2022 Federal Election inquiry to hear from third parties and electoral analysts

THE Joint Standing Committee on Electoral Matters is holding a public hearing on Friday,  June 23, as part of its inquiry into the 2022 Federal Election.

The committee will hear from representatives of the Australian Democracy Network, Australian Conservation Foundation, the Human Rights Law Centre; and electoral analysts Dr Brendan Long, Dr Kevin Bonham, Mr Ben Raue and Mr Malcolm Mackerras AO.

Committee Chair, Kate Thwaites MP said, "The committee will hear from electoral analysts about the principle of ‘one vote, one value’ and examine proposals about representation in Parliament, the size of Parliament and opportunities for reform.

"The committee will also hear from third parties about how they engage in political advocacy and their position on proposed electoral reforms," she said.

The inquiry’s interim report was tabled in Parliament this week. The final report is due to be tabled before the end of this year.

Further information about the inquiry, including published submissions and hearing transcripts, is available on the inquiry webpage.



Public hearing details in Canberra

Time: 9.45 am–1.30 pm AESTDate: Friday, 23 June 2023Location: Committee Room 1R3, Parliament House

The hearing will be broadcast live at aph.gov.au/live.

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