Aspects of Peru-Australia FTA revisited

THE TREATIES Committee has agreed to inquire into aspects of the recently examined Peru-Australia Free Trade Agreement.

In adopting a reference from the Minister for Trade, Simon Birmingham, the committee agreed to invite stakeholders to express their views on certain issues arising from recent legislative developments.

Committee chair, Russell Broadbent MP, advised that although the committee agreed in August 2018 that the treaty be ratified, there are some aspects of the broader trade environment on which the Australian Labor Party is urgently seeking advice.

This follows the passage through the Australian Parliament of enabling legislation for the recently concluded TPP-11 (the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership).

"Minister Birmingham, in the spirit of bipartisanship in which recent trade agreements have been negotiated, has asked the committee to support a short investigation which will still enable the legislative deadline to be met for the Peru-Australia FTA. The committee has a reporting deadline of 21 November," Mr Broadbent said.

According to Minister Birmingham, "The Australian Labor Party seeks further investigation into PAFTA in order to satisfy themselves on the merits of the Agreement prior to consideration of its enabling legislation. The ALP particularly requested examination in relation to the Investor-State Dispute Settlement Provisions," Mr Birmingham said.

The committee has agreed to hear views arising from the ongoing concerns over the increasing complexity created by the number of trade agreements, particularly multiple agreements with the same partner. This observation was made by the committee in its August report. Further, the Committee has invited views on the specific inclusion and operation of the ISDS provisions in recently concluded trade agreements.

Submissions are invited by Friday November 2, 2018, and at this stage preliminary arrangements are being made for a public hearing in Melbourne on November 8. Details will be available from the committee website in due course.

Interested members of the public may wish to track the committee via the website.


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