Director Identification Laws one step closer but cutting red tape must remain high priority

LAWS to create a Director Identifier Number system (DIN) are one step closer but cutting red tape for building and construction businesses must remain top of the agenda, according to Master Builders Australia.

First canvassed in the 2001 Cole Royal Commission, a DIN concept has been long supported by Master Builders as a way to help government agencies and regulators enforce existing laws far more effectively while avoiding the need for higher levels of red tape and regulation.

"Master Builders acknowledges the work of Shadow Assistant Treasurer Dr Andrew Leigh MP and his leadership on this issue. Its good news that the Government is now getting on with delivering this important initiative,” Master Builders Australia CEO Denita Wawn said.

The proposed DIN register will see company directors assigned a unique number, allowing regulators, agencies and government departments to better track and identify unfair commercial conduct and enforce existing laws far more effectively and efficiently.

"The DIN will help reduce the incidence of phoenix activity and other types of capricious commercial conduct that undermines and hurts the overwhelming majority of businesses who do the right thing,” Ms Wawn said.

In its submission to Treasury responding to a draft of the proposed laws, Master Builders expressed support for the DIN while suggesting improvements and highlighting the need to keep red tape cuts high on the agenda.

"As the DIN is intended to help regulators be more effective, there should be less need for more red tape and regulation. There is no better time than now to take stock of existing regulation and red tape to make sure it is necessary and still effective," Ms Wawn said.

"Protecting small business people from rogue operators and reducing the red tape so many small builders find suffocating must both remain top of the agenda,” she said.


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