Business News Releases

RQ and Sky Racing launch live on-line coverage of Brisbane Racing Carnival

RACING QUEENSLAND (RQ) and Sky Racing have announced a trial of live digital coverage of every Group 1 race day of the Brisbane Racing Carnival in a major showcase of racing in Queensland.

The deal means that full coverage of each Saturday Carnival race day (13 May to 10 June) will be produced and streamed live and free on Racing Queensland’s website and UBET’s digital platforms. The Sky Racing Tatts Tiara meeting on 24 June is also part of the digital coverage.

RQ CEO Dr Eliot Forbes said the coverage provides added accessibility of the Queensland racing product and allows people from around Australia to view a premium production of the race meetings from anywhere on a mobile device.

“This is a significant development for racing in Queensland. Viewers have been able to watch the races live on television but this coverage will be high-quality, with dedicated television presenters and content aimed at informing and entertaining the viewer.”

Tabcorp General Manager of Media, Brad Higgins, said the decision to trial extended digital coverage was in recognition of the importance of the Brisbane’s Racing Carnival.  It enables Sky to distribute more extensive showcasing of the Brisbane Racing Carnival on digital platforms in line with other jurisdictions.

“Sky Racing will produce top quality content specifically for Brisbane’s premier race days. This is in line with our intention to continue to innovate and enhance our coverage.”

Included in the daily coverage will be:

•           Post-race interviews with trainers and jockeys

•           Replays and analysis

•           Presentation and speeches

•           Colour interviews from out and about on the track

•           Full mounting yard coverage

•           Race caller cam in the box for his tips and assessment of the race

•           Tips and late mail from experts and market updates

•           Pick of the yard

•           Behind the barrier interviews

The content will be available free and online on the Racing Queensland website: as well as the digital platforms of UBET.

Full coverage of the Brisbane Winter Carnival can also be seen on Sky1 and Sky Thoroughbred Central. 


Export Council of Australia to discuss growing Australia’s trade in services with the United Kingdom

THE Trade Sub-Committee of the Parliament’s Joint Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade (JSCFADT) will hear from the Export Council of Australia tomorrow at a public hearing for its inquiry into Australia’s trade and investment relationship with the United Kingdom.

The Export Council of Australia (ECA), which is the peak industry body for Australia’s exporters and importers, believes the decision by the UK to Brexit from the European Union will create both opportunities and challenges for Australia’s trade.

The ECA expects after the Brexit, the trade in consumer goods and services between Australia and the UK will be likely to grow.

The ECA’s submission to the inquiry states it is in the best interests of both Australia and the UK to conclude a high quality free trade agreement as soon as possible after the UK formally leaves the EU.

The ECA recognised that negotiations may not realistically proceed as quickly as envisioned due to the UK having more pressing priorities for trade negotiations, particularly with the EU, since its trading relationship with the EU is critically important to the UK economy.

The strong trade in billions of dollars in services between Australia and the UK, according to the ECA, will require improved market access in a range of services exports.

The ECA is calling for the lessening of restrictions on the numbers of wholesale banking licenses available to Australian banks, greater recognition of Australian law degrees in the UK and also an easing of residency requirements for Australian professionals, such as architects, engineers and accountants.

‘We welcome this opportunity to discuss with the Export Council of Australia its many and varied ideas on how Australia can grow its trade and investment relationship with the UK, especially in the export of a range of services,’ the Chair of the Trade Sub-Committee, Senator Bridget McKenzie said.

Public hearing details: 10:05am - 11:00am, Wednesday 10 May, Committee Room 2S1, Parliament House, Canberra

The hearing will be streamed live at


Mediocre March figures ahead of tonight's Federal Budget

THE Australian Retailers Association (ARA) said March’s modest retail trade growth of 2.15 percent year-on-year, released today by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS), reflects the Government’s need to deliver on economic growth in tonight’s Federal Budget.

In lieu of February’s lacklustre trade figures, ARA Executive Director Russell Zimmerman said the disappointing statistics for March are a symptom of escalating operating costs and systemic economic pressures faced by Australia’s retail industry.

