Final TPP Hearing

THE Parliament’s Treaties Committee will hear from Government witnesses at the final hearing into the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) on Monday Morning in Canberra.

Committee Chair, Stuart Robert MP, says the Committee will hear the Government’s response to the range of issues raised during the inquiry.

“While there is broad support for the genuine benefits the TPP will bring, participants in the inquiry have criticised aspects of the Agreement.”

“Contentious issues include the Investor State Dispute Settlement mechanism, aspects of Australian intellectual property law, the temporary entry provisions for professionals, and the transparency of the negotiation process.”

“Government witnesses are expected to address these and other issues during the hearing.”

The Committee’s report on the TPP will be tabled before the end of the year.

During the hearing, the Committee will also be taking evidence on the Partial Revision of the 2012 Radio Regulations.

Mr Robert says people interested in the Committee’s inquiries can visit the Treaties Committee’s website for further information.


Public Hearing: Monday 7 November 2016, Committee Room 2R1, Parliament House, Canberra

8:10am: Radio Regulations - Partial Revision
Department of Communications and the Arts
Australian Communications and Media Authority

8:30am: Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement
Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade
IP Australia
Department of Health
Department of Immigration and Border Protection
Department of Agriculture and Water Resources
Attorney-General’s Department
Department of Communications
Department of Employment
Department of Finance
Department of Industry, Innovation and Science
The Treasury

The hearing will be broadcast live at


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