Growing aquaculture to $2 billion

THE Australian Government’s ongoing commitment to grow the value of Australian aquaculture to $2 billion by 2027 will be discussed at an upcoming public hearing by the ​House Agriculture and Water Resources Committee

The Committee will speak to the Department of Agriculture, Water, and the Environment this Thursday as part of its inquiry into the Australian aquaculture sector. Witnesses will appear in person.

Committee Chair, Rick Wilson MP, noted that, while the day-to-day operations of aquaculture enterprises are regulated by state and territory governments, the Commonwealth holds several key functions which directly affect the sector. These include biosecurity and environmental management, aquatic animal health, food safety, national research programs, and market access and trade.  ​​​

"The Government is currently implementing a National Aquaculture Strategy which recognises the increasingly important role of the sector to the Australian economy and aims to grow its value to $2 billion by 2027. The Committee looks forward to discussing the progress of this strategy with the Department," Mr Wilson said. 

For further information, visit the inquiry website.


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