Business News Releases

Defence Industry Security Program Inquiry hearing

THE DEFENCE Subcommittee of the Joint Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade will conduct a public hearing this Friday, December 9, as part of its inquiry into the Auditor-General’s Report No.4 21/22 Defence’s Contract Administration Defence Industry Security Program.

Witnesses from the Australian Industry Group, and defence contractors Babcock Australasia and Leidos Australia will appear along with the Australian National Audit Office and the Department of Defence to discuss Defence’s implementation of the Auditor-General’s recommendations and suggested improvements to the program.

Chair of the Subcommittee, Julian Hill MP said, "Ensuring security requirements are met right across the defence industry supply chain is of critical importance to Australia’s national security.

"The Auditor-General raised serious concerns and Parliament is right to expect greater assurance from Defence. This is important both for current activities and also to give maximum confidence to allies and partners regarding technology transfer and the security of Australia’s defence industrial base.

“After assessing submissions from Industry and Defence, now is the time to publicly examine in depth the extant of Defence’s progress on reform of the DISP and to hear firsthand from Defence Industry of their experiences in the program.”

Public hearing details

Date: Friday 9 DecemberTime: 9.15am – 12pm AEDTLocation: Committee Room 1R3 and via teleconference

The hearings will be audio streamed live at



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Inquiry begins into the operation of the National Redress Scheme

THE Joint Standing Committee on Implementation of the National Redress Scheme will inquire into the operation of the scheme.

This new inquiry will look closely into a range of areas, including: The experience of First Nations applicants and applicants with disability in their dealings with the scheme; and accessibility, performance and effectiveness of support services and legal advice for survivors and their advocates.

Full details of what the inquiry will examine can be found in the terms of reference on the committee’s website.

The committee wants to hear from individuals and organisations on their experience with the scheme.

Chair of the Committee, Senator Catryna Bilyk said it was imperative that the committee heard first-hand the experiences people have had when accessing the scheme.

“There are low rates of access in parts of our community amongst people who are eligible to access the scheme,” Senator Bilyk said. “We need to understand what the barriers to access are to ensure that everyone who is eligible to seek redress does so."

The committee is seeking submissions from interested individuals and organisations on the inquiry’s terms of reference by Monday, February 27, 2023.

Submissions can respond to some or all aspects of the inquiry terms of reference.

Further information about the committee is available at



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Long COVID and repeated COVID infections inquiry releases issues paper

THE HOUSE Health Committee has released an issues paper as part of its inquiry into long COVID and repeated COVID infections. This issues paper, which is not the final inquiry report, aims to update the public on what the Committee has heard since commencing its inquiry in September 2022.

Chair of the committee, Mike Freelander MP said, "The evidence the Committee has received so far has revealed some interesting emerging themes, including the absence of a clear, established and nationally consistent definition of long COVID in Australia as well as the lack of reliable and consistent available data.

"We have also heard about the possible causes, management and treatment of long COVID and possible ways to reduce the risk of developing long COVID. The committee is looking forward to unpacking these issues in more detail as we hold more public hearings in the new year," Dr Freelander said.

The deputy chair of the committee, Melissa McIntosh MP said,"The committee thanks all members of the public and organisations who have made submissions, and witnesses who appeared at our first public hearing in October 2022. In particular, the committee appreciates the contributions from many stakeholders who have shared their lived experience of long COVID and repeated COVID infections."

While submissions to the inquiry closed on November 18, 2022, individuals and organisations wishing to make a late submission should contact the secretariat by email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. as soon as possible.

Further information about the inquiry, including the terms of reference and published submissions are available on the Committee’s website.



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Hearings to be held in the Northern Territory on the sunsetting of the Stronger Futures legislation

THE Joint Standing Committee on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Affairs is travelling to the Northern Territory next week to hear from key stakeholders on the impacts of sunsetting the Stronger Futures legislation.

Hearings will be held across both Darwin and Alice Springs with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peak organisations, local community groups and government agencies.

Committee Chair Senator Patrick Dodson said, "The committee looks forward to gaining new and important insights into the issues facing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people as they prepare for and live with this significant legislative change."

"It is vital that we speak to grass roots organisations working in these NT communities to gain a deeper understanding of the challenges they are confronting around safety, alcohol management, employment, and the justice system," Senator Dodson said. "The committee is also keen to learn whether there is effective communication with policymakers on ideas and possible solutions to these issues."

The hearing programs for December 7-9 are available online.

For more information about this committee and its inquiry, including the terms of reference and instructions on making a submission, visit the inquiry webpage.



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Workforce Australia participants, providers to speak during Committee hearings and site visits

PARTICIPANTS AND PROVIDERS of the ParentsNext program will appear before the Select Committee on Workforce Australia Employment Services in upcoming public hearings.

They will be joined by advocacy bodies and human rights organisations discussing the program’s impacts on Tuesday,  December 6 in Melbourne and Wednesday, December 7 in Sydney.

The committee will also visit ParentsNext sites in and around those cities to gain further insights from participants and to hear directly from frontline staff.

Committee Chair, Julian Hill MP, said, “No-one is better placed to speak to the benefits and harms of ParentsNext than the parents and carers who have lived experience of this controversial program. The Committee is looking forward to hearing from them directly, as well as from frontline service providers who best know the challenges and issues in implementing the program on the ground.”

Submissions on ParentsNext can be made via the committee’s website. The committee has undertaken to make recommendations relating to ParentsNext by the end of February 2023.

Further information about the inquiry, including terms of reference, future public hearings, published submissions and hearing transcripts, will be available on the inquiry website.

Public hearing details

6 December 2022

Time               11.30am–1.45pm AEDT (Melbourne Time)

Location         Seminar Room 1, Monash Conference Centre, 30 Collins Street, Melbourne


National Council of Single Mothers and their Children

Council of Single Mothers and their Children

Centre for Excellence in Child and Family Welfare

Australian Council of Social Service

7 December 2022

Time               1.30pm–4.45pm AEDT (Sydney time)

Location         Corinthian Room, Sydney Masonic Centre, 66 Goulburn Street, Sydney


ParentsNext participants

Australian Human Rights Commission                       

Domestic Violence New South Wales  

Campbell Page


Metro Assist

A live audio broadcast of the hearing will be available via the Parliament’s Watch, Read, Listen website.



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