“The generally weak trade figures across the board appear to be caused by myriad of factors including low consumer confidence, political uncertainty, international competition and the effects of housing affordability on hip-pockets.

“These broader economic issues, combined with a number of challenges within the retail operating environment, are serving to stagnate rather than stimulate growth in the sector.” Mr Zimmerman said.

The prolonged warm weather during March also had an effect on specific retail categories, with the Clothing Retailing category experiencing a negative growth of -1.62 percent year-on-year as shoppers restrained from filling their wardrobes for the cooler months ahead.

Cafes, Restaurant & Takeaway Food Retailing (4.81%) also showed a decline in year-on-year trade growth, an outcome of reduced consumer confidence resulting in a hesitation to spend on non-essential items or experiences.

In regard to state-based figures, New South Wales (3.07%), Victoria (2.84%), Australian Capital Territory (3.09%) and South Australia (3.33%) showed relatively stable, albeit modest, year-on-year growth.

On the other hand, there is an apparent slowdown in year-on-year retail growth across Queensland (0.86%), Western Australia (0.20%), Tasmania (1.71%) and Northern Territory (-1.00%).

“Although the backwards growth trends across many states and categories is concerning, we remain positive in the potential economic relief for retailers through the Government’s Federal Budget later on tonight,” Mr Zimmerman said.


“As a critical part of the national economy, and the largest private sector for employment within Australia, we are hopeful of a practical package to preserve the viability of the retail industry.

“Retailers are looking to tax reforms, infrastructure investment and additional skills funding to stimulate the growth that the sector vitally needs.” Mr Zimmerman said.


MONTHLY RETAIL GROWTH (February 2017– March 2017 seasonally adjusted)

Food retailing (-0.5%), Household goods retailing (-0.1%), Clothing, footwear and personal accessory retailing (0.4%), Department stores (-0.6%), Other retailing (1.1%) and Cafes, restaurants and takeaway food services (-0.5%).

New South Wales (0.1%), Victoria (0.4%), Queensland (-1.3%), South Australia (-0.1%), Western Australia (0.1%), Tasmania (-0.2%), Northern Territory (-1.8%) and Australian Capital Territory (0.3%).

Total sales (-0.1%). 


YEAR-ON-YEAR RETAIL GROWTH (March 2016 – March 2017 seasonally adjusted)

New South Wales (3.07%), Victoria (2.84%), Queensland (0.86%), South Australia (3.33%), Western Australia (0.20%), Tasmania (1.71%), Northern Territory (-1.00%) and Australian Capital Territory (3.09%).

Food retailing (2.62%), Household goods retailing (0.56%), Clothing, footwear and personal accessory retailing (0.56%), Department stores (-2.77%), Other retailing (3.26%) and Cafes, restaurants and takeaway food services (4.81). 

Total sales (2.15%).   



Doing the right thing — tax and super compliance

THE Tax and Revenue Committee will tomorrow hold the second public hearing of its inquiry into taxpayer engagement with Australia’s taxation system.

Committee Chair Kevin Hogan MP said as government services move online, building taxpayer confidence and trust in Australia’s taxation and superannuation systems is vital.

“To ensure Australians can engage with our taxation system confidently, online lodgement and tax assessment services must be—and must be seen to be—reliable, safe and fair," Mr Hogan said.

At the hearing, the Inspector-General of Taxation and expert witnesses from the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet, Australia’s first Special Adviser to the Prime Minister on Cyber Safety, and the head of the Behavioural Economics Team of the Australian Government, will report on their work and its contribution to this objective.

Mr Hogan said that while the Committee’s inquiry aims to evaluate the scale of deliberate tax avoidance in Australia, it will also explore the causes of incidental non-compliance.

“We’ll examine how ‘behavioural insights’ approaches, whether visual, ethical or technological, can encourage tax payers to voluntarily meet their tax and superannuation obligations”, Mr Hogan said.


