Business News Releases

New report highlights growing organised tobacco crime epidemic in Australia - ARA

THE Australian Retailers Association (ARA) has teamed up with various retail associations including the Australian Lottery and Newsagents’ Association (ALNA), Master Grocers Australia (MGA Independent Retailers) and the Australasian Association of Convenience Stores (AACS) to identify the growing problem of tobacco-related organised crime across Australia.

Russell Zimmerman, executive director of the ARA, said KPMG LLP’s Illicit Tobacco in Australia 2017 Full Year Report has shown a significant increase in the proportion of illicit tobacco consumption in the last year.

“According to the recent report, total illicit tobacco consumption rose from 14.3 percent in 2016 to 15 percent in 2017, costing the government $1.91 billion in excise,” Mr Zimmerman said.

“This rise in illicit tobacco consumption means almost $2 billion a year goes to criminals and gangs, instead of the vital government services which could improve our community and overall economy.”

The ARA, ALNA, MGA Independent Retailers and AACS have teamed up to support their workers in the industry and reduce the effects illicit tobacco is having on retailers across the country and the community as a whole.

“KPMG LLP’s report is further evidence that organised tobacco crime is at crisis point in Australia and the government must intervene,” Mr Zimmerman said.

“The increase in illicit tobacco consumption means there are more and more crime gangs in the tobacco market and it is becoming a growing and dangerous trade in Australia.”

With the retail industry employing over 1.2 million retail workers in Australia, Mr Zimmerman said frontline workers face the most danger as they are often left most vulnerable to crime and abuse.

“This is an enormous problem for businesses, and a serious issue for retail workers as we are seeing more and more break-ins from criminals who want to get their hands on tobacco products and sell them on the Black Market.”

Some gangs are also importing illicit tobacco from overseas, which can be more harmful than the actual product, and selling them on the streets to anyone who wants them, including young people,” Mr Zimmerman said.

Jos de Bruin, chief executive officer of MGA Independent Retailers agrees with the ARA, stating this new report highlights the significant impact illicit tobacco is having on independent retail.

“We estimate the growing crime epidemic is causing independent retailers across Australia a loss in sales of $200 million plus,”  Mr de Bruin said.

Therefore, the ARA iscalling on governments across Australia to step up their efforts in countering organised tobacco crime.

“Although the Federal Government has recently introduced a series of legislation to tackle his issue before Parliament, we believe Australia needs a coordinated national strategy, so all arms of governments are working together.

“All sides of government must take preventative measures and pass this legislation to ensure harsh penalties and eliminate this plague on the community once and for all,” Mr Zimmerman said.


About the Australian Retailers Association

Founded in 1903, the Australian Retailers Association (ARA) is Australia’s largest retail association, representing the country’s $310 billion sector, which employs more than 1.2 million people. As Australia’s leading retail peak industry body, the ARA is a strong pro-active advocate for Australian retail and works to ensure retail success by informing, protecting, advocating, educating and saving money for its 7,500 independent and national retail members throughout Australia. For more information, visit or call 1300 368 041.


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Gas Acceleration Program continues to benefit east coast supply

A PROJECT to restart gas processing facilities in South West Queensland will get a $2 million boost from the Australian Government’s $26 million Gas Acceleration Program, increasing gas supply to the East Coast market.

Minister for Resources and Northern Australia Matt Canavan said the funding would allow Australian Gasfields Limited to bring forward by a year the refurbishment and restarting of the Eromanga and Gilmore Gas Plants, adding a combined gas capacity of 8.7 petajoules a year.

“This adds to the $24 million investment in four projects announced in March that will supply an additional 12.4 petajoules of new gas by 30 June 2020, and an extra 27.6 petajoules over five years,” Mr Canavan said.

"The Eromanga facility will provide additional regional infrastructure to help unlock third-party stranded gas resources.

“The Australian Government is taking action to ensure a secure, reliable and affordable gas supply for the East Coast, to support Australian businesses and Australian jobs.

“The GAP is a significant component of the Australian Government’s $90 million investment in gas security, reliability and affordability for Australian gas users.

“It complements other measures that have helped to address domestic gas supply in the short term, like the Australian Domestic Gas Security Mechanism and the Prime Minister’s agreement with the East Coast LNG exporters in October 2017.

