Local companies urged to get involved in submarine program

IN ANOTHER positive sign for local industry, Aussie companies are being invited to supply equipment for the Future Submarine Construction Yard at Osborne in South Australia.

The Minister for Defence Industry, Christopher Pyne, said it’s very important Naval Group Australia continues to engage with Australian industry in the development of Australia’s shipbuilding enterprise.

“The Turnbull Government is committed to creating a sovereign naval shipbuilding capability including the construction and sustainment of the Future Submarine fleet for the Navy,” Minister Pyne said.

“The Future Submarines will be built in Australia, by Australians, and we want to maximise the involvement of local industry in all phases and facets of the program.

“The 15 Expressions of Interest are the first for capital equipment released by Naval Group Australia with more scheduled for release," he said.

“The items required include machining, metal cutting, shot blasting and automated welding equipment.”

Minister Pyne said Australian industry involvement in the Future Submarine Program was expected to generate an annual average of around 2,800 jobs over the life of the program.

“This equipment will be central to creating the Australian capability to manufacture the submarines,” Mr Pyne said.

Interested companies should visit: www.NavalGroupFutureSubmarine.icn.org.au


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