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Station Precinct Engagement Program a win for local communities and our economy - VECCI


COMMENT on the Station Precinct Engagement Program by the Victorian Government by VECCI Chief Executive Mark Stone:
- VECCI supports the State Government’s enabling of under-utilised government land to be used more effectively to benefit local communities and the Victorian economy. 

- The resulting mix of housing, retail, commercial and public space from this initiative provides new opportunities for local communities, and Victoria will benefit from the estimated $1 billion in direct investment. 

- The expectation that the project will create more than 3,000 direct project delivery jobs, 5,000 indirect jobs through construction and 800 full-time jobs after completion is welcomed.   

- It’s very important proceeds from this release are recycled and invested in new infrastructure projects that help drive productivity and business activity and support Victoria’s liveability. 

- VECCI urges the State Government to continue exploring innovative ways of funding new infrastructure.

The Victorian Employers' Chamber of Commerce and Industry (VECCI) is the peak body for employers in Victoria, informing and servicing more than 15,000 members, customers and clients around the state.
