Consultation on draft Copyright Amendment (Service Providers) Regulations 2018 to implement safe harbour reforms

THE FEDERAL Parliament is currently considering changes to Australia’s copyright laws to extend the safe harbour scheme to the education, cultural and disability sector.

The changes aim to ensure these sectors are protected from legal liability where they can demonstrate they have taken reasonable steps to deal with copyright infringement by users of their online platforms.

To ensure the new sectors can comply with the scheme, the Parliament is seeking views on the Copyright Amendment (Service Providers) Regulations 2018.

The amendments aim to ensure the current safe harbour procedures and forms are fit for purpose for the new sectors.

The changes aim to compliment the Copyright Amendment (Service Providers) Bill by not seeking to deviate substantially from how the scheme currently operates.

Comments are being sought on whether the amendments will help the applicable institutions comply with the safe harbour scheme.

Submissions close on June 29, 2018 at 5pm AEDT.


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