Business News Releases

Online tool a red-tape buster for small business employers: Ombudsman

THE Australian Small Business and Family Enterprise Ombudsman Bruce Billson has welcomed a new online tool for small business owners, designed to take the stress out of hiring their first employee.

The Employment Contract Tool – recently launched by the Australian Government – guides small business owners through a series of questions to generate an employment contract based on the specific terms and conditions of the relevant award.

Mr Billson said the tool would significantly reduce red tape for small business owners who want to expand their business, saving time and money.

“This technology has been developed in close consultation with small business owners to ensure it meets their needs in regards to making the hiring process far simpler,” Mr Billson said.

“We know that small business owners have found the experience of hiring their first staff member to be overwhelming.

Research published by NAB shows a small business hiring its first worker can spend up to 18 hours understanding awards and pay rates and complying with taxation, OH&S and record-keeping obligations. That’s about five times more than a large business with more than 200 employees, when hiring additional staff.

“Unfortunately this can lead small business owners to delay their hiring plans or put it off altogether because they are afraid of making a mistake.

“The Employment Contract Tool aims to remove those headwinds by taking the employer through the process step-by-step giving them confidence they are meeting their legal obligations.

“Ultimately it is smart technological solutions like this that will cut red tape and reduce the regulatory burden on small business owners to make Australia the best place to start, grow and transform a business.

“The tool provides another support to help small business employers navigate this difficult space, alongside the valuable role that industry and professional associations continue to play in this complex area.”

To access the Employment Contract Tool and explore hiring options visit



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Introducing Marine Jobs - a the new industry careers centre

IN SUPPORT OF a buoyant marine sector, the Marina Industries Association (MIA) in partnership with the Boating Industry Association (BIA) and Superyacht Australia has launched Marine Jobs.

Marine Jobs is an online ‘career centre’ designed to make it easier for employers to advertise vacancies and for people to find the right job for them in the marine industry. 

This new industry jobs platform provides a range of career resources, including information on apprenticeships and industry training, writing a resume and preparing for an interview.

“Until now there hasn’t been a single recruitment website that the marine industry could go to and find every job available in the marine sector.  Using generic platforms is completely unsatisfactory, and often results in literally hundreds of unqualified applications to sift through," MIA CEO Suzanne Davies said. “Marine Jobs offers a place where like-minded employers and job seekers can connect."

Employers can quickly and easily post opportunities to the Jobs Board in the same way they currently post opportunities on platforms such as Seek.  Job seekers can anonymously post their resume to the board while remaining in complete control over which employers they reveal their information to.

BIA co-general manager Nik Parker said, “It’s another example of the type of practical career support we provide to the industry.  It will be available to non-member businesses also, but MIA, BIA and Superyacht Australia members will receive a significant discount in recognition of their on-going commitment to their association.”

CEO of Superyacht Australia, David Good said, “Australians are some of the most sort after superyacht crew, making up about 25 percent of all international crew or around 14,000 mostly young Australians. It is important that this experience is not completely lost to the marine industry when they decide to return home to Australia.

"Marine Jobs will be able to connect these experienced seafarers to marine employers, so this experience is harnessed back into the Australian Marine Industry.”

Marine Jobs is powered by a specialist jobs board provider which delivers such online recruitment solutions to over 3000 industry associations world-wide.

About the Marina Industries Association (MIA)

The MIA is the peak body representing the interests of club, recreational and commercial marinas, boatyards and industry suppliers in Australia and the wider Asia-Pacific region.  Working closely with other marina associations around the world, the MIA works in support of developing sustainable marina industries through the delivery of strong leadership, industry guidance, education, accreditation and research.  The MIA has over 300 corporate members and connects over 2000 industry leaders and decision makers.  About 75 percent of members are marinas, clubs and boatyards and over 80 percent of larger marinas (over 100 berths) in Australia are members of the MIA.

