Business News Releases

Visions of Australia open for applications

APPLICATIONS are now open for the Visions of Australia regional exhibitions touring program.

Each financial year, $2.4 million is available to arts and cultural heritage organisations to develop or tour exhibitions of cultural material of historic, scientific, design, social or artistic significance.

The Visions of Australia program aims to inspire, educate and entertain audiences and allow them to experience significant collections and stories from across Australia. The program gives Australians the opportunity to experience quality art and culture exhibitions that might not otherwise be able to travel to regional areas.

Two application rounds are held each year, in February for funding to commence from 1 July, and October for funding to commence the following January.

Applications close on Friday 17 March at 5.00 pm AEDST.

The guidelines and application form are available on the Visions of Australia page  


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Aussie farmers back Government’s company tax p​lan

THE National Farmers’ Federation has called on the Parliament to pass the Government’s Enterprise Tax Plan in full.

Assistant Minister to the Deputy Prime Minister, Luke Hartsuyker, has welcomed the strong support of Australia’s farmers for the Government’s Enterprise Tax Plan.

Over the weekend, the ​National Farmers’ Federation issued a public warning that valuable new Asian export markets are in jeopardy if the Parliament does not pass the Enterprise Tax Plan in full.

“Australia’s farmers and agribusinesses are very efficient, producing the finest food and fibre in the world. But they are competing with one hand tied behind their backs because of Australia’s uncompetitive business tax rates,” Mr Hartsuyker said.

“Australia is a net exporter of food and fibre, with about two-thirds of total agricultural production exported. These exports make Australia wealthier, providing jobs and supporting regional communities.

“Australian agriculture has significant potential to supply the rapidly growing Asian markets on our doorstep, but the necessary increases in production and processing capability will require significant investment along the supply chain.

“With intense global competition for investment in agribusiness, it is vital that Australia moves toward creating a more competitive atmosphere for business.

“The Coalition Government is determined to deliver more competitive tax rates along the entire supply chain through our Enterprise Tax Plan. Labor’s stated intention of limiting company tax relief to small business will create roadblocks for investment at vital points in the integrated supply chain.

“Australia’s farmers have made it clear that the Government’s Enterprise Tax Plan is vital for our national economic development. Labor now has a choice – support Australia’s farmers by backing the Government’s Enterprise Tax Plan, or prove once again that Labor has no idea about Australian agriculture or regional communities.”


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Less talk, more small business action for 2017 - ASBFEO

2017 IS EXPECTED to be a year of deliverables for small business and it is important that governments do not lose sight of the sector’s priorities, which would risk undermining future economic growth and prosperity, according to Australian Small Business and Family Enterprise Ombudsman (ASBFEO) Kate Carnell.

“Whether it be small business tax cuts, competition reform, unfair contracts, government procurement or security of payments, governments – and oppositions – have indicated their support for small business, but now we need the rubber to really hit the road; for these measures to be up-and-running and to be proven solutions to a range of small business road-blocks,” Ms Carnell said.

“There are a lot of diverse interests competing for governments’ attention, but the one sector that sits across most – if not all policy areas – is small business, so governments at federal, state and local level must keep the sustainability and growth of this sector at the top of their agenda, if they’re  to keep the broader economy growing.

“There are more than two million small businesses in Australia, employing close to four million people across the country.  Unlike large businesses, the tax revenue generated by our SMEs is on the rise, so their importance should never be underestimated, and their growth shouldn’t be taken for granted,” she said.

While holding governments to account on their small business proposals and promises, Ms Carnell said the ASBFEO also has a packed agenda of its own for 2017.

“Having completed our Small Business Bank Loans Inquiry Report late last year, we will be actively working with the finance sector and ASIC to implement the changes we believe are necessary to restore balance between banks and their small business borrowers, including compliance with unfair contract term laws, along with ensuring a low cost dispute resolution mechanism is put in place to deal with past, present and future claims of small business mistreatment by their bank lender,” Ms Carnell said.

“Our inquiry into payment times and practices is now in full swing.  We’ve had a significant response to the call for submissions and the office is busy going through these in order to report in March on just how bad the problem of late or no payments is for small business, and how we can turn this growing trend around.

“We’ve also finalised a small business statistics report which is a unique document pulling together a range of data to inform on a variety of areas including the size of the sector, its diversity, female participation, innovation and export market participation, which will be released shortly,” she said.

Other issues the ASBFEO has outlined in the 2017 Agenda include reducing Red Tape, improving SME access to government procurement, the promotion of best practice succession planning for family enterprises, and the importance of mental health for small business owners and their staff. 

A copy of the ASBFEO 2017 Advocacy Agenda can be found on the website:


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Bring back the loss carry back - IPA

THE Institute of Public Accountants (IPA) has renewed its call for the return of the loss carry-back initiative introduced by the Government in 2012 but which only endured a one year life-span.

“The IPA had long advocated for the loss carry-back which gave viable businesses a boost when they needed it the most through more timely tax loss relief,” said IPA chief executive officer, Andrew Conway.

“With the repeal of the Minerals Resource Rent Tax, the loss carry-back became an instant casualty.

“Small businesses operating through companies generally have limited resources to cope with adverse trading conditions and may require short-term liquidity to meet day-to-day liabilities.

“This has always been one of the major shortcomings of the tax loss treatment rules for small corporate businesses; the inability to claw back previously paid taxes and having to wait to earn profits before they could recoup their tax losses.

“We are urging the Government to reintroduce the loss carry-back initiative allowing companies to claw back their tax paid when they incur revenue loss. 

“The provisions that were introduced struck the right balance between allowing losses and limiting exposure to government revenues by placing a quantitative cap in conjunction with a two-year carry-back period,” said Mr Conway.

These recommendations form part of the IPA’s pre-Budget submission. 

For more information go to:

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Termites and nuisance taxes - IPA

THE Institute of Public Accountants (IPA) is calling on the government to implement holistic tax reform and in doing so eradicate nuisance taxes.

“Nuisance taxes and termites have something in common; termites eat away at the family home while nuisance taxes erode the revenue base and economic stability,” said IPA chief executive officer, Andrew Conway.

“Payroll tax is an example of a tax that is counterproductive to economic growth; it acts as a disincentive to employment and does not motivate small entities to grow.  It should be removed.

“The IPA supports the Henry Review recommendation that nuisance taxes should be removed and our reliance on direct income taxes decreased.

“A shift towards greater reliance on consumption taxes will encourage savings and investment and provide a more suitable source of revenue.

“Most nuisance taxes which are inefficient, distortive and inequitable are levied by State governments.  Reform in these areas will require an examination of the adequacy of State and Territory revenues.

“Stamp duty is another example of a state based tax which should be either abolished or rates reduced to a level that minimises the drag on the economy.

“We need ‘big bang’ tax reform with consideration of the total tax mix, not necessarily to change the overall tax burden but to deliver a fairer, more effective, internationally competitive and less complex tax system,” said Mr Conway.

These recommendations form part of the IPA’s pre-Budget submission.  For more information go to:


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