Carbon Nexus opening a win for Geelong and our state

THIS WEEK's Carbon Nexus opening was welcomed by VECCI for the benefits it will bring to the Geelong-region and the Victorian economy.

“The Carbon Nexus opening is a significant event for the region and Victoria, as carbon fibre is a vital part of developing the Geelong-region’s potential as a global advanced manufacturing leader,” said VECCI Chief Executive Mark Stone.

“Building Victoria’s international competitiveness must be a pillar of our state’s longer term growth strategy, so it’s positive to see support for industries with demonstrated growth potential that can take advantage of global opportunities.

“As the Victorian economy continues to undergo change it is important that governments look to capitalise on our core strengths, so we welcome today’s opening,” said Mr Stone.

Mr Stone’s comments come after Premier Denis Napthine officially opened Carbon Nexus today, as part of Deakin University’s Australian Future Fibres Research and Innovation Centre.

“It’s positive to see both state and federal government’s supporting industries that make Victoria more competitive and prepared to take advantage of international opportunities,” said Mr Stone.


The Victorian Employers' Chamber of Commerce and Industry (VECCI) is the peak body for employers in Victoria, informing and servicing more than 15,000 members, customers and clients around the state.



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