Business News Releases

Retailers see same penalty rates issues as Restaurants in new FWC decision


FOLLOWING yesterday’s decision by the Fair Work Commission (FWC) on the Restaurant and Catering Award for penalty rates, the Australian Retailers Association (ARA) is hopeful we will see a common sense outcome in this year’s Retail Award Review due later this year.

ARA Executive Director Russell Zimmerman said the ARA has been in discussions with retailers nationwide and believes there is a sound economic and social argument to bring penalty rates in line with Saturday rates.

“We know if retail is to compete with new sales channels we need to be more flexible. Employees as well as consumers today see Sunday’s as little different to Saturdays.

“The minority of the Full Bench of the FWC stated the following in relation to the Restaurant Award: 
 'From the evidence led in this case we are not persuaded that in the restaurant and catering industry there is an ongoing justification for a level of Sunday penalties significantly above the Saturday rate for employees'.

“ARA research conducted through Monash University showed that employees were overwhelmingly prepared to work on Sundays for sensible rates of pay. Click here to see research report.

“There are numerous categories of employees in retail who prefer to work on weekends. For students, weekends may be the only time they are available to work. 

"For dual income families, it is an opportunity to share the caring burden and to minimise child care costs while at the same time allowing for sufficient family time. For many others, it represents an opportunity to pursue their interests, be they sporting, cultural or leisure, at times when competition for the activities associated with those interests is reduced.

“We are heartened that the FWC is beginning to understand the problems Sunday penalties cause, and that there is at least some recognition that high penalty rates can negatively impact on employees in their pursuit of greater employment opportunities.

“The ARA will be pushing hard to ensure retailers gain some relief from Sunday penalties and are able to continue their strong tradition of providing employment opportunities, particularly to young people, that are so crucial to the success of the Australian economy” Mr Zimmerman said.


Since 1903, the Australian Retailers Association (ARA) has been the peak industry body representing Australia’s $265 billion retail sector, which employs over 1.2 million people. The ARA ensures retail success by informing, protecting, advocating, educating and saving money for its 5,000 independent and national retail members throughout Australia.

Visit or call 1300 368 041.



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Final call for 2014 eftpos ARA Australian Retail Awards - entries close today

PEAK retail body the Australian Retailers Association (ARA) encourages retailers to get their submissions in for the 2014 eftpos ARA Australian Retail Awards – entries close 5pm today.

Tickets are also selling fast for the retail industry’s most recognised awards event of the year - the 2014 eftpos ARA Australian Retail Awards Breakfast on Tuesday July 15 at the Grand Hyatt, Melbourne – where all award category winners will be announced.

The 2014 ARA Awards are shaping up to be bigger and better than ever before, complete with a brand new venue, new collection of awards on offer and new major sponsor – eftpos.

Eftpos Managing Director Bruce Mansfield said he hoped to see a record number of retailers submit nominations for this year’s awards, and share their success stories.

“Eftpos is proud to support these awards because they recognise the extraordinary work that is done by the hundreds of thousands of retailers who serve the Australian community every day,” Mr Mansfield said.

ARA Executive Director Russell Zimmerman said the ARA Retail Awards program is an ideal vehicle for driving successful retail players from the shop floor to the national stage.

“As Australia's only national retail award program, the ARA Awards have played a hand in helping many recipients achieve greater success.

“The ARA Awards Breakfast is not only a fantastic platform for award winners to gain recognition amongst their peers and in the media, but also a great opportunity for all involved in the retail industry to enjoy a morning of valuable insights and networking with some of retail’s finest.

“We’re thrilled to announce that a very high calibre of submissions have already arrived in the office over the past week or so. We are looking forward to judging day and also the opportunity to provide recognition to our hard working retail professionals – mums and dads, families, individuals, graduates and entrepreneurs – who are shaping the retail landscape of tomorrow,” Mr Zimmerman said.

Tickets are on sale now. Prices are as follows:

ARA members $60
Non members $80
ARA members table of 10 $500
Non members table of 10 $700

eftpos ARA Australian Retail Awards -  key information and dates:

WHAT: 2014 eftpos ARA Australian Retail Awards
WHEN: Nominations now open and due by Friday 16 May 2014
Winners will be announced at the eftpos ARA Australian Retail Awards Breakfast in Melbourne on 15 July 2014 (tickets available at
TO ENTER/NOMINATE: Visit to view eligibility criteria and select from eleven award categories
MORE INFORMATION: Go to, call 1300 368 041 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

AWARD CATEGORIES: eftpos Australian Retailer of the Year, BDO Australian Retail Employer of the Year, Visa Australian Independent Retailer of the Year, Quest Payment Systems Australian Retail Innovator of the Year, Expr3ss! Staff Selection Software Australian Retail Graduate of the Year, eBay Inc Australian Multichannel Retailer of the Year, FCB Australian Retail HR Practitioner of the Year, Rest Industry Super Individual Retailer of the Year – male & female, Roy Morgan Customer Satisfaction Retailer of the Year, Victorian Government Victorian Retailer of the Year and the Shop for Shops Australian Retail Store Upgrade of the Year.

Since 1903, the Australian Retailers Association (ARA) has been the peak industry body representing Australia’s $265 billion retail sector, which employs over 1.2 million people. The ARA ensures retail success by informing, protecting, advocating, educating and saving money for its 5,000 independent and national retail members throughout Australia.

Visit or call 1300 368 041.

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Federal Budget – retailers benefit from infrastructure, company tax reduction, reduced debt. Concerns over consumer confidence



PEAK retail industry body the Australian Retailers Association (ARA), representing the majority of Australia retailers, has welcomed moves in the just-released Federal Budget to get spending under control. Concerns remain, however, over the impact of increased taxes on consumers.

