Plastic pollution in Environment Committee’s sights on Friday

THE House of Representatives Standing Committee on Climate Change, Energy, Environment and Water will hold a public hearing for its inquiry into plastic pollution in Australia’s oceans and waterways in Canberra on Friday, August 11.

The hearing on Friday will hear from representatives from the retail and manufacturing sectors, not-for-profit sectors and the government. The evidence will build on evidence previously heard by the committee when it held hearings and inspected a range of sites around Australia in late June.

Chair of the Committee, Tony Zappia MP said, "The committee looks forward to hearing from groups such as the Australian Food and Grocery Council, the Australian Retailers Association and the Australian Beverage Council, who will be able to provide a design and manufacturing perspective on plastic pollution.

“The committee is concerned to hear that Australia is expected to increase its level of plastic consumption, and groups such as WWF Australia and the Australian Marine Conservation Society have provided a range of recommendations which the committee will explore in more detail at the hearing.” Mr Zappia said. 

The program for Friday’s hearing is:




   Australian Food and Grocery Council, National Retail Association and Australian Council of Recycling (Submission 62)


   Australian Beverages Council (Submission 40)


   Australian Retailers Association (Submission 39)


   WWF-Australia (Submission 15)Australian Marine Conservation Society (Submission 45)




   Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (Submission 59)



Interested parties can view or listen to the proceedings on the Parliament of Australia website.

Further information about the committee’s inquiry, including terms of reference and submissions received is available on its website.



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