Audit Committee public hearing on procurement at Services Australia and the NDIA

THE Joint Committee of Public Accounts and Audit (JCPAA) held a public hearing this afternoon for its inquiry into a series of procurements conducted by Services Australia and the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) which were connected with consulting firm Synergy 360.

The hearing featured Infosys technologies, a firm mentioned in the media reporting that led to the Independent Review of Services Australia and NDIA Procurement and Contracting (the Watt Review).

​Committee Chair, Julian Hill MP said the committee was examining the expenditure of public funds at the NDIA and Services Australia, as well as the conduct of parties associated with procurements by those agencies.

“The committee considers that the serious problems with these procurements identified by the Watt Review warrant thorough investigation and will leave no stone unturned," Mr Hill said.

Details for the public hearing:

Date: Friday 23 June 2023Time: 3.15pm – 5pm AESTLocation: Committee Room 2R1, Parliament House, Canberra.

The hearing was broadcast on the APH Website.

Further information is available on the inquiry website.



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