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Food for Thought on F&B manufacturing

THE House Standing Committee on Industry, Science and Resources has released its report for its inquiry into food and beverage manufacturing in Australia, titled Food for Thought: The opportunities and challenges for Australia’s food and beverage manufacturing industry. The report has made 23 recommendations.

Chair of the Committee, Rob Mitchell MP, said, "By 2040, the global population is expected to reach nine billion. This will shape the global economic and consumer landscape, and Australia is well-positioned to capitalise on its ‘clean and green’ reputation and ability to innovate and expand product range to further increase its market share, both domestically and internationally'.

"This inquiry found many opportunities for expanding the Australian food and beverage manufacturing sector. These include export opportunities, integrating new technologies, building on Australia’s reputational and competitive advantages, and adding value to raw products to produce high-value goods.

"The committee has made several recommendations to take advantage of these opportunities, including developing a National Food Plan, increasing AusTrade assistance for small and medium enterprises looking to export Australian food and beverage products to Asia, identifying skills shortages in the industry, and supporting automation technologies."

Further information on the inquiry, as well as a copy of the report, can be obtained from the inquiry website.