Public Hearing details: 4:15pm, Wednesday 10 May, Committee Room 2R1, Parliament House, Canberra

4:15pm - Inspector-General of Taxation
5:45pm - Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet

The hearing will be streamed live at


Payroll tax cuts in Victoria a boost for small businesses

PAYROLL tax holds small businesses back and Victoria’s cut to regional payroll tax will assist jobs and growth, the Australian Small Business and Family Enterprise Ombudsman, Kate Carnell, said today.

Victorian Treasurer, Tim Pallas, announced the payroll tax cut as part of the Victorian 2017-18 Budget this week.

The rate of payroll tax will be reduced from 4.85% to 3.65% for regional businesses  - the lowest rate in Australia - and the payroll tax-free threshold will increase from $575,000 to $625,000 from 1 July and to $650,000 from 1 July 2018 for all businesses.

Ms Carnell said the Victorian Government’s payroll tax cut was good news for small businesses in that State because the tax was a significant burden on small business.

“This is a big step in the right direction in Victoria, however, the new threshold is still some way below other States, including New South Wales and Queensland,” she said.

Queensland has a payroll tax threshold of $1,100,000 and New South Wales’s is $750,000. The Australian Capital Territory has a payroll tax threshold of $2 million.

Ms Carnell called on other States and Territories to review their payroll tax arrangements to help remove the regulatory and administrative burden on small businesses.

“As I travel around Australia talking to small business owners, payroll tax consistently comes up in conversations as one of the key issues holding back businesses,” she said.

“I call on other state leaders and treasurers to do all they can to reduce the tax burden and create a system that ensures small businesses have every opportunity to expand their enterprise and hire more staff, create sustainable local economies that contribute to the overall strength of the nation’s bottom line.

“Small businesses are the engine room of the economy, employing the majority of Australians. It is vitally important that governments at all levels support their growth and allow them to get on with the business of running their business and employing more people.”    


Major coal investment for Central Queensland - QRC

STATEMENT by QRC Deputy Chief Executive Judy Bertram:

"The Queensland Government has approved the mining leases for QCoal’s Byerwen coal mine, near Glenden.

"This announcement is a huge shot in the arm for the central Queensland economy with hundreds of jobs expected to be created during construction and once the mine is operational.

"This is a big dose of export growth for Queensland’s premium coking coal, which is why Japan’s JFE Steel is investing in the project. This mine will also be a significant economic contributor to local communities and the wider Queensland economy.

"QRC’s current data shows that in 2015-16, the state’s coal industry’s total contribution of $32.7 billion, supported more than 180,000 jobs. The coal industry spent $11.3 billion in Queensland on more than 10,700 local businesses and almost 500 community organisations.

"At last week’s spot prices of $224 US, at full production, this project alone would generate more than $450 million dollars extra a year in royalties for the Queensland Government that pays for nurses, doctors and teachers as well as important infrastructure."


ARA will oppose unions' Sunday penalty judicial review

THE Australian Retailers Association (ARA) will strongly oppose any application from the SDA (Shop, Distributive & Allied Employees Association) for judicial review of the Sunday penalty rates decision, as this verdict was one of the most progressive decisions the Australian retail industry has seen in a number of years.


ARA Executive Director, Russell Zimmerman said the Sunday penalty rates decision was initially passed by the Fair Work Commission (FWC) as the evidence presented conclusively proved a reduction in penalty rates would increase employment rates across Australia and sustain economic growth.

“The Commission found that a reduction in Sunday penalty rates will allow retailers to extend trading hours, giving staff more hours to work and increase employment across the board,” Mr Zimmerman said.

The ARA believes the Commission reached an appropriate and balanced decision which will greatly benefit the retail industry.

“Many consumers feel that retail stores are understaffed on Sundays, and now due to the reduced penalty rates retailers can cater to consumer needs by adding more people to the roster, improving their service to consumers and increasing hours for employees.”

The ARA will further challenge any attempt by the SDA to defer the implementation of the Sunday penalty rates decision until the application for judicial review has been determined.