About the Boating Industry Association (BIA) 

The BIA is the peak body in Australia that represents the interests of recreational and light commercial boating. BIA is an advocate for boaters and the boating lifestyle and supports safe, responsible, and enjoyable boating. This is achieved with a focus on three key objectives: Grow participation in recreational boating; strengthen government advocacy and support for members; and expand professional development and career pathways. The boating economy generates significant social benefits through employment, much of which is supported by family businesses. In 2019 the industry had a turnover of $7.95 billion, directly employed more than 25,320 people with more than 10,000 contractors. Seventy-five per cent are in small businesses, employing local workers and supporting local communities. The BIA is a not-for-profit that reinvests any surplus towards the organisation's purposes.

About Superyacht Australia 

Superyacht Australia is the peak body for the Australian Superyacht Industry. Its key focus is to develop and promote the South Pacific’s international competitiveness as a destination for the global superyacht fleet, to increase visitations of superyachts to Australia and to promote the capabilities of the Australian superyacht industry to service a visiting vessel’s every need.

About Marine Jobs

Marine Jobs is a ‘career centre’ dedicated to the marinas and boating industry and is a collaboration between the Marina Industries Association (MIA), the Boating Industry Association (BIA) and SuperYacht Australia to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of recruitment processes for employers and increase industry employee retention.  Its primary purpose is a recruitment platform where employers can post jobs to a qualified and targeted job seeker market, but Marine Jobs also provides a range of career resources, including information on apprenticeships and industry training.



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Government urged to stop leaving Aussie seafarers out in the cold

UNEMPLOYED seafarers are demanding urgent action from the Federal Government to address the decline of the nation’s shipping industry, including investment in a strategic fleet of Australian flagged and crewed vessels to move essential goods around the coast.

Seafarers who have lost their jobs after Australian vessels were replaced by foreign ships — many registered in notorious tax havens — were joined in their protest on the lawns of Parliament House by fellow maritime workers, trade unionists, and members of parliament.

The rally heard that while 98 percent of Australia’s imports and exports arrive by sea, only 12 Australian flagged and crewed cargo ships still operate. Australia’s fuel security is even more precarious, with not one Australian oil tanker remaining.

Maritime Union of Australia (MUA) national secretary Paddy Crumlin said shipping was an essential industry that was the backbone of the nation’s economy, but the Federal Government was making a choice to allow Australia seafarers to be replaced with exploited foreign workers.

“The Morrison Government hasn’t just stood by and watched the decline of Australian shipping, they have actively approved the replacement of Australian ships with foreign flag vessels crewed by exploited workers paid as little as $2 per hour,” Mr Crumlin said.

“Many of these vessels work exclusively on the Australian coast, moving cargoes between Australian ports, yet the Federal Government issues them temporary licences that allow them to avoid local wages and conditions.

“The crew of the MV Portland saw this policy first hand, finding out from media reports that they were losing their job, with the ship to be replaced by a foreign vessel.

“When they attempted to defend Australian jobs by refusing to take the MV Portland on its final voyage to Singapore, they were dragged from their bunks in the dead of night by security guards and replaced by a foreign crew,” Mr Crumlin said.

“Five years on, the work the MV Portland did bringing alumina to Alcoa’s Portland Aluminium Smelter in Victoria continues to be done by a foreign vessel under temporary licences issued by the Federal Government.

“Since the Coalition Government was elected in 2013, we’ve lost half our remaining fleet of Australian cargo vessels, taking with them the jobs of more than 500 Australian seafarers.

“This campaign isn’t just about getting Australian seafarers back up the gangways of Australian ships, it’s about the importance of a strong shipping industry to the economic success of an island nation.

“The importance of fixing this broken system has been highlighted by COVID, with international shipowners using the crisis to gouge freight rates, seriously impacting Australian businesses,” Mr Crumlin said.

“These same shipowners are responsible for keeping exploited seafarers effectively imprisoned on vessels, with hundreds of thousands unable to return home to their families for more than a year.

“As an island nation, we need to be reliant on ourselves, which means having a strategic fleet that can ensure our fuel security and keep essential goods supplied during a conflict, economic crisis, or pandemic.

