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Electoral Matters Committee launches inquiry into civics education, participation and engagement

THE Joint Standing Committee on Electoral Matters has commenced an inquiry into civics education, engagement, and participation in Australia, and is seeking written submissions in response to the Terms of Reference by Friday, May 24.

The committee is particularly interested in hearing from people with direct experience of civics and citizenship education and challenges associated with electoral participation. This includes students and teachers, young people, First Nations peoples, people from culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) backgrounds, civic and educational organisations, and people in regional, rural, and remote areas.

Committee Chair, Kate Thwaites MP, said, "In a time when we’re seeing challenges for democracies across the world, and a rise in mis- and disinformation, it’s important that every Australian has the opportunity to be informed about and engaged in our democracy.

"The committee wants to hear Australians’ experiences of civics education, and what we can do better to support democratic engagement and participation.

"So many young Australians are passionate about social and political issues, but they may not have access to relevant and reliable information about democratic and electoral processes.

"The diversity of cultures, languages, and life experiences within Australia means we need to ensure access to relevant, digestible, and accurate information about our democracy. This includes for First Nations peoples, people in remote areas and CALD communities."

The committee intends to present a final report for the inquiry by the end of 2024.

Further information about the inquiry is available on the inquiry website.