“Retailers are already operating in a tough environment, and any delay to the implementation of the Sunday penalty rates decision will significantly delay the benefits to both employers and employees working in this sector,” Mr Zimmerman said. 

The ARA believes the Commission’s decision will be upheld in the Federal Court as the Union’s judicial review will risk all the benefits for Australian retailers, the unemployed and the overall economy.

“There was a reason Australia established an independent umpire to determine significant employment conditions such as penalty rates,” Mr Zimmerman said.

“The Unions, the Federal Opposition and the Crossbenchers should all respect the integrity of the Commission’s decision as the independent industrial umpire.”

The ARA will be working with its members and legal providers to strongly defend the Sunday penalty rates decision and ensure the changes to Sunday penalty rates are implemented from 1 July 2017.

“Implementing this penalty rate reduction in July is not only critical to the industry, but to everyone working within the sector,” Mr Zimmerman said.

The applications for judicial review will be made after the Fair Work Commission has issued Orders on the transition for the Sunday penalty rate reduction, which the ARA expect will happen in late May 2017.

About the Australian Retailers Association:

Founded in 1903, the Australian Retailers Association (ARA) is the retail industry’s peak representative body representing Australia’s $310 billion sector, which employs more than 1.2 million people. The ARA works to ensure retail success by informing, protecting, advocating, educating and saving money for its 7,500 independent and national retail members throughout Australia. For more information, visit or call 1300 368 041.


Cash economy's time for tough love - IPA

THE Institute of Public Accountants (IPA) is forecasting tomorrow’s Federal Budget to show some tough love in the war against Australia’s cash economy.

“It is believed that billions of dollars of Government revenue is potentially slipping through the cracks due to a cash-fed black economy, so it is only right that Government acts accordingly,” said IPA chief executive officer, Andrew Conway.

“The introduction of ABNs in 2000 was intended to make it more difficult to operate in the cash economy.

“The reality is that the cash economy has continued to grow and new integrity measures are required to curb its continual growth.

“Hard working small business owners are competing against entities that are not paying their share of taxes, creating an uneven playing field.

“The IPA is supportive of additional measures that will address the unfair advantages that some businesses have operating in the cash economy. The Government has put in place a host of measures to deal with multi-national tax avoidance; its intention will now focus on those who choose to operate in the cash economy.

“The Black Economy taskforce has tabled its interim report to Government and we expect some of those recommendations contained in the report to be announced on Budget night.  The taskforce is yet to finalise its final report and work is ongoing,” said Mr Conway.


Retailers hoping for a balanced till this Budget

THE Australian Retailers Association (ARA) and its members are hoping next week’s Federal Budget announcement will bring relief to the industry through tax reform, smart infrastructure investment and additional skills funding.

Russell Zimmerman, Executive Director of the ARA said the retail industry have been looking to both the Government and the Opposition to employ a fairer tax system to improve international competitiveness for retailers and stimulate economic growth.

“Retailers continue to face significant cost pressures in the Australian market, and reducing corporate taxes across the board will help businesses stay viable in a difficult operating environment,” Mr Zimmerman said.

“We are committed to reducing the overall tax burden to individuals and businesses to build consumer confidence, put more money back in consumer’s pockets and encourage productive investment.”

The ARA will also look for the Federal Budget to include sensible infrastructure investment to lift productivity and efficiency across both urban and regional Australia.

“There is an urgent need to improve retail supply chain operations to remain competitive in the international market,” Mr Zimmerman said, “and enhancing transport links to key retail hubs for both consumers and businesses will improve Australia’s business performance and achieve economic growth.”

The ARA believe developing the western suburbs of Sydney will create smoother efficiencies for Australian businesses, increase retail tourism and improve supply chain logistics.

“The substantial investment in both Badgerys Creek Airport and the inland rail link between Melbourne and Brisbane will not only boost the economy, but better connect us to global markets,” Mr Zimmerman said.

The ARA also welcome additional skills funding in the 2017 Budget and encourage the Government to maintain funding in education and training programs.

