VECCI launches Election Campaign with four priority areas


VICTORIA's most influential employer group today launched its election campaign warning the major parties that jobs, infrastructure, skills and international engagement will be vital issues in the November election.

The Victorian Employers’ Chamber of Commerce and Industry (VECCI) listed key priorities within these four areas that the major parties must address to win the support of Victorian business.

VECCI Chief Executive Mark Stone said Victoria has a solid economic base and industries such as health, finance, education and agribusiness have been identified as having growth potential.

“However Victoria’s potential will not be realised without policies that drive greater investment, confidence and business activity,” said Mr Stone.

“There must be incentives for employers to expand their business and employ more people.”

In launching VECCI’s Taking Care of Business campaign, Mr Stone highlighted some of VECCI’s priorities:


- Lift the threshold at which a business starts paying payroll tax to $850,000 - bringing payroll relief to 40,000 businesses and generating more jobs for Victoria. 


- Commence construction of East West Link Stages 1 and 2 and the Melbourne Rail Link. 

- Commit to the expansion of the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre – which would increase business tourism income by $150 million a year. 


- Increase VET in schools funding to reduce youth unemployment and stimulate apprenticeships and traineeships. 

- Redirect Training Guarantee funding to support career paths in the services sectors including hospitality, tourism and retail. 

International Engagement

- Commit $75 million to Victoria’s international engagement strategy over the next four years. 

- Build on Victoria’s strong export base by partnering with business to capitalise on free trade agreements and grow export opportunities in Asia across a wide range of industries. 

Mr Stone said VECCI had launched its campaign almost six months before the election so the major parties have enough time to commit to its agenda for business.

“This is a crucial election for Victorian business,” said Mr Stone.

“A strong business sector means a financially healthier Victoria and VECCI has highlighted a number of recommendations vital to this. Many are longer term innovations that will require detailed discussion with both sides of politics.

“We are seeking a commitment to our agenda from the major political parties to ensure Victoria remains the best place in Australia to live, work and do business.”


The Victorian Employers' Chamber of Commerce and Industry (VECCI) is the peak body for employers in Victoria, informing and servicing more than 15,000 members, customers and clients around the state.




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