Business News Releases

Industry calls on QR to accept umpire’s final decision

THE Queensland Resources Council (QRC), has called on Queensland Rail (QR) to accept the Queensland Competition Authority’s final decision on QR’s Draft Access Undertaking.

The decision rejects QR’s proposal and requires it to submit a new document by 16 August.

'QR needs to accept the umpire’s decision, move on from the regulatory process and get back to the core business of improving the performance and long-term utilisation of its railways as soon as possible,’ said QRC's Chief Executive Michael Roche.

‘QR’s approach to this process has resulted in four years of delay and uncertainty, which has in turn undermined investment confidence in Queensland and seriously eroded the attractiveness of investing in the Darling Downs region.’

QRC's March 2016 submission to the QCA sets out just some of the many extra regulatory steps that have been created by QR’s approach to this process.

Mr Roche said that the cost of this process now runs into many millions of dollars, much of which will be borne by taxpayers, as the ultimate owners of QR – a cost that will be further exacerbated if QR seeks to judicially review the Authority's decision.

‘QRC is calling on QR to bring this process to an end immediately,’ said Mr Roche. 

‘Going forward, we support the review of the QCA Act currently being contemplated by the Government. The QR experience demonstrates the need to improve the Act so that processes are not delayed by, and millions spent on, debates regarding whether the QCA has, or does not have, the power to make reasonable decisions.’

In QRC’s March submission, QRC called on the regulator to make a final decision and we welcome the news that our advice has been heeded. 

‘In February, two Queensland energy GOCs needed a direction from the shareholding Minister to accept a regulator's decision. Now is the time for QR to listen to its customers, accept the reality of the final outcome of a thorough QCA investigation, and immediately confirm its intention to accept the umpire’s decision,’ Mr Roche said.

‘If QR refuses to accept the QCA’s decision, then the responsible Ministers (the Transport Minister and the Treasurer) need to step in and put an end to QR’s intransigence.’


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Consultation deadline approaching

SMALL BUSINESS owners wanting to contribute to the Australian Small Business and Family Enterprise Ombudsman’s (ASBFEO) consultation initiative have one more week to put forward their ideas.

ASBFEO chief executive Kate Carnell said small businesses across the country have been weighing-in and having their say throughout the consultation process, which was launched to hear directly from small business people about the specific issues they want the ASBFEO to focus on.

“We started the consultation period in April, and since then, some common themes have certainly emerged as being hand-brakes on the growth of small businesses around Australia, including excessive red tape, broadband speeds and payroll tax,” Ms Carnell said.

“Payment times in particular is an issue that has been consistently raised with me by small business owners, so much so that it will more than likely be the focus of a future ASBFEO inquiry,” she said.

Ms Carnell said feedback from small businesses was being gathered in a range of different ways.

“I’ve been travelling around the country speaking with small businesses directly, while many people have made use of the ASBFEO’s interactive online platform ‘thinkBIGsmallTALK’ to share their ideas,” Ms Carnell said.

“The platform allows users to submit their views and rate the opinions of others, so essentially it’s an online meeting place for the small business community to gather and brainstorm,” she said.

Ms Carnell said that while the official consultation period closes at the end of June, small businesses are encouraged to continue contacting the ASBFEO in the future, with any issues they feel are impacting their operations.

The results of the consultation discussions with the sector will be reflected in an advocacy agenda, which will be released in the coming weeks and will outline the ASBFEO’s focus going forward.


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Providing a springboard for women-owned businesses

A FAST-TRACK program to support up-and-coming female entrepreneurs is being supported by the City of Sydney as part of its efforts to foster business and boost the local economy.

Springboard Enterprises Australia (SBE) has received $35,000 in City sponsorship for their 2016 Accelerator Program that includes an education and coaching course designed for women entrepreneurs in the early stages of their company’s development. 

Lord Mayor Clover Moore said it was important to support women entrepreneurs, who are underrepresented in areas like emerging and high-growth businesses.

“Too little investment in women-led, high-growth companies impedes our city’s economic growth. So it’s not only a women’s issue, it’s a broader economic issue,” said the Lord Mayor.

“There are plenty of outstanding female entrepreneurs in Australia who could use Springboard’s support to take their business to the next level.

“Our upcoming Tech Startups Action Plan identifies the need to increase the number of female entrepreneurs launching and scaling high-growth businesses as an economic priority.”

The sponsorship falls under the City’s 10-year economic development strategy that aims to enhance the skills of business people and increase their awareness of business opportunities.”

Each year, SBE runs a ‘bootcamp’ for up to 10 companies, designed to accelerate their growth by providing skills and knowledge, coaching, mentorships and connections to local and international venture capitalists, angel and corporate investors.  

Companies selected to take part must:

•    Have a woman in a senior position with a significant equity stake;
•    Demonstrate a qualified and profitable market opportunity;
•    Have a track record of milestone achievement;
•    Have a credible management team or ability to attract one; and
•    Be based in or have significant operations in Australia.

SBE Australia Chair, Topaz Conway, said the City’s shared commitment to entrepreneurs was a key alignment with Springboard Enterprises Australia’s efforts to deliver a world-class program for women. 

