Business News Releases

Class action filed against CommBank for selling junk insurance

SLATER AND GORDON has filed a class action against Commonwealth Bank, alleging the Big Four bank sold its customers junk credit card and personal loan insurance.

The class action, filed in the Federal Court, is the fourth in the #GetYourInsuranceBack campaign.

The Commonwealth Bank has admitted that these products were worthless, even though they were sold to hundreds of thousands of their customers, Slater and Gordon claimed.

During the Royal Commission into Misconduct in the Banking, Superannuation and Financial Services Industry, it was revealed the bank’s CEO Matt Comyn, had pushed for the bank to stop selling the junk insurance in 2015. Mr Comyn was, however, told by the then CEO to “temper [his] sense of justice”, and the products continued to be sold until March 2018.

Existing policies, however, have simply been rolled over and many customers are continuing to be charged thousands of dollars in fees for the worthless products to this day.

Slater and Gordon practice group leader Andrew Paull said the class action gave a voice to those who were vulnerable and duped into buying worthless insurance. It would allow those customers to hold the bank to account for its wrongdoing.

Mr Paull said he hoped the class action would help the customers get their money back, while keeping corporate giants honest.

“A 2018 review of the Commonwealth Bank’s sale of consumer credit insurance products revealed that more than 200,000 people who were unemployed or not working full time had been sold this type of policy, meaning it was very unlikely they would have been able to claim against the insurance,” Mr Paull said.

“This is reprehensible behaviour by the bank, which has chosen to compensate only a negligible portion of its customers, despite their admission that they knew the insurance was worthless.

“This move to return only a small portion of its customers premiums seems to have been a tokenistic effort to protect the bank’s brand, rather than a genuine attempt to make good its past wrongdoing.

“Slater and Gordon is still being contacted by large numbers of Commonwealth Bank customers who should never have been sold the products, yet have never been remediated.”

Mr Paull called on the Commonwealth Bank to do the right thing and properly address the claims brought in this class action by ensuring that all aggrieved customers are compensated.

Slater and Gordon recently settled a class action against NAB for $49.5 million and is preparing to start distributing compensation in the coming month. The firm filed similar class actions against ANZ and Westpac earlier this year.

Consumers who purchased either Credit Card Plus, or Personal Loan Insurance and have paid a premium since 2010 may be included in the class action.

The class action is being run no-win, no-fee.


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Caravan and camping resurgence: Occupancy for cabins up 61pc and powered sites up 109pc on last week

THE CARAVAN Industry Association of Australia has identified a strong, sustainable surge in caravan park visits and occupancy.

Caravan Industry Association of Australia CEO Stuart Lamont said over the weekend many Australians were once again able to explore "our great country".  For many residents, this was the first taste of overnight freedom in months and fell over the Queen’s Birthday Long Weekend in some states.  

Weekly accommodation data for the Caravan Industry indicates a strong resurgence is already taking place, highlighting the rapid uptake and potential to lead the path to recovery for the regional Australia visitor economy.

Cabin Occupancy

Week Commencing



May 25

June 1

Change from Previous Week

































Cabin occupancy around Australia increased by 61 percent last week, compared with the week previous. This was on the back of a lifting of restrictions in many states with NSW seeing the largest week-to-week increase of 185 percent. Victoria also saw a more than doubling of cabin occupancy, up 105 percent. These two states were assisted with a long weekend.

South Australia was the national leader in terms of cabin occupancy, a 42 percent increase from the previous week – noting that intrastate travel restrictions had eased earlier in South Australia.

Powered Site Occupancy

Week Commencing



May 25

June 1

Change from Previous Week

































Powered site occupancy around Australian caravan parks increased by 109 percent  last week, compared with the week previous. NSW saw a quadrupling in occupancy which led all states, with Victoria seeing a 150 percent increase. In a similar fashion to cabins, South Australia topped the states with occupancy for powered sites (31%) exceeding for the week beginning June 1.

Mr Lamont said, “As anticipated, movement of Australians getting back out on the road has begun and is gaining quick momentum again.

“Whilst many Australians still care to dream and are desiring a local getaway our caravan parks and amazing camping ground options are plentiful and are attracting many of us to hit the road. Coming from ground zero, this early data shows real green-shoots are occurring in caravanning which is now driving our tourism industry forward,” Mr Lamont said

“Travel intention remains high, with 80 percent of Caravan Industry Association of Australia’s consumer audience indicating they would like to take a trip in the next two months.”

"Caravan and camping holidays are a fun and safe way to reconnect with friends and family, nature, and the wonderful country we live in.  They also act as the lifeblood for many regional communities throughout the country."


The Caravan Industry Association of Australia is the peak body for caravanning and camping industry, a $23.3 billion industry that manufactures 23,000 vehicles per annum, services over 700,000 vehicles on the road, generates 12 million trips and creates 60 million visitor nights across the country.


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Wealthy migrant investors could give struggling universities a lifeline

WEALTHY migrant investors could provide a vital source of funding to support universities and the return of international students, leading wealth manager Atlas Advisors Australia has claimed.

