7,500 independent and national retail members throughout Australia. For more information, visit or call 1300 368 041.




Three shortlist for $35 billion Future Frigate tender

THE $35 billion Future Frigate project reached a significant milestone today with the release of the Request for Tender (RFT) to the three shortlisted designers; BAE, Fincantieri and Navantia.

Minister for Defence Industry, Christopher Pyne, said the Future Frigate project is currently the largest frigate shipbuilding program of its kind in the world.

“Today’s announcement shows the Government is on track to begin construction of the Future Frigates in 2020 in Adelaide,” Minister Pyne said.

“The release of the RFT is an important part of the Competitive Evaluation Process which will lead to the Government announcing the successful designer for the Future Frigates in 2018.”

Minister Pyne said evaluation of the responses to the Future Frigate RFT would commence later this year.

“Three designers—BAE Systems with the Type 26 Frigate, Fincantieri with the FREMM Frigate, and Navantia with a redesigned F100, have been working with Defence since August 2015 to refine  their designs.

“The three shortlisted designers must demonstrate and develop an Australian supply chain  to support Australia's future shipbuilding industry, and also how they will leverage their local suppliers into global supply chains.

“The Government is committed to maximising Australian industry opportunities and participation and this project will contribute to building a sustainable Australian shipbuilding workforce.”

The Future Frigates are the next generation of naval surface combatants and would conduct more challenging maritime warfare operations in our regions including delivering a greater impact on anti-submarine operations.

The frigates will also be equipped with a range of offensive and self-protection systems.

The nine Future Frigates are part of the Government’s $89 billion national shipbuilding endeavour which would see Australia develop a strong and sustainable naval shipbuilding industry.

This critical investment will generate significant economic growth and sustain thousands of Australian jobs over decades, the Minister said.

For more on the Future Frigate program visit the Defence website


MUA warns historic peace on the docks under threat within Patrick’s Terminal

THE Maritime Union of Australia warns Qube Logistics is threatening the newly-struck national peace on the docks by opening a small, effectively non-unionised container yard within Patrick’s Port Botany Terminal.

Less than five months ago, the MUA and Patrick Stevedores celebrated a win for all, after union members nationally voted more than 95 percent in favour of a new four-year workplace agreement.

Dubbed the “best deal on the docks in many years” it delivered stability and marked a new beginning between old foes, the MUA and Patrick’s, as well as its workforce.

But MUA Deputy National Secretary Will Tracey said that was now under serious threat.

“Why would Qube want to jeopardise future contracts at this commercially sensitive time by starting a dispute at this small container yard, when it is has just invested around $1 billion in Patrick’s and is seeking new business for its Moorebank Logistics Park?” Tracey said.

“Qube is already on the back foot trying to make up business in highly competitive market after Patrick’s lost its lucrative A3 shipping contract to DP World and Hutchison last year.”

In its half-yearly report released in February this year, Qube acknowledged the need to: “mitigate the loss of the A3 consortium contract which Patrick was unsuccessful at retaining and has reduced Patrick’s earnings from November 2016 onwards.”

The empty container park, fenced off inside the Patrick’s Terminal, was recently sub-leased to Qube. The container company told the MUA in February this year, the site was not part of the Patrick business, and therefore not covered by the MUA workplace agreement.

Despite 260 MUA members working at Patrick’s Port Botany Terminal, no MUA member has been employed inside the fenced-off area.

MUA Sydney Branch Secretary Paul McAleer said the recently signed Enterprise Agreement (EA) had secured a number of positive outcomes for the membership after several years of industrial recalcitrance on the part of the employer.

“Before the ink was dry on the new EA, with workers looking forward to some industrial certainty for the first time in over two decades, the company has again ambushed the workforce with its attempt to deny stevedores the right to work on site at Port Botany,” McAleer said.

“Patrick did something similar in 2012 when they announced the implementation of automation at Port Botany only two months after the then EA came into operation, despite constant denials during negotiations there were any plans to automate. That decision cost the jobs of over 200 workers with more than 80 being forcibly made redundant.

“Patrick’s attempts to compartmentalise the Port Botany Terminal by putting up flimsy fences to restrict job opportunities for our members is a sneaky, opportunistic plot to de-unionise the terminal, or at the very least to insource cheap labour.

“The attempt to reintroduce manual yard functions after two years of failed automated yard functions is a betrayal of the redundant workforce who built Patrick into a market share leader in Sydney, only to see that disappear in the years since.

“Patrick has used automation as a weapon against their employees that has ruined lives and the reputation of their business. They are more interested in their ideological hatred of workers than investment in the job security of their employees.”




ARA proposes a 1.2 percent minimum wage increase

THE Australian Retailers Association (ARA) proposes a 1.2 percent National Minimum Wage increase given the continuing economic uncertainty and fragility of the retail sector.

ARA Executive Director, Russell Zimmerman said Australian retailers are continuing to face a difficult operating environment and this increase is the best way to preserve employment within the retail sector.

“Given economic uncertainties, historically low inflation along with rising costs for retailers this 1.2 percent increase will minimise employment losses in the weak labour market,” Mr Zimmerman said.

The ARA has consulted their membership base, including large members and numerous small to medium Australian retailers in making their recommendation.

“The retail industry’s submission has outlined the difficult trading environment existing in the retail sector as a result of globalisation and advances in technology throughout the industry,” Mr Zimmerman said.

“With low to flat price growth and increased wages costs well above our international competitors, it’s critical that the Fair Work Commission take into account the weak economic trading conditions when making their decision,” Mr Zimmerman said.

The ARA’s position preserves the value of the minimum wage over the recent years where wages have been outstripped by increasing price growth throughout the industry.

“Our members have experienced significant cost pressures through international competition and reduced margins therefore we strongly recommend this wage increase remains realistic and reasonable for all businesses operating in the retail sector,” Mr Zimmerman said.

“We trust the FWC will ascertain the best approach for determining a federal minimum wage increase during this fluctuating period where large sectors of the economy are either in decline or receiving minimal growth.”

About the Australian Retailers Association:

Founded in 1903, the Australian Retailers Association (ARA) is the retail industry’s peak representative body representing Australia’s $310 billion sector, which employs more than 1.2 million people. The ARA works to ensure retail success by informing, protecting, advocating, educating and saving money for its 7,500 independent and national retail members throughout Australia. For more information, visit or call 1300 368 041.


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