ARA Executive Director Russell Zimmerman said that while the ARA supports the Government’s reduction in spending to reduce debt, there are concerns over the impact that increased taxes will have on consumer spending and confidence.

“We are only just beginning to see retail and the services sectors regain momentum after many years in the doldrums. It would be a travesty if these tax increases impacted on that recovery to the sector and the services economy.

“The ARA commends the Government on reducing the long-term blow out in Government expenditure through a solid plan which will see supply chain improvements and efficencies through infrastructure spend.

“We commend the Government’s decision to abolish the carbon tax. The ARA has long campaigned for the removal of this unnecessary cost burden to retailers and consumers, and we are confident the decision to finally remove the carbon tax will be music to the ears of business owners.

“The ARA was pleased to hear $1 billion p.a in red tape will be removed – allowing retailers to get on with the job of doing business.

“The 1.5 percent cut on company tax for small business is also welcomed by retailers.

“We are still waiting, however, for a decision to be finalised on removal of the low value GST exemption for overseas goods under $1000.

“The ARA welcomes the establishment of the Industry Skills Fund ($476 million over four years). We will be looking to this fund to assist in the growing skills gap in the services sector, as this sector supports jobs growth. We hope to see the Industry Skills Fund start to bridge the gap between training and employment.

“Moves to support employees in the over 50s bracket to gain jobs could open the door to older workers entering the retail sector.

“Overall, this budget does deliver much needed structural change. What we need to see now is every effort made not to harm consumer confidence further with a clear long term plan from Government to support consumers through future tax cuts and short term support from agencies such as the RBA,” Mr Zimmerman said.


Since 1903, the Australian Retailers Association (ARA) has been the peak industry body representing Australia’s $265 billion retail sector, which employs over 1.2 million people. The ARA ensures retail success by informing, protecting, advocating, educating and saving money for its 5,000 independent and national retail members throughout Australia.

Visit or call 1300 368 041.





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VECCI’s response to the 2014-15 Federal Budget


VECCI Chief Executive Mark Stone has released the peak Victorian employers body's early analysis of the Federal Budget.

"The Budget is squarely focused on reducing the cost and size of government comes as no surprise and VECCI recognises the difficult financial position the government inherited and that the burden of restoring it to surplus must be shared across business and the community," Mr Stone said.

He said some positives for Victorian business included:

  • $1.5bn commitment to East West Link Stage 2, which will deliver jobs and improved freight movement and commuter travel times.
  • The recycling of proceeds from privatisation of government assets into new infrastructure and the creation of financial incentives for the Victorian government to do this.
  • Confirmation of the previously announced cut to the company tax rate to 28.5% which will reduce the cost of doing business.

"It is pleasing that the Deficit Levy will be a temporary measure only but it is important that the Government sticks to its budget strategy and returns the budget to balance by 2018/19," he said.

"The reintroduction of the indexation of the fuel excise will raise business costs so it is at least a positive that proceeds will be directed into road infrastructure projects that will create jobs and boost productivity.

"Amid the changes to funding for assistance programs for business, there is still an important role for targeted industry assistance with measurable benefits that support industries in transition and/or with export potential, which appears to have been recognised.

"There will be some improvements to tourism promotion at a time when Australia needs to do more to leverage opportunities in the Asia century and particularly with China.

"The proposal to reduce the cap for the Government’s proposed Paid Parental Leave is warranted but given the overall state of the Budget, the scheme is still beyond what is affordable and the levy on big business remains counterproductive."


The Victorian Employers' Chamber of Commerce and Industry (VECCI) is the peak body for employers in Victoria, informing and servicing more than 15,000 members, customers and clients around the state.



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Budget signals solid support for tourism


THE Victoria Tourism Industry Council (VTIC) acknowledges the solid support for tourism in the 2014-15 federal budget. 

VTIC Chief Executive Dianne Smith says the government has identified tourism as one of five National Investment Priorities, and despite tight fiscal parameters the budget contains a number of initiatives to strengthen the tourism sector.

These include:

- $43 million for a new Tourism Demand-Driver Infrastructure Programme;

- $10 million in new funding for the Australia-China Approved Destination Status (ADS) scheme.

Ms Smith said she was pleased to see funding allocations for the industry’s key visitor growth market, China.

“Asia-ready product marketing is an issue VTIC has aggressively advocated for and we congratulate the Treasurer on heeding VTIC’s advice on this important issue. I hope that this first budget from the Abbott Government is an indication of its ongoing commitment to the tourism industry, which is set to be one of Australia’s economic growth engines over the next 20 years. This includes vital infrastructure support,” says Ms Smith.

Also welcome is the decision to freeze the Passenger Movement Charge and provide multiple entry three year Visas for Chinese business visitors.

“Importantly the budget reaffirms the government’s funding support for Tourism Australia which is vital to ensuring Australia’s tourism marketing capitalises on emerging opportunities in the competitive global marketplace,” says Ms Smith. 

“With almost 1,000,000 jobs linked to Australian tourism, this support comes at an important time in the sector’s continuing development.

“The budget’s focus on developing tourism infrastructure, improving visitor experiences and raising tourism visitor expenditure is appropriate.

“It also complements recent announcements in the Victorian state budget that are focused on enhancing tourism marketing and improving visitor amenities.”


The Victoria Tourism Industry Council (VTIC) is the peak body for Victoria’s tourism and events industry, providing one united industry voice. Tourism and events are growth industries for Victoria and contribute $19.1 billion to the state economy each year and employ more than 201,000 people.



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