“Although the Government has already announced significant changes to 457 Visas, the ARA urge the Government to work with retailers to identify skills shortages across the retail sector and make necessary changes to address high-end skills into the country,” Mr Zimmerman said.

“As Australia’s biggest private employer, promoting retail as a viable and exciting career choice for young people is critical.”

“The ARA are working with its members to ensure employers are supported in upskilling their staff with specific skills needed within the industry, and will look to the Government for their support in next week’s Budget,” Mr Zimmerman said.

About the Australian Retailers Association:

Founded in 1903, the Australian Retailers Association (ARA) is the retail industry’s peak representative body representing Australia’s $310 billion sector, which employs more than 1.2 million people. The ARA works to ensure retail success by informing, protecting, advocating, educating and saving money for its 7,500 independent and national retail members throughout Australia. For more information, visit or call 1300 368 041.


Landcare Awards open

IT IS TIME to recognise the commitment of those Australians working to protect the environment and delivering more sustainable agriculture.

Assistant Minister to the Deputy Prime Minister, Luke Hartsuyker, today urged all Landcare groups and volunteers to nominate those hard working, passionate people for recognition in the 2017 Landcare awards.

“Landcare is an important part of the Australian Government’s billion dollar plus investment in improving the condition of our natural resources including soil health, and it’s vital we acknowledge those individuals, partnerships and organisations that are carrying out this essential work,” Mr Hartsuyker said.

“Landcare has more than 6000 groups and more than 100 000 volunteers. As we head into National Volunteer Week, these awards are not only a timely reminder to encourage people to get involved in their local community but also an opportunity to acknowledge the many significant environmental and agricultural outcomes being achieved.

“We can’t have a sustainable agricultural industry without looking after its productive base - soil management, weed, pest and disease management, water management and biodiversity.

“Agriculture relies heavily on the health of the natural environment and the Australian Government is proud to acknowledge those dedicated to protecting it for future generations.”

This year there are nine categories in the state and territory Landcare awards including sustainable farming, indigenous land management, young landcarers, coast care and innovation.

The Department of Agriculture and Water Resources will sponsor the Australian Government Individual Landcarer Award, Australian Government Excellence in Sustainable Farm Practices Award, Australian Government Innovation in Agriculture Land Management Award and the Australian Government Partnerships for Landcare Award.

Tessa Jakszewicz, CEO of Landcare Australia, encouraged everyone to get involved and nominate deserving Landcarers.

“Recognising our Landcare champions is vital for sustaining Landcare and its future,” Ms Jakszewicz said.

“The awards are a mechanism to celebrate all that the Landcare community do and can learn from each other.

“Importantly it provides an opportunity to showcase the accomplishments of individuals and groups, enables us to share knowledge, and serves as an inspiration for the next generation of Landcarers.”​

All winners at the state and territory level will go on to be finalists at the 2018 National Landcare Awards.

Anyone interested in finding out more or submitting a nomination can visit​.


UNWTO Awards for Excellence and Innovation in Tourism : Call for applications

APPLICATIONS for the 14th edition of the UNWTO Awards for Excellence and Innovation in Tourism by the World Tourism Organization are now being accepted.

Winners will be announced in January 2018 on the occasion of the UNWTO Awards Ceremony, to be held at the International Tourism Fair in Spain (FITUR).

Applications for the UNWTO Awards span four categories: Public Policy and Governance; Enterprises; Non-Governmental Organizations, and Research and Technology.

Since their creation in 2003, the UNWTO Awards for Excellence and Innovation in Tourism recognize the work of organizations and individuals around the world that contribute to foster innovation in tourism and build a more sustainable and responsible sector.

Interested parties are encouraged to apply before 30 September 2017.

Additional information and application documents can be found at:

Relevant dates:

3 May 2017

Call for applications

30 September 2017

Deadline for reception of applications

First week of November       

Announcement of Awardees

15 January 2018

14th UNWTO Awards Forum

17 January 2018

14th UNWTO Awards Ceremony & Gala Dinner


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