Atlas Advisors Australia executive chairman, Guy Hedley said universities, jobs and vital research projects were being unnecessarily put at peril because of a failure to look at smarter, more sustainable funding alternatives.

Mr Hedley said the Australian Government’s current review of the Business Innovation and Investment Program (BIIP) was an opportunity to enhance the economic and social outcomes of the program by directing more funds towards priority sectors such as universities.

“The complying investment framework of BIIP should be restructured to give priority to high net worth migrant investors who can provide a rich, long-term source of funding,” Mr Hedley said.

“Reopening applications under the BIIP could immediately unlock millions of dollars in available funds to support universities to recover and grow in a post-COVID-19 economy.”

Mr Hedley said revamping the BIIP complying investment framework to channel more funds towards critical research, positions and projects matched the strategic focus of universities and the Australian Government towards international education.

“The Australian Government and universities aim to increase the $37.6 billion contribution that international education made to the Australian economy last financial year,” Mr Hedley said.

“Wealthy migrant investors could play a greater role in making up for the loss of international students and strengthening the capabilities of our universities to build better ties to the rest of the world.

“It could also lead to more university endowments, another growing source of stable revenue.”

University-focused venture capital fund Stoic Venture Capital has united with Atlas Advisors Australia to call for greater funding under the BIIP for universities and venture capital.

Stoic Venture Capital managing partner for investments,Geoff Waring said the BIIP complying investment framework should be also revamped to increase funding for early stage venture capital and to assist the commercialisation of university innovation.

“Many Australian startups that could go on to become industry leaders have emerged from research conducted in university laboratories,” Dr Waring said. 

“Revamping the complying investment framework to prioritise capital constrained companies rather than to support more mature companies and assets reconfigures immigration policy to address the gaps in capital markets.”

About Atlas Advisors Australia

Atlas Advisors Australia is a leading funds manager and investment advisory business, operating between China and Australia, offering a wide range of financial services and wealth management solutions. With operations in Sydney and Melbourne in Australia and Shanghai in China, Atlas is able to support investors in China and Australia locations.

About Stoic Venture Capital

Stoic Venture Capital provides financing for early-stage companies, particularly those arising from university research. Stoic is unconditionally registered as an Early Stage Venture Capital Limited Partnership (ESVCLP), taking a collaborative approach to investing in the highest potential companies.


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NIAA and ANAO discuss remote food pricing

THE Indigenous Affairs Committee will hear from the National Indigenous Australians Agency (NIAA) and the Australian National Audit Office (ANAO) at the first public hearing for its inquiry into food prices and food security in remote communities.

Committee chair Julian Leeser MP said that the Committee looked forward to discussing the current policy frameworks with these key agencies.

“As the national Indigenous policy agency, NIAA will play a central role in formulating the government’s approach to dealing with this issue,” Mr Leeser said. “The ANAO has conducted detailed audits of government activities and initiatives in remote food security. Both of these witnesses have valuable insights and expertise to bring to the inquiry.”

Public hearing details

Date: Thursday 11 June 2020
Time: 11.35am to 12.55pm

A full program will be available at the inquiry website.

Due to social distancing requirements at Parliament House, members of the public will not be permitted to attend the hearing. An audio broadcast will be accessible at  

For more information about this inquiry, including its terms of reference, details of upcoming public hearings, and instructions on making a submission, please visit the Committee’s webpage.


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QRC says stable royalties required - 'don’t risk regional recovery from COVID-19'

THE Queensland Resources Council has repeated its call for the Palaszczuk Government to match the LNP Opposition commitment to a 10-year freeze on all resource royalties.

QRC chief executive Ian Macfarlane said the industry noted the Palaszczuk Government’s commitment today to a five-year freeze for new petroleum royalty arrangements, following its earlier commitment to freeze the rate and threshold for coal and metal royalties for three years.

“The government has recognised that stable royalties provide greater investment and employment certainty for the resources industry.  The LNP promised 12 months ago, if elected, it would stabilise royalties for 10 years,” Mr Macfarlane said.

“The resources sector has been paying more than $5 billion in royalties to the Queensland Government to reinvest in services and infrastructure for all Queenslanders.

“The role of the resources sector is even more important to Queensland with COVID-19’s impact across the state’s economy. The resources sector employs one in seven jobs in Queensland and it contributes more than $220 million to the State’s economy each week," he said.

“The last royalty increase, under the Newman Government in 2012, compounded the regional impact of a global downturn in commodity prices and led to a significant reduction in resource investment and jobs.

“QRC welcomes the use of actual sales rather than an index for calculating gas royalties and the lower rates the model will offer for domestic production.”

Mr Macfarlane said QRC would have preferred the Queensland Government to continue dialogue with the gas industry to better inform the development of the new petroleum royalty arrangements.

“QRC will continue to work with its gas members to ensure the government’s new royalty arrangements are workable and do not detract from their planned investment and employment, particularly in the COVID-19 recovery,” he said.


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