“However, the only way to safeguard gas security into the future is by increasing the supply of gas through new exploration and production.  It’s good news that the Northern Territory has lifted it ban on gas development, but other states must do more of the heavy lifting too.”


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Local industry experts to boost Aussie defence exports

THE Australian Defence Export Office and Austrade have taken the first steps towards delivering enhanced export support for Australian defence businesses, signing a Memorandum of Understanding to engage dedicated local industry experts in key export markets.

Minister for Defence Industry, Christopher Pyne said that partnering with Austrade will capitalise on whole-of-government expertise and knowledge of foreign markets to assist Australian defence industry to access greater export opportunities.

"Cooperation between Austrade and the Defence Export Office is one of a range of initiatives being delivered under the Defence Export Strategy, to drive a more competitive defence industry to support Australian Defence Force capability," Mr Pyne said.

"A strong, internationally competitive and sustainable defence industry is key to meeting Australia's current and future defence capability needs."

Minister for Trade, Tourism and Investment, Steven Ciobo said local industry experts, working closely with the Defence Export Office, will provide advice and support for Australian defence businesses using Austrade's established international networks to assist in navigating foreign markets.

"The MOU is another step in supporting the Defence Export Strategy and employing industry experts across several overseas Austrade offices will assist exporters in navigating foreign markets to grow their business," Mr Ciobo said.

"Growing the defence export sector will boost the Australian economy and build upon the Turnbull Coalition Government's strong record of job creation."

The Memorandum of Understanding was signed following last month's inaugural Defence Export Forum. The Forum, which aims to provide an integrated national approach to Defence exports, included representatives from Commonwealth agencies, state and territory governments and industry peak bodies.

Austrade and the Defence Export Office will work closely to support targeted multi-year campaigns and deliver integrated support for defence exporters. 

For more information, the Australian Defence Export Office can be contacted at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


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Public submissions open for the Independent Review of the Australian Public Service

THE PANEL for the Independent Review of the Australian Public Service has called for public submissions.

Minister Assisting the Prime Minister for the Public Service, Kelly O'Dwyer, said public consultations were an opportunity for people to have their say about the future of the Australian Public Service.

"It is important that our public sector is fit-for-purpose in the years ahead," Minister O'Dwyer said.

"Public consultations are an excellent opportunity for people to share their vision for the future of the APS. It is a chance to let the Panel know what works well, and what needs to change."

The Panel is seeking views on all areas raised in the Terms of Reference, as it begins its examination of the capability, culture and operating model of the Australian Public Service.

"Anyone can make a submission. Whether a public servant, business owner or member of the public, this is a chance to have your say on how our public service can best serve all Australians into the future," Ms O'Dwyer said.

The closing date for submissions is 11.59pm AEST Friday 13 July 2018.

Make a submission and read the Terms of Reference at the Independent Reviews' website.


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Grant to help researchers and businesses seize global opportunities

AUSTRALIAN researchers and businesses can now apply for up to $50,000 to help expand their work overseas, under the latest round of Global Connections Fund Bridging Grants.

The third round of Bridging Grants opens for applications today, with between $25,000 and $50,000 on offer to help viable Australian projects to grow in scope and scale, and to test commercialisation.

The Bridging Grants help Australian researchers build strong relationships with international partners, leading to the translation of knowledge and intellectual property into market-ready products and services.

They also help existing small-to-medium Australian businesses work with researchers overseas, leveraging their academic expertise to help them compete internationally.

Minister for Jobs and Innovation, Michaelia Cash said it is vital Australian researchers and businesses are given the opportunity to collaborate and share knowledge with counterparts in key global economies.

“Through initiatives such as the Global Connections Fund, the Turnbull Government is helping Australian businesses and researchers collaborate with global partners on projects that build our economy and create job opportunities.

“The Government’s Bridging Grants give our top innovators the support they need to grow their great ideas into viable businesses,” Minister Cash said.

The Global Connections Fund is one of the key internationally-focused measures of the Global Innovation Strategy, part of the Government’s $1.1 billion National Innovation and Science Agenda.

Extraordinary technological change is transforming how we live, work and communicate. Innovation is important to every sector of the economy. Innovation keeps us competitive. It keeps us at the cutting edge. It creates jobs. And it will keep our standard of living high.

Through the National Innovation and Science Agenda, the Turnbull Government is embracing new ideas to deliver the next age of economic prosperity to all Australians.

Applications close 14 June 2018. For more information visit


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