Business News Releases

Mascot Towers and combustible cladding issues could cause permanent change to unit market

THE RISK of poor demand for high-rise units is increasing as recent major issues in their construction impact the market.

In fact, RiskWise Property Research CEO Doron Peleg said the impact of the current situation with Mascot and Opal towers, combined with the NSW Government’s promise to conduct “the biggest shake-up of the construction industry that this state has ever seen” could be so great it would likely result in a structural change in demand of units in high-rise buildings.

He said as experts believe thousands of high-rise buildings could be at risk of cracking due to systemic issues in the building and construction industry, as well as recent fears of combustible cladding, the effect could be far reaching as investors look for other, safer, opportunities. He added that NSW Government’s plan to employ a building industry commissioner to look at accountability, transparency and the quality of buildings under construction was likely to have a major impact on the cost, and consequently, on the dwelling types, configuration and the target audience.

“Due to cracks showing in high rises such as Sydney’s Mascot and Opal towers, the uncertainty that more will become apparent in other buildings and the need to replace cladding in thousands of buildings, all of which could amount to billions and billions of dollars, its highly likely the demand for units will well and truly drop,” Mr Peleg said.

“Also, these high-profile issues have created a huge ‘reputational damage’ across the entire industry, as the typical buyers often struggle to understand the quality of the development and might chose instead of avoid exposure to such investments.

“If you combine these recent quality issues with financial losses from investment in high-rise units, this could amount to a permanent structural change in this demand for units in high-rise buildings.

“We already have significantly reduced levels of demand due to restrictions on foreign investors, credit restrictions, banks refusing to loan to self-managed super funds and local investors looking elsewhere.

“Add to that the high level of unit oversupply and it’s possible to see how structural changes could occur in a sense that the overall demand for off-the-plan dwellings will shift from units to house-and-land packages.

“Another potential impact could be that other state governments will follow NSW and introduce very high standards and supervising of new dwellings. That might create a situation that in order to have a feasible project, developers might need to build smaller developments, at a materially higher cost per square metre.”

He said developers were already struggling to meet pre-sales and / or sales targets in areas where there were high levels of stock and many had not proceeded to commencement.

Units in the pipeline for the next 24 months Australia-wide equate to 8.4 percent of current stock, while in Sydney, only 6 percent (121 units) of stock sold in the three months to December and in Melbourne, 9 percent (230 units) sold (Urbis).

HIA also reports sales for off-the-plan properties were down by 16.4 percent from last year during the three months to January nationwide.

“Given the existing demand for off-the-plan units in high rises is already low, high-profile events such as those in the Mascot and Opal towers, will only have a further impact,” Mr Peleg said.

“Without demand from investors, and other buyers, you don't have pre-sales or sales and the entire development is at risk. 

“The key message here for developers and construction lenders is that there is greater supply than demand for investment properties, which are mainly aimed at renters, so it follows that the focus should be on properties that are suitable for owner-occupiers and appeal to families.

“Generally, developers are seeking high profitability but that doesn't really work now because the risks are significantly higher, and the losses could be very substantial. So, it is better to focus on smaller unit blocks with larger apartments in areas that are popular amongst families.

“The quality issues and new requirements from the NSW Government that are likely to be copied by the other states, might lead to greater costs and higher risks, particularly for high-rise developments. In addition, it’s likely insurance premiums for developers would also go up.”

He said while it was “a bit early” to determine definitively if there would be a structural change in demand for units in high rises, there remained red flags and risk indicators developers needed to take into consideration before proceeding.

“You cannot simply ignore these risks and, at least in the foreseeable future, the focus should be on family-suitable properties,” he said.


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MTAA Super and Tasplan enter MOU to investigate creation of $22bn super fund

MTAA Super and Tasplan have entered into a binding Memorandum of Understanding to investigate a merger of the two funds, which if successful would create a national superannuation fund with more than $22 billion in Funds under Management and 328,000 members.

Tasplan is a multi-industry profit-for-members super fund, managing $9.5 billion in assets for members Australia-wide, while MTAA Super is a national industry-based super fund that has served the motor trades and allied industries for 30 years, managing close to $13 billion.

The MOU will allow a potential merger to be thoroughly assessed by all parties, with the best interests of members being the key deciding factor.