“Australia is a great trading nation with a fantastic merchant navy tradition, yet the Morrison Government continues to preside over the demise of Australian shipping for purely ideological reasons.”




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Private employers should take note of paid miscarriage leave for NSW public sector workers

PRIVATE sector employers across the country should expect a new form of paid leave for grieving parents to apply to their own workers in the future, following the announcement of such a policy for public sector employees in New South Wales.

Under the scheme announced in the state budget, all full-time, part-time, permanent or temporary public sector workers will be able to access five days of leave following a miscarriage or stillbirth. The spouses of public service employees who have a miscarriage or stillbirth can also take advantage of the same paid leave.

Mothers who prematurely give birth will also be given paid pre-term birth leave up until the date their child would have normally been expected. Both measures will come into effect from July 1, 2021.

While this is a first for the country and is limited to public workers in one state, Employsure, workplace relations advisor to more than 29,000 SMEs across Australia and New Zealand, believes it will eventually extend to other states and into the private sector.

“Typically when a new workplace benefit, particularly one as sensitive as this, is introduced, it doesn’t take long until it becomes a nationwide policy,” Employsure employment relations specialist Nicholas Hackenberg said.

“Private employers should take note of what this newly announced leave in New South Wales entails, and if they discover the added cost might negatively impact their business, should it ever apply to them, then they should use the time they have to make necessary changes to their cash flow to accommodate for it.”

The introduction of such a scheme in Australia is comparable to the one that has been in place in New Zealand since March. While similar, New Zealand’s form of bereavement leave only provides those eligible with three days of paid leave, as opposed to the five announced for New South Wales.

Grievances in the workplace are something employers across both countries have long needed guidance on. In the first five months of 2021 alone, an average of 530 calls a month have been made to Employsure’s advice line from employers specifically seeking grievance-related help.

Employers typically need advice relating to compassionate leave (such as when an employee’s family or household member dies) and what steps they should take. Calls also extend to personal or carer’s leave (sickness/support) and how to handle employees.

“This is clearly a delicate topic employers will always need guidance on, and if this scheme in New South Wales ever extends to the private sector or others states, it will no doubt cause extra confusion for small business owners, who don’t tend to have a dedicated HR department to help them,” Mr Hackenberg said.


“Employers, regardless of state or industry, should familiarise themselves with this policy in New South Wales, so if it ever does apply to them in the future, they can implement it into their workplace without it being a sudden shock to the business.”

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Visa news for chefs a 'bright light' says Accommodation Association

TODAY’s news of the addition of chefs to the Priority Skilled Migration Occupation List is a welcomed bright light in an otherwise bleak time for the accommodation sector.  

Peak industry body, the Accommodation Association has been lobbying on this issue for some time with a recent submission outlining the critical skills shortages currently being faced by the tourism accommodation sector. The two areas of critical shortage are housekeeping and chefs. 
“Accommodation Association is very pleased to see the much-needed addition of chefs to the Priority Skilled Migration Occupation List,” Accommodation Association CEO Dean Long said.
“The accommodation sector has been significantly impacted by COVID-19, losing 50 percent of its workforce at the commencement, with further reductions due to the prolonged nature of the pandemic. As we emerge from the pandemic with international borders closed, the industry is seeking to meet the fluctuations in demand, with employment a direct function of rooms sold.
“There is currently a critical shortage of chefs and house keepers. The industry has been extensively advertising to permanent residents for these positions but with little success.

"The recognition of the importance of these roles and the addition of chefs to the Priority Skilled Migration Occupation List is a positive step in addressing the skills shortage and challenges currently facing the sector. We welcome the Federal Government’s support in the sustainable recovery of our industry.”
About the Accommodation Association
The Accommodation Association represents over 80 percent of all known accommodation providers from small regional parks, caravan parks, serviced apartments and resorts through to the largest hotel groups in the world including Accor, Hilton, Wyndham Destinations and IHG.


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