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87th Annual Report recommends reform to the Public Works Committee Act 1969

ON MARCH 26, the Chair of the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Public WorksGraham Perrett MP, presented the Eighty Seventh Annual Report to the House of Representatives.

The report contains a recommendation for reform of the committee’s foundation legislation.

The Public Works Committee was established in 1913. While it has provided parliamentary scrutiny of Commonwealth expenditure and ensured public value of proposed works, the government procurement and construction environment has evolved significantly in the last century.

Mr Perrett said, "A full review of the Public Works Committee legislation, with a view to repealing and replacing the current Act, would ensure the Committee can continue to provide effective oversight of government expenditure".

The annual report is a statutory requirement of the committee. It also includes statistics on inquiries, hearings and medium works for 2023.

For more information about this committee, visit its website.