Fund Chairs, Naomi Edwards of Tasplan, and John Brumby of MTAA Super, said this was an exciting opportunity to create one fund that would provide services nationally to the combined membership, with priority on providing quality services and outcomes for members.

“We anticipate that the increased scale will deliver efficiencies that can be passed on to members by way of product and service improvement, competitive fees and returns,” Ms Edwards and Mr Brumby said.

“While there is still much work to be done, we are excited by the prospect of building a fund of significant scale, enjoying widespread national membership and offering further improvements in benefits to our members over time.”


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Countdown to super insurance changes: just days left to act

MUMS AND DADS at home on parental leave, and other Australians taking a break from the workforce, only have four days left to check if they’re affected by changes to super and insurance coming into effect on 1 July.

Industry Super Australia chief executive Bernie Dean urged Australians to get in touch with their super fund if they were concerned about changes to their insurance and check if they will be affected.

The changes, part of the Federal Government’s Protecting Your Super package, will see the automatic consolidation of all low balance ($6,000 and less), inactive accounts to the ATO, and the cancellation of insurance attached to all super accounts that have been inactive for 16 months or more.

Mr Dean said while the changes should deliver significant boosts to people’s super balances, there were some catches to look out for.

“There are some real positives for people in these changes and we expect to see more money for consumers as multiple accounts are consolidated and insurance on those old accounts cancelled,” Mr Dean said.

“There’s a few catches people should be aware of though, especially the parents or others out there who might have been out of the paid workforce for a while and haven’t had any super contributions.

“Getting insurance through your super can be really cost effective and a good way for people to get covered where they might not otherwise be able to afford it, but it can also see super balances eroded if people are paying for premiums for insurance they don’t need.”

Mr Dean said super funds have been contacting members letting them know about the changes, and how to keep their insurance attached to their account if they want to.

“With only days to go until the changes kick in, this is one of those times people really need to think about their super and not throw the letter from their fund straight in the bin, or mark the email as spam,” he said.

“Straightening it out is easy – if you decide you do want to continue the insurance cover, just let your super fund know.

“If you’re worried or don’t know if you’ll be affected give your super fund a call. With only days to go until 1 July it’s vital people get engaged with their super now and don’t put it off to another day.”


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Insurers put on notice on over-collection of emergency services levy

THE NSW Emergency Services Levy Insurance monitor, Allan Fels, has today issued guidelines to insurers to prevent consumers being over-charged Emergency Services Levies.

Emergency Services Levies (ESL) are added to premiums by insurers to recover the contributions they are required to make to help meet the costs of the emergency services providers in NSW.

Professor Fels warned insurers that the Monitor would be closely scrutinising insurers to ensure consumers were not charged excessive amounts.

“The guidelines send a clear warning to insurers that the Monitor will use its statutory information gathering powers to obtain all the data it needs to make these assessments," Prof. Fels said.

“And we will require an auditors’ review report in relation to this data to ensure NSW consumers are not overcharged on their insurance.”

If there is any over-collection, the Monitor will require that refunds are made to policy holders, or if this is impracticable that the over-collection is returned to the Chief Commissioner of State Revenue.

“Whilst over-collection may be inadvertent, this does not relieve insurers of the requirement to make good on any over-collection amount,” Prof. Fels said.

Most insurers are well-aware of the Monitor’s scrutiny of over-collections in the past and have been cautious to avoid collecting more than they are authorised.

However, in 2015-116 and 2016-17 the Monitor identified over $1.6 million in over-collections.

Five smaller insurers were referred to the Chief Commissioner of State revenue for debt recovery action for amounts totalling $29,468.


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Trans-Tasman innovation and growth awards: submissions now open says RDA


SUBMISSIONS are open now for the inaugural Trans-Tasman Innovation and Growth Awards, a showcase of emerging businesses in Australia and New Zealand that demonstrate outstanding innovation, growth and impact.

Regional Development Australia is encouraging innovative small-to-medium businesses throughout Australia to enter the awards.

According to RDA, eligible applicants will have:

  • secured investor funding and a market cap under $A100 million
  • established strong roots in Australia and New Zealand
  • a compelling growth story to share.

Four winners will each receive a $20,000 cash prize, media exposure and an exclusive alumni package of corporate support – including funding to participate in two 2020 summits.

Submissions close July 5, 2019.

For more information:


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