Austrade and airlines peak body talk tourism

FEDERAL Parliament's Northern Australia Committee will hold two public hearings in Canberra on Thursday, 19 October and Friday, 20 October 2017 as part of its Inquiry into Opportunities and Methods for Stimulating the Tourism Industry in Northern Australia.

As part of this inquiry, the Committee is examining the impact of tourism on the economy of Northern Australia including how infrastructure investment can facilitate a sustainable tourism industry and have a lasting spill-over benefit for the greater economy.

Flight services and travel routes are vital to narrowing the distances between tourist destinations in Northern Australia as well as transporting goods at a faster rate. For international tourists and visitors, undertaking a flight bound for Australia often forms their first impression of Australia, and so has an impact on the overall tourism experience.

‘The Committee is eager to learn more about how Austrade is increasing tourism investment under the Australian Government’s Tourism 2020 strategy, especially through the Tourism Major Project Facilitation Service‘ Committee Deputy Chair, the Hon Warren Snowdon MP stated.

‘Easily accessible, affordable and reliable flight connections have long been a point of discussion for those who live and work in Northern Australia, and for tourists, can either make or break the tourist experience. The Committee is pleased to be able to discuss what is being done to improve flight services and routes within and to Northern Australia into the future.’ Mr Snowdon said.

Public hearing details: 

Thursday, 19 October 2017
Committee Room 1R6, Parliament House, 8.45 am to 9.45 am.

Friday, 20 October 2017
Committee Room 1R2, Parliament House, 10.00 am to 12.45 pm.

The proceedings will be broadcast live (audio only) at

Further information about the Committee’s inquiry, including submissions and the terms of reference, is available on the Committee’s website.

Interested members of the public may wish to track the committee via the website


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