Committee to examine communications in territories

PARLIAMENT’s Joint Standing Committee on the National Capital and External Territories has opened an inquiry into enabling communications infrastructure in Australia’s external territories of Norfolk Island, Christmas Island, and the Cocos (Keeling) Islands.

Committee Chair, Anne Webster MP, said, “The remoteness of Australia’s external territories makes providing communications infrastructure, technology and services particularly challenging, while at the same time even more important to the daily lives of residents.

“In addition, ensuring communications infrastructure is fit for purpose is important for the ongoing social and economic development of Australia’s external territories.

“The Committee will examine the current communications situation in each of the territories, activity underway to enhance connectivity and services, and the options and opportunities for improving availability of and access to communications infrastructure," Dr Webster said.

“We look forward to hearing from all interested people and organisations, including residents and businesses in the external territories.”

The Committee is accepting submissions addressing the terms of reference until January 27, 2021. Further information on how to prepare and lodge a submission can be found on the inquiry website. Public hearings are expected to be held during 2021.


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