Finding the path from the justice system to employment

THE Glen Drug and Rehabilitation Centre will give evidence to the House Standing Committee on Indigenous Affairs this Thursday and talk about the success and challenges it has faced helping both Indigenous and non-Indigenous men move into employment.

The hearing is part of the Committee’s inquiry into pathways and participation opportunities for First Nations peoples in employment and business. Witnesses will be appearing via videoconference.

Committee Chair, Julian Leeser MP, said the Committee visited ‘The Glen’ during its public hearings on the Central Coast in April and was very impressed with its work.

"The Glen has operated since 1994 and has helped both Indigenous and non-Indigenous men with a history of addiction and contact with the criminal justice system to overcome significant hurdles and move into employment," Mr Lesseer said. "The Committee noted, however, that these men still faced immense structural barriers which can make it very difficult to find work.

"The Committee looks forward to speaking with The Glen about their successes as well as the ongoing challenges for participants in their program," Mr Leeser said.

Public hearing details

Date: Thursday, 3 June 2021
Time: 11.40am to 12.25pm AEDT

A live audio stream of the hearing will be accessible at

A full program will be available at the inquiry website.


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