Innovation leaders to tackle global problems on Monday at RMIT
HOW innovation can free our oceans from plastics, make our food more secure and lead to better energy solutions will be on the agenda at RMIT University next Monday.
Practitioners and experts from around the globe will gather for the 2017 Asia-Pacific Summit for ISPIM – the International Society for Professional Innovation Management.
Speakers will unpack a range of topics including the blue economy and how our oceans can unlock the planet’s potential; big data and artificial intelligence; future energy infrastructure; and fintech.
“Wicked problems” like plastics in the ocean, food agility, and ‘flirt 2.0’, or how to unleash innovation in the era of digital disruption, will also be tackled.
The 2017 summit brings together global innovation leaders and showcases Melbourne’s best-practice innovation.
The three-day event is hosted by RMIT’s Global Business Innovation Enabling Capability Platform.
The conference will include an address by the Hon Frank McGuire MP – Parliamentary Secretary for Medical Research and Parliamentary Secretary for Small Business an Innovation in the Parliament of Victoria.
A full program and speaker details are available at:
WHAT: 2017 ISPIM Innovation Summit
WHEN: 9am Monday 10am to 3pm Wednesday 13 December
WHERE: Swanston Academic Building (Building 80), RMIT University, 445 Swanston St,Melbourne.