Committee to inquire into climate change bills

THE House of Representatives Standing Committee on the Environment and Energy has called for submissions for an inquiry into two climate change Bills, sponsored by Zali Steggall OAM MP.

Chair of the Committee, Ted O’Brien MP noted that the Bills propose a change in how Australia manages climate change and the Committee looks forward to considering all views on this important subject.

Over the last 12 months, the Committee has managed parliamentary inquiries into nuclear energy, bushfires and feral cats, and it has also inquired into a Bill on Scope 3 emissions proposed by Mr Andrew Wilkie MP.  

“As always, the Committee will assess the information presented with dispassionate independence before drawing conclusions,” Mr O’Brien said.

The Bills were referred to the Committee by the House of Representatives on November 11, 2020 for its inquiry and report. The Bills are the Climate Change (National Framework for Adaptation and Mitigation) Bill 2020 and the related Climate Change (National Framework for Adaptation and Mitigation) (Consequential and Transitional Provisions) Bill 2020.

The substantive Bill sets out a framework of national climate change risk assessments, national plans for adaptation, an emissions reduction target and emissions budgets.

The Bill would establish an independent Climate Change Commission to advise the Government on these, and to monitor and report on progress. The consequential Bill seeks to amend a number of other Commonwealth laws to reflect the changes made by the substantive Bill.

To contribute to the inquiry, make a submission. Submissions to the inquiry will be accepted until November 27, 2020.

Submissions must be relevant to the terms of the Bill. Details about the Bill and how to make a submission are available on the inquiry website at The preferred method of receiving submissions is by electronic format lodged online using a My Parliament account.

The Committee intends to hold public hearings which will be announced in due course on the inquiry website. 


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