Energy Networks welcomes NSW transmission infrastructure plan

ENERGY Networks Australia has welcomed the NSW Transmission Infrastructure Strategy released today by the NSW Government.  

The strategy sets out to boost NSW's interconnection with Victoria, South Australia and Queensland, increase energy capacity and streamline regulation for a modernised grid.

Energy Networks Australia CEO Andrew Dillon said the NSW plan was a vital step towards a more integrated energy system that would deliver greater benefit to customers through a more resilient grid and more competitive wholesale markets. 

“Around the world, modern energy systems are responding to more variable renewable generation by ensuring greater connection between generation sources and customers,” Mr Dillon said. 

“NSW sits at the centre of the National Electricity Market (NEM) and is critical to the development of a more connected energy future.

“Fast-tracking the four key projects outlined in the strategy will bolster the grid's capacity and put downwards pressure on prices – a priority for network businesses across Australia.”

Mr Dillon said the sequential nature of current regulatory arrangements was slow and unsuited to the transformation underway in electricity generation. 

“By providing a funding guarantee for preliminary planning work, the NSW Government can fast-track priority projects while ensuring projects will only proceed where the benefits for consumers clearly outweigh the costs,” he said.

“Networks want to keep costs as low as possible while ensuring new renewable generation can be reliably integrated into our grid. The NSW plan will help achieve this.”  


About Energy Networks Australia

Energy Networks Australia represents Australia’s electricity transmission and distribution networks and gas distribution networks. Members provide energy to virtually every household and business in Australia.



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