“Since 2013, Springboard has worked with 26 women entrepreneurs to scale their businesses. To date, 70 per cent of these companies have now received more than $68 million in investment capital and a third have expanded to US and UK markets.

“Our goal is to help women make high-value contributions to Australia’s economy through innovation and technology.” 

The City has supported the SBE Accelerator Program since its launch in Australia in 2012 as part of the Economic Development Strategy to encourage women entrepreneurs, help strengthen the Sydney economy and support business.

Entrepreneur and Switch Automation co-founder, Deb Noller, completed the SBE Inaugural Accelerator Program in 2013 and last year expanded her businesses to the United States. 

“The Springboard Enterprise Australia Induction Program was perhaps one of the most eye-opening experiences of my personal AND professional life. I will never forget the feedback I received—mostly in the form of learning how to present myself and my company in a confident, clear light,” said Noller.

“Those mentors were invaluable in helping shape our approach to global expansion. We now have more than 7,000 buildings on our platform around the world; 38 employees; and are raising our first big Series A round.

The continued coaching and support means that I can stand in front of any potential customer, my global team and any investor and present our solution to the buildings industry the way that it deserves to be presented.”

Switch Automation is a cloud-based software program that provides a remote energy-management and sustainability reporting for buildings to help business cut costs and run more efficiently. 

For more information, visit 


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AMMA praises union action 'public interest' test

AMMA, Australia's resource industry employer group believes a new public interest test for future trade union amalgamations will provide critical Australian commercial activities, such as the construction of nationally significant resource projects, with further certainty and safeguards against militant and unlawful union tactics.

“Australia’s resource employers support the Coalition’s commitment to ensure future mergers between unions can only proceed where they are consistent with the public interest,” says AMMA chief executive Steve Knott.

“This will not only correct a glaring omission from the existing legislation and bring unions into line with the rules for corporate mergers, it will also ensure wider community interests are taken into account.

“It doesn’t matter if Australia has 20 unions or 2000 unions, as long as they all respect and abide by our workplace laws.  Unions that honestly and lawfully represent their members and comply with our workplace laws should easily pass such a test if they seek to merge with other unions.”

Although the Coalition’s policy will apply to all registered organisations seeking to amalgamate, AMMA called for a new public interest test following industry and community concerns about a proposed merger between the CFMEU and the MUA.

Concerns related to how two unions with a history of unlawful conduct and ignoring court decisions were looking to further bolster their influence on supply chains and contractor sectors.

In late 2015, the CFMEU’s record of breaking Australia’s workplace laws was lambasted by a Federal Court Judge who asked “has there ever been a worse recidivist in the history of the common law?”

The MUA has similarly forged a reputation for being openly and proudly militant, with its West Australian secretary infamously telling the union’s 2013 national conference that “laws need to be broken, you’re going to get locked up”.

"The resource industry is concerned that an amalgamation between the MUA and the CFMEU would potentially put at risk the stability of the supply chain supporting offshore and onshore resource projects,” Mr Knott says.

“Any coordinated ramping up of the militant industrial tactics of the CFMEU and MUA could jeopardise the timely completion of projects and supply of commodities to overseas buyers, and threaten future investment decisions.

“AMMA is pleased our recommendation for a public interest test has been taken up by the Coalition.

“Coupled with the restoration of the Australian Building and Construction Commission (ABCC) and the extension of its coverage to offshore construction, also championed by AMMA, these measures will provide certainty to investors, industry and the broader Australian community that significant future resource sector projects will not be put at risk by union militancy or unlawfulness.”

In AMMA’s 2016 Election Survey of over 100 resource employers, representing 85,000 employees, 86% believed union amalgamations should be scrutinised against a public interest test. 82% supported the ‘urgent’ restoration of the ABCC.


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NSW Govt hits the mark on tax, infrastructure and skills: ARA

THE Australian Retailers Association (ARA) has commended the NSW Government for delivering a budget that focuses on infrastructure, skills, and tax cuts for business, while running $3.4 billion in 2015-16, rising to $3.7 billion in 2016-17, and forecasts surpluses over the next four years averaging $2 billion each year.

ARA Executive Director, Russell Zimmerman, said the NSW State Budget builds on economic strength for the state and should continue strong retail sales growth at the same time as supporting retail businesses, particularly in employing people.

“The just released 2016-17 Budget focuses on delivering infrastructure that communities in NSW need, with long term holes in infrastructure slowly being fixed for the first time in decades,” said Mr Zimmerman.

In 2016-17, the Government is allocating $16.9 billion to transport and roads projects and services, helping to cut congestion and allow faster travel times so workers can spend more time with their families.

“The $100 million Smart, Skilled, and Hired is a package of initiatives to build skills and actively match those most in need of a job, such as young unemployed people, with the sectors that are growing and in need of workers.

“The previously promised removal of the taxes on business transactions is an important step for businesses making decisions to improve their operations, so the economic costs of these taxes are particularly high,” Mr Zimmerman said.

About the Australian Retailers Association:

Founded in 1903, the Australian Retailers Association (ARA) is the retail industry’s peak representative body representing Australia’s $293 billion sector, which employs more than 1.2 million people. The ARA works to ensure retail success by informing, protecting, advocating, educating and saving money for its 5,000 independent and national retail members throughout Australia. For more information, visit or call 1300 368 041.


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