Business News Releases

Pyne pays tribute to Turnbull

MINISTER for Defence Industry, Leader of the House and Federal Member for Sturt, christopher Pyne, has paid tribute to former Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull at the conclusion of a tumultuous day for the Liberal Party.

"Today we farewell one of the great Prime Ministers in modern Australian history," Mr Pyne said.

"Malcolm chose to leave an extremely successful career in business to serve the Australian people through our Parliament.  In doing so he brought his sharp intellect, vision, and compassion to deliver for the country.

"He leaves the Prime Minister’s office with Australia experiencing a strong economy and strong jobs growth further boosted through significant tax reductions for Australian wage earners and small and medium businesses.

"I thank Malcolm for the opportunity to serve alongside him in his Government. This has been the most rewarding part of my 25-year political career so far.

"I have worked with Malcolm to better secure our nation in uncertain times through the largest build up of Australia’s military capability in our peace time history. 

"The Government's $200 billion commitment is being utilised to not just ensure the men and women of our defence forces are best equipped to defend us, but to also transform our strategic industrial base and generate Australian jobs in a way that has never been done before.

"Malcolm was Australia’s first Prime Minister with real experience in the innovation sector which showed during my time in the Industry, Innovation and Science portfolio. This led to us launching the National innovation and Science Agenda, designed to unlock the innovation potential of the economy.

"Malcolm is a mentor, an inspiration and a friend. Australia is stronger and richer for his service and dedication."



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Support for Social Justice Commissioner

CO-CHAIRS of National Congress of Australia’s First Peoples, Jackie Huggins and Rod Little have welcomed the submission by four former Social Justice Commissioners together with the current Social Justice Commissioner June Oscar in offering a pathway forward on constitutional recognition.

They said the submission to the Joint Select Committee on Constitutional Recognition was based on decades of advocacy and clearly identified unfinished business of recognising Australia’s first people in constitutional reform, embedding a voice in the constitution, "a truth telling process and agreement or treaty making framework as critical to meaningful reform".

The National Congress of Australia’s First Peoples is a democratically elected body representing a membership of more than 9,500 individuals and 180 community organisations.

Dr Huggins said, “The National Congress was developed by first peoples for the people responding to the silence of a representative voice since the abolishment of the ATSIC model."

"Although, the establishment of National Congress had bi-partisan support, we were defunded in 2014, which destabilised our development.

"The Joint Submission states that whilst National Congress is in its infancy, with the appropriate resourcing and recognition it can be a far more effective representative voice. As the appropriately constituted national peak First Peoples organisation, National Congress, already carries out the important work of developing responses and providing independent advice to Government. We continue to be the voice of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australia."

Mr Little said, “Whilst governments wage internal warfare, the commitment to us as a people is forgotten."


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QRC statement on incoming Prime Minister Scott Morrison

THE Queensland Resources Council has congratulated Scott Morrison on his elevation to the office of Prime Minister. 

“Scott Morrison knows what makes regional Queensland tick, and he understands the importance of our most valuable industries – like resources,” QRC chief executive Ian Macfarlane said. 

“In recent times we’ve seen him make several visits to some of our resources heartlands in Central and North Queensland. And we know he’s a fan of the coal industry, which he proved on the floor of Parliament. 

“As Treasurer he’s seen the revenue roll in from our resources exports.

“His new Deputy, Josh Frydenberg, is a former Resources Minister, and will have seen first-hand how many Queenslanders rely on the resources sector for their jobs, and the contribution these tens of thousands of people make to our economy. 

“The QRC also commends the contribution of Malcolm Turnbull during his time as Prime Minister, in particular his focus on energy policy. 

“We look forward to the new leadership team turning their attention to implementing a policy to provide affordable and reliable energy for households and industry.”


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The ARA congratulates new Prime Minister and looks forward to retail stability

THE Australian Retailers Association (ARA) has congratulated Scott Morrison, as Australia’s new Prime Minister, and looks forward to long-term certainty and stability in the retail sector.

Russell Zimmerman, executive director of the ARA, said uncertainty is never good for business and retailers are looking forward to a strong and stable future.

“With retail trade averaging a 2.7 percent growth this year, retailers are looking for long-term certainty and stability, as stability enables retailers to make long-term decisions, grow their business and hire more staff,” Mr Zimmerman said.

“We believe this strong and stable Government will support retailers through the current fluctuating trading environment and assist the ARA’s mission in transforming retail from a stepping-stone industry, to a long-term and fulfilling career.”

"The ARA would like to thank Malcolm Turnbull for his leadership in the past and look forward to seeing a strong and stable Government to provide solid growth in the retail sector.

“Australian retailers are constantly adapting to the ever-changing retail climate, therefore having a strong sense of unity will be a great relief for retailers across the country,” Mr Zimmerman said.

“Although our local retailers are strong and resilient, retailers need our Government’s support in growing retail, growing employment and growing the Australian economy.”

With a continued weakened economy and high employment costs, the ARA is passionate about supporting members, securing skilled staff, progressing careers in retail and ensuring the longevity of Australian retail.

About the Australian Retailers Association:

Founded in 1903, the Australian Retailers Association (ARA) is Australia’s largest retail association, representing the country’s $310 billion sector, which employs more than 1.2 million people. As Australia’s leading retail peak industry body, the ARA is a strong pro-active advocate for Australian retail and works to ensure retail success by informing, protecting, advocating, educating and saving money for its 7,500 independent and national retail members throughout Australia. For more information, visit or call 1300 368 041.



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COSBOA says 'Thanks Malcolm, welcome new team ... not let's get on with it'

THE Council of Small Business Organisations Australia (COSBOA) today congratulated Scott Morrison on becoming the new Prime Minister of Australia and looks forward to hearing what the Coalition has in store for small business.

“Thanks Malcolm, welcome to the new team, now let’s get on with it,” declared Peter Strong, small business advocate and CEO of COSBOA, today after a tumultuous week in Canberra. 

"Mr Morrison has done an excellent job with the Australian economy and has shown a great understanding of and support for small business," he said.

"We believe in his new role as Prime Minister, this will only continue to improve. We also thank Malcolm Turnbull for what he achieved in office; the economy has improved under his leadership.

“We offer commiserations to Mr Dutton and hope that he will continue in the ministry to provide positive support for the Morrison Government.

“Our congratulations also go to Josh Frydenberg on becoming the Deputy Leader of the Liberal Party,” said Mr Strong.

COSBOA is very aware that while the Liberal Party leadership drama was unfolding, small businesses continued to operate, providing employment, services and products to the Australian community.

Mr Strong said, “Next week we will host the key small business policy event of the year, the Vodafone National Small Business Summit, which will focus on energy, telecommunications, regulations and the future for small business. This is an incredibly timely event which will help bed-down vital policy measures needed for certainty and direction in the small business arena. We will hear from Chris Bowen, the Shadow Treasurer, who will reveal his stance on the role small business plays in our economy.”

Registrations are open for the Vodafone National Small Business Summit. For more information visit:



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