Workforce Australia Employment Services Committee public hearing

JOB MATCHING platform SEEK, the Business Council of Australia, academic and policy experts, and members of the youth advocacy and entrepreneurship sectors will appear before the Select Committee on Workforce Australia Employment Services at a public hearing in Canberra on Friday, August 11.

The hearing will focus on how the employment services system should support and work with employers, entrepreneurs, and younger people.

Committee Chair, Julian Hill MP, said, “Employment services have failed to meet the needs of employers. Nowhere is this clearer than in the fact that while employers across Australia are crying out for staff, there are now more long-term unemployed people than before the pandemic.

“Mounting evidence suggests the system has a distorted and perverted focus on supply, and not enough on demand. Or in plain English, case managers are too tied up policing unemployed people without enough focus on working with employers and matching people to actual jobs.

“The committee is all ears, keen to hear ideas for reforms to Australia’s employment services system which could boost demand-led solutions, facilitating more effective workforce planning, recruitment, and lasting employment outcomes.

“We are also interested to listen and learn more about SEEK’s submission—which suggests government is unnecessarily duplicating services—and SEEK’s proposal for change.

“Youth specialist services are important and any reforms must consider the unique needs of younger jobseekers and how they engage with services.”

Further information about the inquiry, including Terms of Reference, future public hearings, published submissions and hearing transcripts, is available on the inquiry website.

Public hearing details

Date                11 August 2023Time               12.45pm – 5.00pmLocation       Committee Room 2S1, Parliament House, Canberra           Witnesses   SEEK Ltd                           Dr Ann Nevile                           Business Council of Australia                           Australian Entrepreneurs Alliance                           Paul Ramsay Foundation                           Australian Youth Affairs Coalition

A live audio broadcast of the hearing will be available via the Parliament’s Watch, Read, Listen website.



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