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AMMA - Restoring our global competitiveness - carbon tax repealed, now for the mining tax


Resource industry employer group AMMA (Australian Mines and Metals Association), statement by Steve Knott, Chief Executive.

TODAY’S passing of the carbon tax repeal legislation is welcomed as the first of several critical measures required to put Australia back on a level playing field with our international competitors.

Australia has a strong track record as a leader on important social and environmental issues, however any program to reduce our emissions must be closely calibrated with international efforts to avoid damaging our globally exposed industries and living standards.

Repealing the carbon tax removes one of two ideologically driven, flawed taxes imposed by the former government that have added unnecessary costs and risk to investing and doing business in Australia.

The next step in restoring Australia’s global competitiveness should be repealing the Minerals Resources Rent Tax (MRRT).

We need to remove the impediments that stand in the way of further development of our resources sector and secured the associated employment opportunities and economic growth.

Following that, as a nation we need to get back in the business of long-term, sustainable workplace relations reform that will address deeper issues of productivity and competitiveness and bolster our reputation in the international marketplace.
