Business News Releases

Three new inquiries by Public Accounts Committee

THE Joint Committee of Public Accounts and Audit has launched inquiries into Commonwealth grants administration, infrastructure spending and financial statements as part of its examination of Auditor-General reports.

The JCPAA is a central committee of the Parliament and has the power to initiate its own inquiries on the Commonwealth public sector. The Committee examines all reports of the Auditor-General tabled in the Parliament and can inquire into any items, matters or circumstances connected with these reports.

Committee Chair, Senator Dean Smith, said that, as Parliament’s joint public administration committee, the JCPAA has an important role in holding Commonwealth agencies to account.

“Grants administration is a significant activity for many Commonwealth agencies, involving the payment of billions of dollars of public funds each year. The Committee has launched an inquiry into this important area, drawing on a number of recent audits,” Senator Smith said.

“The inquiry into Commonwealth financial statements reflects the JCPAA’s role in examining whether public money is used in an efficient, effective, economical and ethical manner. Similarly, the Committee’s inquiry into Commonwealth infrastructure spending will examine whether appropriate steps have been taken to protect the Commonwealth’s interests and obtain value for money in two road infrastructure projects.”

By taking a thematic approach to these inquiries, the Committee seeks to encourage improvements and shared learning in key areas of public administration.

The Committee invites submissions to the inquiries, addressing the terms of reference. Further information about the inquiries can be accessed via the Committee’s website.

The Committee’s inquiries are based on the following Auditor-General reports:

Commonwealth grants administration

Commonwealth infrastructure spending

Commonwealth financial statements

 Interested members of the public may wish to track the committee via the website


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Australian Cybercrime Online Reporting Network receives more than 45,500 reports

THE Australian Cybercrime Online Reporting Network (ACORN) is continuing to boost law enforcements efforts to crack down on cybercrime, with more than 45,500 reports received through the online system in 2016.

"The threat of malicious cyber activity is serious and growing. It endangers the privacy and safety of Australians, the wealth and information generated and held by our businesses and governments, and our national security," Justice Minister Michael Keenan said.

"With (February 7) marking Safer Internet Day 2017, raising awareness of emerging online issues and encouraging all Australians to watch out for common online scams has never been more vital. For consumers, online shopping remains an increasingly attractive option, but Australians need to be wary of fake websites selling counterfeit items and gifts.

"Scammers are known to set up sophisticated websites designed to trick consumers into thinking they’re legitimate businesses, often using a ‘’ domain name and stolen Australian Business Number (ABN)," Mr Keenan said.

"Protecting the Australian people, economy, our way of life, and making us more resilient to attack is the Australian Government’s top priority.

"The Government launched the ACORN in November 2014 as an easy way for the public to report cybercrime and contribute to a national intelligence database which authorities can use to identify and shut down criminals.

"The leading types of cybercrime being reported to the ACORN are online fraud and scams, with 22,679 reports received, accounting for 43.97 percent of total reports received in 2016. Online trading issues which affect Australians who buy and sell goods online were the second highest type of cybercrime reported, with ACORN receiving 8,783 reports in 2016," the Minister said.

"Victoria received the highest number of cybercrime reports, closely followed by Queensland and New South Wales.

"The majority of reported victims of cybercrime were between 20 and 40 years of age (40%), followed by the 40–60 age group (38%).

"I encourage all members of the public to be vigilant online and work together to ensure a safer and more secure digital environment for all Australians by reporting cybercrime to the ACORN."

The ACORN can be accessed online on the ACORN website.


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Talking tourism in the Top End

PARLIAMENT'S Northern Australia Committee will hold the first public hearing for its inquiry into Opportunities and Methods for Stimulating the Tourism Industry in Northern Australia on Friday, February 17, 2017 in Parliament House, Canberra.

Following the Australian Government’s 2015 White Paper on developing Northern Australia, the Government announced in February 2016 the Northern Australia Tourism Initiative.

he Initiative includes the Entrepreneurs’ Programme for Tourism, Northern Australia which is designed to help businesses commercialise novel products, processes and services as well as improve their productivity and competitiveness.

The Committee Chair, Warren Entsch MP, stated, ‘Broadening the experience offered to international and domestic visitors to Northern Australia will help to increase visitor numbers and the duration of their stay, thereby boosting the regional economy. The Entrepreneurs’ Programme has an important part to play in allowing tourism operators to tap into the wealth of potential tourist experiences offered in Northern Australia.’

The Committee will receive evidence from the Entrepreneurs’ Programme for Tourism, Northern Australia as well as several government agencies involved in facilitating tourism in Northern Australia.

The hearing program and further information about the Committee’s inquiry, including the terms of reference is available on the Committee’s website:

Public Hearing Details: 8am to 10:50am, Friday February 17, Committee Room 1R3, Parliament House, Canberra

The hearing will also be webcast at

Interested members of the public may wish to track the committee via the website


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ASBFEO early findings highlight pitfalls of late payments

AN INQUIRY investigating payment times and practices in Australia is in full swing with preliminary findings confirming that big businesses and some governments are taking longer than ever to pay small businesses.

Early results from the Inquiry – which is being conducted by the Australian Small Business and Family Enterprise Ombudsman (ASBFEO) in partnership with state-based Small Business Commissioners (SBCs), the Council of Small Business Australia (COSBOA), the Australian Institute of Credit Management (AICM) and the Institute of Public Accountants (IPA) – has found almost 50 percent of small businesses experience late payments on at least half of the bills owed to them.

The Inquiry has also found the practice of late payments is getting worse, with around 60 per cent of small businesses reporting an increase in the trend over the past 12 months.

Almost 70 percent report that the practice has reduced business profitability, with many business owners acknowledging it has a serious impact on their mental health given the added stress and anxiety late payments – and the associated cash-flow problems – can trigger.

Based on the Inquiry survey data, it’s becoming quite clear that big businesses – particularly large multi-nationals – are exploiting the power imbalance that exists in their relationship with small business people who simply aren’t in a position to argue for better payment terms – or to demand immediate payment – for fear of destroying their relationship with the larger company.

The Inquiry has also found the practice is not limited to one sector, with the impact of extended and late payments rippling through the entire economy.

Small businesses have until the end of February to have their say. Those who would like to contribute to the Inquiry can do so by completing a survey which can be found at:

An Inquiry Issues Paper is also available on the website.  Those wishing to provide feedback on the Issues Paper can do so by emailing: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or by contacting the SBC in their state.


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Water use efficiency inquiry announced

THE House Standing Committee on Agriculture and Water Resources has begun an inquiry into water use efficiency.

Australia is spending record amounts to modernise its irrigation infrastructure in an effort to make agricultural water use more efficient and increase the amount of water available for environmental flows.

Committee Chair Mr Rick Wilson MP said that the Committee’s inquiry will focus on the benefits these upgrade programs provide for irrigators as well as the value for money they represent, and will also seek to identify any areas where resources may be better directed.

“The agricultural sector is obviously very important to the Australian economy and irrigated agriculture is a big part of that,” Mr Wilson said. “The Committee wants to make sure that Australia is getting the best outcomes from these programs that we possibly can.”

The Committee will be accepting submissions to the inquiry until 31 March 2017.

The inquiry will focus on:

  • the adequacy and efficacy of current programs in achieving irrigation water use efficiencies,
  • how existing expenditure provides value for money for the Commonwealth,
  • possible improvements to programs, their administration and delivery, and
  • other matters, including, but not limited to, maintaining or increasing agricultural production, consideration of environmental flows, and adoption of world's best practice.

Interested members of the public may wish to track the committee via the website


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