Resource sector continues to deliver for Queensland – exports down, but above 80 percent

THE Queensland resources sector has continued to deliver more than 80 percent of the State’s exports despite reductions due to market disruptions and price volatility in the wake of the global pandemic COVID-19.

Queensland Resources Council chief executive Ian Macfarlane said today’s release of Queensland Treasury analysis of trade data for the 12 months until the end of April, showed resources was the dominant contributor to the State’s export earnings with coal the most valuable despite a 8.8 percent drop compared with the same period last year.

“Mineral exports were up almost 7 percent or an additional $550 million,” Mr Macfarlane said. “The latest data shows the resource sector has delivered more than $65 billion in exports over the last 12 months or $1.25 billion every week.”

“When the resources industry is working, Queenslanders are earning and Queensland is exporting.”

Link to Queensland Treasury data:


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