Flood insurance inquiry to hold hearings in Melbourne and regional Victoria, April
THE House Standing Committee on Economics will hold public hearings in Melbourne and regional Victoria from April 17–19 as part of its inquiry into insurers’ responses to 2022 major floods claims.
The committee will hold public hearings at:
- Maidstone Community Centre, Maribyrnong – Wednesday 17 April
- Rochester Shire Hall, Rochester – Thursday 18 April
- Heathcote RSL Hall – Friday 19 April
Committee Chair Daniel Mulino MP said the inquiry had heard from regulators, insurance companies and consumer advocacy and legal rights groups. “Now we want to hear firsthand from the locals in some of the worst-hit regions.”
When the Maribyrnong River flooded on the night of October 13, 2022, it devastated more than 600 homes and businesses across the suburbs of Maribyrnong, Avondale Heights, Kensington and Ascot Vale, and caused tens of millions of dollars in damage. It was the river’s third-worst flood on record – with Maribyrnong bearing the brunt of the damage.
Dr Mulino said the hearing on April 17 will hear from affected councils, community organisations and businesses, which have been invited to give evidence at roundtable discussions. Organisations that wish to contribute can email their interest to the Committee secretariat.
Expressions of interest are also being sought from residents to give a three to four-minute public statement about their experience with their insurers. Dr Mulino urged people “with a story to share, and who are willing to go on the public record, to register – as soon as possible – their interest in appearing”.
The committee would like to hear about any of the following issues:
- the experiences of policyholders before, during and after making claims
- timeframes for resolving claims
- obstacles to resolving claims
- insurers’ communication with policyholders
- accessibility, affordability and quality of hydrology reports and other expert assessments
- affordability of insurance premiums
- claimants’ experiences of insurers’ dispute resolution processes.
People who wish to make a public statement should email a one or two sentence summary of their experience to the committee secretariat at
Dr Mulino said the hearings may not be able to accommodate everybody on the day.
“We know that in some of these places almost everyone has a story to tell," he said. "But for anyone who misses out or who wishes to provide information to the committee, there is still time to make a public or confidential submission, and/or complete our online survey.”
More than 400 people have completed the survey about their experience with their insurer.
Submissions can be uploaded through this online link or emailed to
Programs for the hearings will be posted on the inquiry website closer to the time. A live audio stream of the hearings will be available on the APH website.
Online survey: The survey is open until July 31 and is available here.
For further information contact the committee secretariat on 02 6277 4707 or email
Public hearings, April 2024:
Programs will be posted on the inquiry website closer to the time. A live audio stream of the hearings will be available on the APH website.
Maribyrnong, Melbourne, Vic
Date: 17 April 2024
Time: 9am (tbc)
Location: Maidstone Community Centre
Rochester, Vic
Date: 18 April 2024
Time: 9am (tbc)
Location: Rochester Shire Hall
Heathcote, Vic
Date: 19 April 2024
Time: 9am (tbc)
Location: Heathcote RSL Hall