Prudential regulation on trade is under the spotlight

THE Trade and Investment Growth Committee is holding a fourth public hearing this Friday for its inquiry into the prudential regulation of investment in Australia’s export industries.

In previous hearings, the committee has heard from representatives of export industries, financial institutions and shareholder groups. The Committee Chair, George Christensen MP, said the committee was looking forward to discussing that evidence with Australia’s financial regulators and government agencies.

"Prudential advice plays an important part in ensuring a healthy and well-functioning financial system. In light of this, the committee is looking forward to hearing about how the Government and regulatory agencies can further support and enable investment in Australia’s export industries, which are so vital to Australia’s economy, particularly in regional areas," Mr Christensen said.

Witnesses include the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority, Reserve Bank of Australia, Australian Securities and Investments Commission and Export Finance Australia.

Public hearing details

Date: Friday, 13 August 2021
Time: 9am – 1.20pm

Due to the public hearing being held by teleconference, public access will be available via the live broadcast at

Further information about the committee’s inquiry, including the hearing program, is available on the committee’s webpage.


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