Resurgent resources boosting jobs in Queensland

QUEENSLAND'S resources sector is powering jobs growth across the State with mines re-opening, exploration surging and exports rising said the Queensland Resources Council (QRC).

QRC chief executive Ian Macfarlane said the state’s most valuable export is delivering more than 3500 jobs across Queensland in 2018 after a sustained uplift in the global economy.

“Resources account for about 80 percent of Queensland’s exports and over the last two years the sector has benefitted from elevated prices and a strong tailwind from larger volumes,” Mr Macfarlane said.

“With confidence returning, new projects are emerging, old mines are being extended and mothballed mines are coming back online. We’re seeing strong investment in new gas fields and all this activity is leading to highly skilled and highly paid jobs.

"Seek has more than 1,400 vacancies in mining, resources and energy in Queensland with more than half paying $100,000 or more," Mr Macfarlane said.

“For every direct job in the resources sector across Queensland another six full time jobs are supported indirectly.

“Santos and its GLNG partners will invest $400 million into its Arcadia gas project near Injune establishing up to 300 construction jobs, and a further $900 million in gas developments in the Maranoa, Western Downs, Central Highlands and Banana regions. While Senex will produce gas for the domestic market from the company’s Project Atlas in the Surat Basin creating 150 jobs.

“In this year alone, we’ve had two new entrants to the state’s coal sector with South32 scooping up a 50 percent stake in the greenfield Eagle Downs and Bengal Coal’s new coking coal mine near Dysart attaining State Government approval. Meanwhile, Japan’s Sojitz has acquired BHP Billiton Mitsubishi Alliance’s (BMA) Gregory Crinum mine leading to 300 jobs.

“Stanmore expects first coal in August from its new Isaac Plains East, Bounty Mining’s recommissioned Cook Colliery mine exported coal in June, Metro Mining’s Bauxite Hills project commenced in April with contracts to China, MMG is producing zinc at its Dugald River mine and Peabody secured over 230 jobs by extending its North Goonyella mine," he said.

“Underpinning this growth is exploration with the Palaszczuk Government releasing more than 44,000 square kilometres of land following a 39 percent increase in greenfield exploration.”

The resources sector now provides one in every six dollars in the Queensland economy, sustains one in eight Queensland jobs, and supports more than 16,400 businesses across the State - all from 0.1 percent of Queensland’s land mass, according to the QRC.

Where 3,506 resources jobs came from in 2018:

  • Bounty Mining Cook Colliery 260 jobs
  • Metro Mining Bauxite Hills 200 jobs
  • Stanmore’s Isaac Plains East 210 jobs
  • Peabody North Goonyella 230 jobs
  • Sojitz acquires BMA’s Gregory Crinum $100m 300 jobs
  • Senex & Jemena $140m Wallumbilla pipeline 200 jobs
  • Santos GLNG $400m Arcadia project 300 jobs
  • Senex Project Atlas 150 jobs
  • Bengal Coal Dysart East Underground 200 jobs
  • New Century Resources and Santos gas supply deal 240 jobs
  • BMA apprentices start work in central Queensland 40 jobs
  • Hastings Deering apprentices 50 jobs
  • Batchfire Callide 450 jobs
  • Metallica Minerals Bauxite Project 26 jobs
  • MMG Dugald River Zinc 400 jobs
  • Glencore’s Lady Loretta 250 jobs
  • Santos GLNG $900m in gas developments across Maranoa, Western Downs, Central Highlands and Banana
  • South32 buys 50 percent of Eagle Downs $100m


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